Loud skunk 2023 season testers grow

:loudspeaker: This is official sponsor’s topic and it is self-moderated. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic.

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Please feel free to post your freebie / testers loud skunk project overgrow giveaways here

As the first post alerts: cyberstalking and hatespeech won’t be tolerated and will be quickly moderated.



Do you possibly have a feedback thread? I think it would be a great thing. I think all sponsors should. It would help new folks understand who’s got a good track record here with testing. I’ve been really happy testing for lots of folks here and all of them have spaces for feedback. Positive or negative.


I think that’s a great idea :bulb: I usually get feedback on my socials / email and reshare them.

As long as feedback is honest, and verifiable to me it’s neither good nor bad. Just the truth

My quality assurance mind currently thinks there are alot of folks with opinions that have never even tried any of my products which can disrupt the site as a whole

For lack of sounding ignorant I don’t see why anyone can’t start one to me a 3rd party lends credibility as far as better business practices go…thoughts?

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Historically, it’s a bad idea for others to create feedback threads for members. That normally only happens when a member doesn’t open one for themselves and someone has something negative to say. Or at least that’s the way I have seen that scenario play put.


I’m not quite sure what you’re alluding to with this sort of talk. I like sativas too but no need to be paranoid. I was just curious about feedback. I think we all have opinions but feedback threads are generally pretty good because most the time folks with experience with you or your work will post and others without experience won’t have as loud of voices. Can you tag folks here with finished logs of your work then so I can browse? I went through yours but you’ve got a lot of different photos of different cuts. What parents did you use for this? I don’t have any other forms of social and love to support overgrow with my time and am curious to read them here. I really only found the one incomplete one. Just an inquiring mind! :purple_heart::metal:t2:


Hey amigo

Not alluding to anything really. Just how my mind works is all. Like I said. It’s a good idea :grinning: