M0sirys small tent experiences

This was the perfect thread for me to find this morning! Congratulations on your seeds!

I’m setting up a small tent (2x2) as well, so looking at your techniques has been very valuable. Just wanted to tell you I appreciate your postings and am taking what I have learned this morning into account!


thank you for your kind words ! it makes me really happy
when you have found something you like in my posts :slight_smile:
I feel the same way with your and all the other great growers and your posts.

I haven’t forgotten you all about moon cheese rocks either! after the new year I will definitely be handing out packs. However, at the moment there are so many opportunities to win something that I wanted to wait a little longer! so that it does not fall under the radar :slight_smile:

wish all OGs a great christmass!!!


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Beautiful and healthy, It’s like they’re on cruise control.

Maybe you could trade some seeds with the members that have what you seek. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. haha


good morning @inthewoods and thanks brotha!
i really appreciate your words !! :slight_smile:

I like a lot of stuff :smiley: But i’ll just give packs to people who want them and a few people i want to give them to. i’m just waiting to see what pops up over time! the community is so nice and it’s shared so much it’s just great :slight_smile:

After sylvester, i will write to the people i would like to give them to. The rest I will raffle off among everyone. I think we have enough possibilities :smiley:


Hey my friend, how do you do it with the reservoir? Do you measure everyday the specs and adjust? Recently I bought a dwc unit and actually don’t know what to do except what I read in the instructions. Do you have any tips?


I think I’ll sure have a tip or two.

i did the daily measurement thing for quite a while, during the changeover from finished fertilizer to nutrient salts. and i would always recommend checking the values twice a day if possible the first time with a new system and adjusting the nutrient solution. ect ect. if you like, send me a pm with some info and pictures of the system and we can do it in your native language XD


I’ll do, but not today. I’m already drunk cause we have Christmas party from work lol


nope enjoy your christmas party! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:D when you have time let me know :slight_smile:


Good morning and merry Christmas @ all!!

Hope you all have a great time with the Family!!

The Power supply for my PC got toasted somehow! :confounded::confounded:So Updates are coming as soon
As i have a new one. Last year IT wasvthe pump :joy::joy: . This year i have an extra Pump .

Stay Safe and enjoy your days off


Happy New Year, @m0sirys . Thanks for always checking in on our grow journal like a subscription! Always appreciate the support, even just those likes. You got a lot of great stuff happening in here, all the same.
From us and Jessicat to all you and yours, all the best in the new year. I hope you had plenty of time to reflect on the last year and plan to make 2024 all the more better. You got this.
Stay up


happy new year my friend! thanks for those words they are appreciated. :slight_smile:
i enjoy reading your updates !!. i also wish you the best possible year 2024!!! :slight_smile:


hope,you don´t get trouble with a Namensrechtsstreit:wink:



thats a good one :smiley:

glaube das war das einzige bild das ich generiet hatte wo kein rocks draufstand


huii,nochmal :pig: gehabt… :smile:


aber hola die waldfee sag ich dir XD


Hello Overgrowers!

It’s been quite a while since I posted an update here.

Unfortunately I had to throw the Wedding Cake in the garbage can due to lack of space, fortunately my Sour Diesel Harvest will last me a while. So it’s all half as bad, as I have a mother from the WC anyway. :smiley:

So now to the current state of things. Some time ago I had already grown a Super Silverhaze mother from a JP seed and then made cuttings. My cats killed the mother. They were probably underutilized and thought the SSH mother would make a great toy :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: Good thing I had enough cuttings :smiley:

So here are 2 pictures of how it looks on flowering day 9. Sorry for the bad pictures. A new cell phone or camera will have to wait a while.

have a great day



I put a dehumidifier in my grow with the drip hose out into a bucket and only turn it on during the dark hours, and only after the buds start to develop into buds. During the day I have the filtered circulation running above 83 F. This process has prevent white mold. You also need your fanning fans.

My two cents.



thanks for you advice! the tent is controlled via a climate controller. that is holding the tent in an acceptable range. And there is also a circulating fan in the tent, but you can’t see it at the moment :slight_smile:
i had never an issue with mold. (tiil now ) and i hope it stays thats way!


Your tent is looking nice and healthy, nice job @m0sirys


thank you my friend for your kind word ! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

hopefuly it stays this way, i ´m trying something new with the small cubes. we will see how it works out.

have a great day!