Lost my spider farms lights update!

I mean let’s quit beating around the bush here. Did you give them the wrong address or did they input the wrong shipping address? Because if you gave them the wrong address that is on you. If they messed up then thats on them and they should step up. In no way is it the person’s fault that received the package





well see yeah i could see that to a point. I mean in the case where it has the name on it and they deliver it to someone else and they sign for it under false pretense then that would then be on the shipping company. This kind of situation has a lot of gray area and isn’t just cut and dry. Slippery slope man


Sucks too, cause now these greasy tenants probably have your full name.

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It’s either the hydro shop in Alberta or the warehouse in Ontario that screwed the address UPS had the right address according to the packages they did there job so there’s off the hook .


then I’d be losing my shit at the hydro shop or the warehouse. I’d be chewing ass out all day until this shit got corrected if that’s the case


I believe a typing error as the street it should of went to was 10 st it went to 19 st with 9 and 0 a fat finger mistake is my guess!


Yep id be on the horn all day holding the imbecile responsible. I mean dude $2600. These shipping companies have GPS on all their vehicles and they mark every single stop. They would be able to track what truck your package was on on what day and each stop they made. They would be able to figure it out. You are just going to have to raise some hell. They aren’t going to want to eat $2600 bucks but in the end they will have to


That’s my fear everyone will be pointing fingers at each other UPS already said it’s not there problem .


I’d be throwing a millenial fit. I’m not saying to threaten them, but have a well prepared write up for when you leave 1 :star: comments everywhere if this doesnt get resolved. $2600…makes my head hurt just thinking about it.


Well somebody is going to have to eat that $2600 bucks. Whoever messed up needs to man up and accept they screwed up


I raised hell with a ITM over a $120 ph meter that got shit warranty work. $2600 is a lot of money. I would be on the phone with them till they fix the issue. Speak to the manager or owner regular employees don’t give a shit.


Maybe have to find a guy in red deer to go hang out at the hydro shop . Got a cousin that lives there if they don’t return my calls .


If they entered the wrong address, it is on the Hydro Shop or warehouse. I do not see them having a leg to stand on. I owned a business, if we shipped to the wrong address, it was on us.

As for those renters. You can say it is their address, however it is not their name. They could have put not at this address. Contacted the seller to contact who they belonged to. I really do not see how they have a legal leg either in a court. Was that their name? No.
Did you open it? Yes. Not sure where that would be legal. Just my opinion.


Yes it all depends if someone takes responsibility for the screw up which I’m hoping will happen don’t need this stress and really just want what I paid for or a refund bank is checking to see if they can reverse the payment said they should as long as the funds are in there account .


They know who messed up. Paper trails are always there. Trust me.

Regardless of whether it was the store or the warehouse, the store did not deliver what you paid for.

Good luck with it. I do hope the bank can help you. If they can not, that is a lot of money to throw away.


You could also contact ilumitech / spydr and let them know you are having problems with one of their retailers.

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In the USA it is felony mail theft to open a piece of mail that is not in your name. Especially if you then withhold that item from the correct owner.

So if you live in america, the Renters are definitely liable if they did anything other than send it back or set it to the side. If they opened it, sold it, keeping it from you, etc, they have committed a felony.
This isn’t the only source.


Did you call the order in or did you order online or in store? The order would have to have been sent email to SF from the retailer. If SF put in the wrong address its on them, if the retailer sent in the wrong address it’s on them as long you gave them the right one. I usually ask people to send me an email or txt for phone orders so I’m not the one who wrote something down wrong, it happens.

Its illegal to take the package or open mail if its not address to you that’s for Canada Post not sure how it works for other couriers.


Well give a thumbs up to UPS they were able to get the packages from the renter and all is good .