M0sirys small tent experiences

good morningn brotha ! :slight_smile:

you have time for OG today ? :slight_smile: have great day and nice celbration!!!

For a little bit of time this morning yeah we got till 11 to get ready

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Thanks for your kind words brother!

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@m0sirys have an awesome 4/20 my friend


Good morning growmigos!!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

time for a small pic update on flowering day 85. not much to say , just waiting till the ladies finsh. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

wish you all a great day ! stay safe and enjoy


Not much to say but plenty to smoke in a while. :grin:

Lot of pretty foxtailing going on. Dumb question maybe but when you have a plant like that throwing new flowers seemingly forever how do you gauge harvest time? Kinda compromise/balance older flowers getting over ripe and the new stuff not quite ready yet?

Looks like the plants themselves are senescing maybe that’ll speed up the rest?


Yes, it should probably be one of the two joints I hope! :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

That’s a tough question, but certainly not a stupid one :wink: It’s totally crazy that they still sprout, isn’t it! I haven’t really had it like this before either.

What is clear is that not everything can mature. There are too many new hairs for that. At some point you just have to head them off, so as you said you have to find the right balance, which is often also a personal feeling, at a certain point they certainly know that they reached there end


They look great :kissing_heart:, being patient will reward you, you can snap a small nug (not from the top) to calmly check trichomes with your scope … beer3|nullxnull


Have you kept it in the veg stage for this long?


hi @George ,

thank you ,hope youj are doing well !

yea that is so true that patient will reward you. and ssh in known to take quite some time depending on the pheno. and atm no need for bud so i am relaxed but amazed that they take so long to finish.

That’s exactly what I do :slight_smile: On different plants and at different heights. If you do this a few times, you know when they are ready. :slight_smile:


2-3 weeks maybe ? I would have to look for the post myself now.
They have been in flower for 12 weeks now


If you remove a lot of the p from feed , like 5/12/25 ( also lowering ec ) then plant can’t make new bud and will finish
: )


thanks for the tip brotha! i`ll try that with the next ssh run. from now iĺl just add water :slight_smile:


Good morning brotha :coffee:

I see orange hairs, Its happening! :joy:

Did you switch the lighting to 11/13 or 10/14? Hope you had a great week and have a fun weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @InTheWoods !

finally :smiley: yes i did switch to 11/13 and reduced the nuts like ifish suggested.
I think next time I will change the nutrient profile earlier, as well as the light cycle at the end of flowering. Thanks for that tips @ both of you ! :slight_smile:

My week was good so far, The next two weeks are going to be much fun. Iḿ taking care of the dog from my landlord. take alook at that cutie.


Nice! Shes chilling and snug as a bug.

I tend to stop feeding after week 6 {lambast away haha] and let them eat up what’s in the soil for the last 3-4 weeks. Also when feeding I tend to a go lite and start at 1/4, then go to 1/2 strength up to week 6. Water only from then on out.

Have you been feeding this whole time and what are you feeding them at 1/4, 1/2 or full strength when you were? Everyone has their own regiments and no real right way but to observe what the plant is telling us and respond.


awww, so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
give it a nice pet from us, bro.


done, now he sleeps on my pillow :laughing:


I’ll have to go into a little more detail. I hope I can do it properly. I would do exactly the same as you on soil, no ifs, ands or buts. :smiley: Unfortunately, this doesn’t work on rock wool. They would eat themselves within a very short time. One reason for this is that rock wool does not contain any nutrients and is therefore inert, in contrast to soil. That on the otherside gives you control over pretty much every singel nutrient and there interaction Kation/anion. bla bla bla. Don´t want to bore you i

Because I haven’t used commercial cannabis fertilizer for 2 years or so, simply halving it doesn’t really work for me. Because it messes up the entire chemical balance in the medium. once again bla bla

At some point I decided to handle the whole thing by ppm/L for the individual nutrients. Kudos to USA Canada Israle and all those I’m forgetting now for all the great studies of the last few years. However, I am still refining and trying out all these things. You never stop learning :slight_smile:

My aim is always to keep the plant green in all areas for as long as possible.


I forgot your in Rock wool Doh!
I have zero experience in that medium.

I don’t find it boring when I’m learning something new. Bend my ear all you want.

I’d say you’re doing a great job, Keep it up brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: