M0sirys small tent experiences

hello Overgrowers,

welcome you to flowering day 54 :slight_smile:

temp = 24-29°c
rh = 50-55%
Ec = 0.85
pH = 5.5
par = 650-800

everything is running smoothly nothing out of the normal! :slight_smile: as you can see there are seeds, so i think my first try in crossing try went well!
hopefuly there will be alot of seeds in the end ! :slight_smile:

have a great day and enjoy!!!


So finally the time has come! today the good lady falls! I hope a few seeds come together. :innocent: :innocent:


so i guess for the first time you could say it was a success :slight_smile: @Natea the pollen was viable enough :slight_smile: thanks for that again. i let them dry for a couple of days. when they are ready i`ll drop you a pm :wink:


Heyy I was just wondering the other day if that worked for you! Good job man


So seeds are still drying .:slight_smile: i cleaned up the small tent yesterday and fill it up with a wedding cake from barneys. she looks a little beaten so we will give her 14 days to adapted and grow before we switch 12/12 :slight_smile:

have a great day!!


Franco’s Lemon Cheese x BOGs Blue Mock Rocks sounds epic.
Congrats on the cross! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


thank you my firend!! hopefuly something good comes out! :innocent:

x-mas is coming so if people are intressted in the untested f1. i m happy to share some !!! :slight_smile:


Hi Overgrowers,

seems like the WC is slowly recovering ! :slight_smile: we have still 9 days of vegi left. i think by then we have a solid base.

i am thinking of renaming the thread or start a new one . i have flowered quite some FLC made a cross out of it and have a nice mother of her. so her survival is assured and i can put her on pause for a while:) so a new name like “m0sirys small tent experiences” might be good idea :slight_smile:

temp = 23-27°c
rh = 55-65%
Ec = 0.90
pH = 5.8
par = 495-660

stay safe and enjoy!


She looks way better now, definitely feels at home at your’s lol

Do you plan to grow the cross you made? It’s always a special to try a ‘first time’ :wink:

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you mean

thank you
of course i ll grow them ! but at the moment im a have not much space left. sour d. is taking most of the space. after the sour d run in the big tent, i want to grow some SSH i got from JP. th mother is already growing. if she is able to produce enough cuttings by then iḿ going with the ssh and after that iĺl start my own cross. If she has not enough i start some Moon Cheese Rocks :slight_smile:

I ordered some Cardboard Coin Holder today for sharing some of those seeds :slight_smile:


better for sure but she sure needs another week ! by then she should be healthy enough for th flip


Hello Overgrowers hope you and your gardens are doing well!
We are one night away from the flip! Timer is already set 12/12 so tomorrow is flowering day 1 for the Barneys Wedding Cake!

temp = 22-26°c
rh = 55-60%
Ec = 1.35
pH = 5.8
par = 500-700



Even though I don’t have any space, I couldn’t resist germinating at least one seed.

So here I present the first of her kind “Moon Cheese Rocks”

I know there’s not much to see yet, but I thought I’d just show the plant to you.

Update on the WC coming tomorrow :slight_smile:

Have a nice day everyone! stay safe and enjoy


Hello Overgrow !

sorry for being late! WC is today on flowering day 9 :slight_smile:

everything is running smooth ,so i`m just waiting for the stretch to finish.
some of the branches will need a jojo later on. but ithink that is not going to be a problem.

temp = 22-26°c
rh = 55-60%
Ec = 1.35
pH = 5.9
par = 500-700

have a great day!


Yours came in man, thanks! Congrats on some healthy plants too man!

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man im glad to hear that!!! good that they got through. Ihope when time comes you`ll find something good in there! :slight_smile:

without you this cross would not been possible ! big thanks again! and as soon as i do F2 next year you will get another pack :wink: have a great day my friend!


So many awesome grows going on this site I’m glad I ended up in here…. Your tents are looking awesome! Grats on the successful seed run :+1:. I’ll be in hiding in the rafters watching you grow & takin :memo:


thank you @NoCal

i appreciate your words! and i’m glad you like it! yes so many great growers here! it’s so much fun to read and discover, exchange ect.

I’m so glad I ended up here! Just a great space to exchange, learn and be amazed!

So a big thank you @Overgrow and his mods and @ people who make this to such a great place


So here is an update on the Wedding Cake on flwering day 18

So far all is well ! the stretch should be over in the next few days. Some of the branches are hanging a bit because of their weight. but unfortunately the jojos are still too strong. so i’ll wait a bit longer and then bring the branches into position. i think that should work!

temp = 21-26°c
rh = 50-52%
Ec = 1.35
pH = 5.9
par = 600-750

stay safe and enjoy


nearly forgotten to show a pic of the moon cheese rocks :slight_smile: i topped her/him today :slight_smile: