Loud (road-kill) skunk

Old GH widow x reeferman red congo


I have smelled some very skunky ww hybrids and phenos since the 90s.

Looks dank!


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So the rks I got from this last box was a repro of hc rks right? And from what I’m reading no one’s pulled a rks from them? So is that the peachy line or is dnas line different

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Pretty sure it’s called the people that have never smoked or grown or even sold rks should not be labelling anything rks lol

I found this super stinker in the garden about of a month back.

been waiting for it to evolve. it hasn’t. just sharp. pungent skunk. at the smallest breeze or a gentle touch.

I feel like my photographic memory has served me well as far as road-kill skunk terps go.

I don’t have full plant pics now as they are all bent and trained sideways to keep dew and rain off the precious developing seeds in the swollen calyxes.

this 70s skunk came as a very nice surprise. :ok_hand:

if anyone is familiar with the arizona only thread on ic mag. all phenos in this line match all the plants featured in that awesome thread



Oooofffff i will always wonder what real RKS smells like. Must be intense. Were you able to reproduce some ?


Been a long process.

Now I’m at a point in life where I can focus all my time and energy to get her done. Being in the right place helps as well

I will have 81 afghani hindu kush male seeds x all my findings this year. And some random island pink kish pollen on more important branches



Anyone ever have a flower smell like Elmer’s glue or shop glue / adhesive before?

I sourced an old cali plant called sin I think this spring as basically everyone I know now is helping me source skunk terps in clone or seeds form.

It almost ready to harvest…just waiting for the beans to mature.

I’ve def had plumbers cement in the terp mix but honestly never 90% white glue…



Yes I’ve encountered that glue scent a few times. Kinda burns your nose a bit. Something is different in today’s herb though…what I don’t know? The word dank doesn’t come to mind anymore like the 90s early 2000s herb. Dank/skunky…same smell description to me. It’s just not there…there’s gassy smelling things like ogkush. The long lost skunk/ dank is gone though…chems kind of flirt with the smell.


I’ve found this in Dream Beaver but then it changed. Smells don’t last very long with DB.

I think that has to do with proper habits proliferating because of 1. The internet and 2. Non black market growing insentive.

We grow happy plants that by and large get cured and smoked in a timely manner without a shit ton of abuse. I have some 8 month old Pineapple Fields that’s been in a Grove bag with some serious garbage dankness, where at harvest it was a much sweeter rotting pineapple garbage smell at harvest.

Just my 2 cents.

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Not the road kill but something really different My cross called Disgust-O has gotten some pretty good reviews here from the few that grown it so far. It’s Diapers in the summer garbage can for sure. I plan on doing more work with the remaining seed I have left. Was Nature farm Red Eye Skunk x Skunk 18 male. Very Shitty molten trash smells you might love it !

one review

full quote " .Now @ SkunkHunt101 had a cross called disgust-o that was absolutely foul I think it was a nature farms red eye skunk crossed out to a UFS#18 that was also a nature farm stock.it smelled like a full baby diaper left in a dumpster that had a dead hobo in it that pissed himself as he passed.Truly revolting but was pretty good shit.I got some wierd side eyes when I busted that stuff out."

I will for sure get more of these seeds done soon to share. I am down to about 2 packs left. I gave tons of these away here on OG. Some smelly surprises for anyone who gets them out. Got real lucky on this cross its HORRIBLE delicious good shit! . Super fast flower too it’s insane. More to come



I had a wack of skunk seeds I the late 90s I grew. Very unstable. But the phenos were arwsome.

My buddy said the main pheno smelled like baby poop or baby diapers.

Admittedly I am the worst for disecting subtle aromas…unless a plant is strong in like 1 to 3 smells. I suck at pinning down combos of them

I never smelled what he could.



I agree with alot of what’s been said thanks mm for searching. Hopefully you can get something close. On a side note the closest thing I’ve gotten to a rks was a sensi seed black domina when she first came out. Big time reeker. Could have the shit sealed in your car trunk, and still smell it haha. I think it’s very rare pheno wise. This was maybe 2001 or something. Dark army green buds with sparse orange hairs, very deep stank with matching taste. Bought 3 oz of it and stashed it for a year…was an awesome year! I inquired numerous times to get a clone, but dude wouldn’t budge no matter what I offered.

To this day I’ve found nothing remotely close to that kinda smell. Everybody would make a comment about the LOUD smell. Think people’s best bet would be to run some older sensi strains…possibly f2’s. Whoever finds the rks is going to be rich I’ll tell you that much. Literally everybody wants it. The high was devastating too, strong smell = strong smoke in my book more times than not.

Don’t sleep on sensi star either, she’s my favorite smoke of all time. There’s some big time stinkers. Imo best seed for stink is serious seeds white russian, better have odor control for her. Reeks veg to flower


Despite them not claiming RKS terps, have anyone tried Skunk Special '90 from Kwik seeds?
Its UK based


Khalifa genetics also has a really oldschool Skunk
Aladdins Skunk

Although not RKS there might be something to build on and cross into in the old original lines

Omg…more false advertising (probably)

I’ve said this before and will say it again: people that never smoked, sold and or grew skunk weed should never have or had sold anything called skunk


Well. I am stoked to see the truth finally becoming more mainstream.


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None of them claim to be RKS.
I posted them because they are original oldschool Skunk lines if anyone has interest in breeding on pre 2000 Skunk stock.

Personally i find the old lines more interesting.
I popped a pack of Sensi Seeds Skunk #1 outdoor this year, looking for a possible future breeding male keeper.
10 seeds.
7 germinated.
0 males.
They have no smell and tricome production is pretty limited

Ill definitely give the oldschool lines a go instead.

Btw if your looking for Catpiss terps, definately go for the Royal Dane.
It also adds early flowering and mold resistance to any hybrid


This isn’t a skunk general thread, it’s a road kill skunk thread.

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Road kill skunk doesn’t exist. It’s just a mythical concept.

You know the people who invented religion don’t believe in it right. Their just having fun with the followers. So many seedbank tattoos its hilarious