Lost Civilizations: Before the known

Pretty close lol… Homo Floresiensis was found not long back on the Island of Flores in Indonesia. About 3 and a half feet tall if i remember correctly. Maybe they were once more widespread than they are today. This race died off around 12,000 years ago.


…or it was a phenomenon called island dwarfism


Sure could have been. Indonesia also has mini elephants.

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Let’s also not forget the majestic Pygmy Hippo!


There’s a pair here in Toronto’s zoo, when I go I often just hang out there for a long time making squeeky noises from cute overload.


How cute are they?! Where are they from?

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Reminds me of this old commercial that was always on in Canada


Yet still people didn’t listen :rofl:


“West Africa, primarily in Liberia, with small populations in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Ivory Coast.”

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12,000 years ago? That recently?! People of the ADC probably told tales of faraway lands, just like we did/do. If there was a good place for a population of hominids to survive the ice age, Indonesia would be it. There are some ruins nobody can quite explain in the part of the world.

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our local zoo got some too…


Yup. I’m thinking they were wiped out ( or were they??)during the Younger Dryas flood 11,700 years ago. Date of extinction matches well.
There are still legends of living Hobbit people among Rural people in the mts. Loggers/ surveyors.
They crafted beautiful stone tools.


There is no telling what’s in the jungles of Indonesia, especially Borneo and New Guinea. There are probably still tribes there unknown to modern science. And the wildlife…good lord, there could be hundreds of undiscovered species. Scientists still haven’t documented everything still around today, let alone what was around 12,000 years ago.


Yeah and I’m a carnivore living in a world of herbivores… I bet that gets some gears grinding…:wink:


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I’d love to go to either place. Borneo is being stripped quickly. When I was a kid it was a primeval wilderness almost all forested.


One of my greatest fears is dying before I can visit so many amazing places on earth. African pyramids, South American pyramids, Stonehenge, islands off Bermuda triangle, Nevada desert outside area 51, many of the UFO hotspots…


Unfortunately, that is an understatement.

Was there in the early 90’s and late 2010’s.

First time, to get ‘down-river’ took a boat for a whole day.
Second time, a 3 hour drive - right to the ‘nature reserve’.

Nature reserve surrounded by palm plantations…

First time there was a Rhino rehabilitation centre.
Second time, rhinos all gone, now a sun bear rehabilitation centre.

sad but true


Wow…absolutely brutal. That hurts my heart irl.
Will we get to a point where previous civilizations have been and the earth says, “fuck this” and just kills everyone with a cataclysmic natural disaster? We’ve gotta be getting close. People are so friggin destructive.


That’s one of the reasons I joined the Army. I got to choose my duty station, and I went to Korea. I also ended up going to Romania, Germany, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and the Philippines. I also lived in Peru, even before joining the Army.
In some ways, the world is way bigger than you imagine. In others, it’s a lot smaller than it seems.


Solid travels, dude!! I can’t wait to start getting around the world.

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“We’ll go down in history as the first society that wouldn’t save itself because it wasn’t cost-effective.” Kurt Vonnegut.