M0sirys small tent experiences

@TopShelfTrees1 @m0sirys

So the filters just gave up one day and started stinking? no small warning smells first? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I am using the first and only filter I bought nearly 10 years ago.

I was gonna replace it after my current grow but think I might get one in now ready to swap straight over :grimacing:


really??? i cannot believe,a carbon filter works for 10yrs
i changed mine annualy and i still got a smell


10 or so grows on the filter is probably more accurate I haven’t been growing continuously, it’s also extremely oversized in my 4x4, its 200x660mm with a 60mm bed and weighs the best part of 40lbs.


Good morning @m0sirys and friends ! Hope today is great for everyone.
@cilantro that’s definitely a long time, but if it’s still working that’s awesome! I usually get a year or so give or take. Sometimes if it’s getting close and I have particularly stanky cultivars I’ll swap early. I’m curious now and should really start comparing cuz they aren’t cheap! If I could get a few years I’d be much happier :laughing:

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good morning again @ all !

ten years and 10 grows are something totaly different. :slight_smile: also depends on the size of operation :slight_smile: but itś great that the filter last this longe for you

@TopShelfTrees1 so moms are cut back! :smiley: So I don’t have to do anything over Easter :smiley: and we have the ones that are left, unfortunately we have everything closed until Tuesday. and it makes no sense to put them in the mail now. But as soon as the next batch grows, I’ll get a nice letter ready for you. Maybe something will survive the shipping :smiley:


Sweet! I bet it will, I’ve been having great luck lately! I appreciate you bro. Very much


I’m finally almost finished too! I have some cleaning up , some organizing etc. and I need to make some coco up but the end is in sight ! Finally


Goodmorning @m0sirys

Mommas are looking good by the way !


good morning @Weednerd.Anthony :slight_smile:

thank you ! yeah at the moment i have no problems at all!

happy plants happy live


Morning over here!! @m0sirys And @Weednerd.Anthony !! You always put your cuts in a cup of water? And do they stay there for some small roots?


good morning @Hotrods_and_hounds . :slight_smile:

I usually only use this as a kind of temporary storage when I take cuttings from the mother plant, and I find it more practical to complete one step before starting the next. if I were to use them now, I would cut them at the bottom coat them with root powder or gel and then place them in rockwool cubes in a mini greenhouse.

ps: but you could let them root in the water with no prob! but thats not my prefered method. it takes to long :slight_smile:


I’ve done it, so it should work! Good luck!

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good morning @ all ,

Today is flowering day 63 . :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: and I’m afraid we really do have another 3-4 weeks ahead of us, as expected. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:What do you think, purely in terms of appearance?

I wish mine were already as fat as @HighTilliDie SSH! :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
They look fantastic brohta!!

Back to my SSH :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:
After 9 weeks, the plants are showing the first signs of fatigue. This is to be expected at some point. However, they have done well in their little cube so far, in my opinion.

I actually wanted to sow “Moon Cheese Rocks” a long time ago, but due to the maturity of the SSH, I didn’t, as otherwise there would only be a lack of space and I want to avoid that for the sake of the ladies. Let’s see what it looks like in 14 days. Enough stoner blah blah, here are a few pictures

Have a nice day and take care of yourselves! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Looks amazing! I think my SSH are gonna come down next Sunday. Waiting for a new microscope to come in then ill check trichomes again Wednesday for a more clear picture. But they definitely aren’t gonna go 11-12 weeks like yours


Goodmorning @m0sirys and @HighTilliDie

Ssh look like they are stacking up nicely!


thank you brotha!

Oh, I’m so pleased that everything is on schedule for you! You will definitely enjoy it, I am sure of that. :slight_smile:

and does she reeks like a full old catlitterbox ??

I’m still waiting to check the trichomes on mine. the way they look at the moment, you can see without a magnifying glass that they still need time! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:


good morning @Weednerd.Anthony thank you!!

yeah stacking is great thatś sure !
hope they bulk like that in the next weeks too. that would be so great.

the smell is amazing ! still citrus and sandlewood can`t wait to cure them and see how it might change .


Nope I don’t get a lot of strong smells from her but im sure once I cut one down (Sunday I’ll probably cut the GP and SSH) and pull it out that all the smells will smack me in the face. Currently I can only smell the spiciness of the GP and its floral fruity smell because it’s just so potent

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Can i ask what kind of watering you use?.

Also um genau zu sein welche wanne hast du oben auf dem bild?


@Villiager klar kannst fragen :smiley: was meinst genau mit wanne? ich hab ne tropfbewässerung von oben und die blumen stehen auf ner 60 x60 cm schale darunter ist ein 10 liter spüleschüssel XD nix besonderes :smiley: