Lost my spider farms lights update!

Long story short ordered 3 spider farm leds from a hydro shop in red deer . For some reason the delivery address was wrong and they got left at a door in a scummy part of the city on the first.

I’ve made several trips to the address with no luck with anyone answering the door. Tonight I was lucky enough to catch the owner of the house said it’s a rental and he’d said the renter got 3 packages delivered on the first .

Should I go to the police and make a report or continue to contact the renter it’s close to 2600.00 in lights UPS won’t get involved as the packages were delivered to the address on the packing slip so there off the hook!

Hydro shop was supposed to call today to let me know what they were going to do but of course that didn’t happen


I’d talk to the owner more about getting in contact with the renter. Then go to the police. That’s an all around shitty deal. Wish you the best!


Yup hope someone goes good for the screwup . I’d left my info with the home owner and let it slip that I don’t want to get the police involved but if I don’t get them back I have no choice so hopefully he’ll pass that message on and will get them motivated to return them.


That is really shitty. Sorry to hear that. What is the store going to do is the real question. They screwed up the address, should be their problem and not yours.

Hopefully is gets cleared up quickly for you.


I don’t see what the police can do.
Whoever screwed up the addy is responsible


Yes I was just hoping the mention of cops would motivate them to return them. I’m pretty positive the police wouldn’t get involved .


If you paid by CC or PP you can file a complaint and have payment blocked


Bank transfer going to call the bank tomorrow see if I can get it reversed .


Call the hydro shop and ask to speak to the owner or the store manager. if they fucked up the address, they should be refunding you.


No brainer. If the store stuffed up the address then they are liable. You should not even be wasting your time sorting it out. You ordered something and they did not send it to you. End of story.


Look on Craigslist. They might be for sale at that address.


Lol that or already at a pawn shop


“$2,600 in lights?”

“best I can do is $40”


I wouldnt contact the cops. There is really nothing they can do. The renter didn’t put down the wrong delivery address and they didn’t steal the lights. Unethical sure but the situation isn’t on them thats for sure. If the store messed up the address then that should be on them. If you messed it up well you know


Not sure I agree- possessing something that isn’t yours would be theft. Selling those would probably be an even bigger deal


How would it be when it was sent to their address without their prior knowledge? They doesn’t pretend to be someone they weren’t too get them, they were put on their doorstep like gifts. I’d be going after the point of sale


I’m not sure on a legal stand point what they’d say ? If it was Canada post and you opened mail from someone else say a govt cheque and cashed it maybe mail fraud or tampering with federal mail . I know we had a rash of mail box thefts happening and I believe the thief got 2 years bit of a different situation he was prying community mail box’s open .

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Ouch… $2600!!! Frig. I’d be emailing, calling, faxing, writing letters to the hydro shop. Was it them (hydro shop) who entered the wrong address with UPS? If so, the shop definitely did you wrong. Someone over there fucked up huge! I would be livid!!! Dont let them ghost you. How far is Red Deer from where you live? $2600, I would be on their doorstep every morning…even if it was a 5 hour drive.


You can disagree all you want but they didnt steal the package and I guarantee you the cops would view it the same way. This is on the person that gave or inputed the wrong address. Like I said unethical sure but if something got sent to my house then guess what I’m opening it I don’t care if it has my name on it or not.

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Agreed…kind of. If it had the right address but shiska’s name on it?..would that count for nothing?

Not trying to a smartass…just trying to learn…kind of. drops burning joint on myself