Lost Civilizations: Before the known

That’s if it’s even possible, as we are currently moving through different areas of our galaxy that have higher radiation levels, as well as the same area of it that wiped out the dinosaurs 250,000,000 years ago with high amounts of asteroids and meteors moving through it, so the chances of a planet anialating lump of rock hitting us has dramatically increased atm.

If you subscribe to reptilians amongst others living on the planet with us, they may be the evolved legacy of the dinosaurs we thought had become extinct but just adapted to a colder planet.


Interesting thought. I’ve often pictured Earthly groups of life becoming top dog somewhere else, or as you mention, perhaps even here in our distant past
Reptiles ( reptilians)
Insects from various backgrounds( ant people, mantis people)


Palm plantations are destroying so much of southeast asian and indonesian forests.


If small mamals survived the multiple extinction events that have happened why not other species, dinosaurs may not have even been genuine reptiles as the thinking is now they were warm blooded creatures, seeing as some evolved into birds.

If you can move underground and have a sustainable food supply, even if thats cannibalistic to a point, your species has a chance to survive.

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Once we poison ourselves off, it’s just a matte of time until cockroaches start using stone tools, discover fire, create a food surplus, and civilization pops up.


:rofl::joy::rofl::rofl:…enter Roachman.


Roaches in one variation or another have been around since the Carboniferous. The ones we have now have seen the dinosaurs come and go. If any species is going to survive the anthropological holocaust, it’ll be roaches.


I saw a documentary on Scorpions and they are pretty tough little mofos, they can stand heat over 200 degrees, they dont like it but it doesn’t kill them, and will survive the radiation from a nuclear bomb as well.


I’m thinking of the radscorpions in the Fallout games. That’s highly unlikely, as they’d need totally different atmospheric conditions to grow that large. Then again, there’s no telling how a nuclear war would change the climate. Sorry if that seems a little off-topic, but the Fallout games are set in a world rebuilt after nuclear war. It seems germane.

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Ice age nano machining? These tungsten and copper coils are a fraction of the width of a human hair, and were discovered in the Ural mountains of Russia.



no more off topic than some of the crap on this thread. makes for nice discussions and imagination material, but i doubt every one of them with good reason. the only reason to doubt any of them is there is no way to prove anything about any of it. never will be either. not unless we invent time travel, and since time doesn’t really exist, that may be closer than any of us imagine. or it may also be a load of bullshit. i prefer to think that none of it matters one bit and we don’t have much time left until the restart. days, weeks, years, centuries, who the hell knows? and since there is not one thing anyone can do about any of it, why worry at all in the first place? take away the worries from life and it gets a lot easier to deal with things. am i wrong? probably, but it doesn’t matter.

edit: after re-reading this comment it sounded way more negative than i had intended it to sound. when you read it, keep that in mind please.

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Not lost but still good to remember:


It took almost 1 year for this topic to get 50 likes?! :rofl:


Wow! Impressive! I wonder what the temperature of desert sand reaches??..
Or perhaps the scorpions are building up resistance to the heat of lighters, as the locals in Pakistan like to smoke them, lol. Seriously. They do😁


I like it enough for all of us, my friend. I think I scared people​:joy::rofl:
If someone told me the shit I am posting could be true 10 years ago I would have laughed at them.


I’m still having a tough time accepting that humans could have ever been as big as some of the photos I’m seeing, but I try to keep an open mind. Dinosaurs turned into birds. Perhaps we offspring of giants have gotten smaller, too.


…this one must have shark genetics in it :wink:

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So many objects of antiquity are not easily explained. These objects are overlooked by academics that hold no answers as to how or why they exist. Don’t know what it is? Put it in the basement of a museum and pretend it doesn’t exist.
Is that a scientific approach??