Loud (road-kill) skunk

Skunk18 x 81 made last year

From last year I do find it hard to beleive that there is much sativa at all in the skunk 18. If there was it def was bred out

Super shunky. Going to get big. Lots of promise here too



I acquired some RKS Heime Cheeba recently
Im going to cross the Exodus Cheese into it.
Ive also ordered some pre '90 skunk to throw into the mix.
Im a little curious as what HC line mixed with Exodus might reveal

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From what I have heard 0 rks from HC.

Fingers crossed for you though. :pray:

Please keep us updated would love your opinion



Here’s a possible full image of the flower used on the 81 sacred seeds afghani hindu kush seed packages.

Pretty sure I always remember it being on the front cover of Mel franks grow guide.

Correct me if I’m wrong.



Now that the nlxsk x 81 are getting closer to the finish line they are really evolved Into and extremely cheese nose. Kinda like old aged skunky cheddar

Will be very interesting how these terps evolve and Play out.



working my way through a pack rn, they are beautiful looking plants but have not found the old school RKS. I’m not sure it’s in there alone for expression. The notes from the guy selling the seeds says that it is a fruit/skunk variety if you do a google search you can find one of his grow logs so it’s not like he’s hiding the fact that it’s not the nasty nasty rks we all remember. Who knows someone could pop one and find it however. I’m enjoying the plants that said, they make excellent bubble has and have a low to med yield, extremely resinous, sticky


Thank MMB
Yes, Ive heard several say its definately not the holy grail RKS and i didnt/dont expect that.
But also read ppl who grew it say that it does have some dead skunk like terps, but that they are not very strong.
My hope is that in able to find the phenoes that carry some of that and then see what happens when those ( muted) terps meet the Exodus Cheese and the pre '90 skunk.
If they enhance the faint terps, or change them, and if so, into what?
Ill post results later but its an indoor winter project, so no promises on the time line, besides just hopefully before Spring :wink:


Knowing what to grow is just as important as knowing what not to grow

Don’t get duped by any more fake dutch skunk



I dont mean to disrespect the dead, but does anybody else find it kind of fucked up HC sold RKS for ludicrous money knowing it was kind of bullshit?

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The thought had crossed my mind.

Was it a coincidence? Or was it a conspiracy?


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Its a curiosity. By all accounts, he was a great friend to many and held a wealth of knowledge. He was so well liked people who have been interviewed and asked about him tend to just go with the narrative that he had real RKS or a version of it, which might just mean our noses are broken from smoking weed for so long, but all it really means is good will goes a long way. Its just bizarre.


I read that he sold them at 600 usd a pack and Ive seen it listed prices from 150-800 usd.
Complete madness
I went with them as i scored 30 seeds for 65 usd, and despite knowing its not the RKS holy grail, it is suppose to contain some nice terps, although not as strong as could have wanted.
Im enlarging my genetic pool from scratch after a 13 year grow break and i find them interesting to use in future breeding.
Especially in future hybrid skunk crossed
Keep an eye on my YouTube channel for further projects and developments.
We have a climate here similar to BC in Canada so im breeding outdoors using old Danish early landraces and BC genetics like Mighty Mite, Guerilla Gold, Matanuska Thunderfuck etc
And indoor genetics like Cheese, skunk, C99 etc


Would love to see everyone share their skunk terp victories and victimhoods from skunk-scams lol

Calling non skunk weed skunk is probably the worlds biggest and longest lasting false advertising in the history of mercantilism



As a bean popping maniac myself, I can tell you, I am done with public “skunk” lines. I wasted much space and time on “Oh so stinky” lines that end up smelling like pears and bs, sweet sweet smell of bs :joy:


For fun I’m making some soap x HC RKS, for science, lol. The timing is super convenient.

Same dude.

At least I got hustled back then when I had the space and time to fuck around. And learn what not to grow.

But other people data mine will still help everyone else where to start what to and not to buy



Maybe, but Haze is up there along with blueberry.

In a few years, I think people will look back with disbelief at all the hype strain auto crosses being marketed as such like GSC auto, Gorilla glue auto, and so on…

I’m not on the hunt really. I just love the effort and passion people have. I find the journey more interesting than the destination.


I had the strange idea that I needed to practice on public skunk and gain knowledge, before attacking the old line I was endowed with.

Learning I did. My breeding didn’t get better for it but I can smell bs a mile away. S’not all bad :wink:

So now I just wing it with what I have.

Sometimes you don’t know what you have until you go panoramic


This one smelled like skunk, from veg to flowering,more than undertones, good up effects,long shelf life,and chopped in September in S Ontario Canada in clay.61/2-7/10 for quality of high and I only touched it twice all year,planting and harvest. It was from a small seedbatch from the year prior.The goal was an early harvest with weed that still hit and aroma wasn’t even a consideration and just happened that way and neither parent smelled like skunk so I’m not even sure if skunk begets skunk.



Looks like a kush or hashplant…what were the parents?


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