M0sirys small tent experiences

Oh man, that’s a nice haul !

I can’t wait to hear how she smells and tastes after a cure.


sorry for the late answer and thanks for you kind wiordds ! yeah all in all it was 24 liter of volumen( every buckt has around 12 -13 liter .
led grows are so hard to estimate the results. but it seems to be quite some bud.
iḿ looking forward to the dryed weight. the last pull from the big tent where 330 grams weeding cake


thank you happy!!!
hope youre doing well?! your clones are still rooting. just as an litlle info didnt forget you

problably the same like the last time, itś the same clone so not much difference expected :rofl:

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the rest from the plaqstic bag was a litlle more than expected :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

So now i need to wait. good that there is stuff to do. :kissing_smiling_eyes:



hello Overgrow !

the flc harvest is drying and probably goes to cureing tommorow :slight_smile:
the small tent was filpped yesterday, after 2 weeks of vegi so we have flowering day 2 !



Hi guys,

hope you are all doing well!?

so finally we have some results on the FLC run. :smiley:
after drying i was able to put 480 grams in the box for cure .so i expect around 450 g of bud. when everything done!

i think this run was quite better than expected. but there is still a lot to do to improve the yield still missing around 100-150 grams. but yeah you know :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

and here a short update on the small tent at the end of flowering week 1



Oh damn ! Lol
I know you already told me how much you got, but seeing that plastic bin full of those beautiful buds is another thing :drooling_face:
You did an awesome job :raised_hands:


thank you bro !:slight_smile:


Hello Overgrowers! hope you are all doing well!?`

Time for a small tent update! This time everything is growing smoothly. but next time i`m going back to one plant in the small tent. like you can see wedding cake can not keep up with the FLC. but i let it grow for now.

We are on flowering day 15

Temps 26-27 °C
RH 55- 65 %
par 750-800 ppfd



What was your average yield per plant?

37,5 gram :slight_smile:

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thank you! :blush:

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Damn ! they definitely filled that tent in nicely :raised_hands:
I don’t know that you could fit anymore in haha

Did you ever try a SCROG net for her ?

And how are the baby Sour Diesels doing ? Can’t wait to see how those come out too !

thank you yeah seems to run smoothly. 1 plant is enugh for the small tent. that gives more space for training ect,.

no nets no yoyos ! all selfsupporting.

ah the diesel are another story… they had a good start… im going to update the thread soon. to tell you the truth atm the weather is so nice so im alittle lazy :sweat_smile:


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so because it`s fun here a few pics of my weekend project.

these are the rests from the flc harvest!!! already cold and now waiting to get cleaned or better filtrated. :slight_smile:


have a nice day!


I would say the same to you, but it looks as tho your already having an awesome day lol

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thank you :slight_smile: i had a good start :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:



Hello fellower growers!

hope you all have a good time!

FlC and Wedding Cake reached flowering day 21.

FLC this time is going to be a monster. i`m pretty amazed with the growth this time. but on the otherside the wc has been Overgrown and not getting alot of light. i thought about removing wc, but yeah just let it grow is the way to go. i would feel sorry for the plant so it looks like this :slight_smile:

Temps = 24- 28°C
RH = 60 - 65 %
par = 750- 900

stay safe and enjoy


hello overgrowers,

flc is hitting flowering day 28 . not much is happening. everything runs smoothly. but still flc has overgrown the wc with lenght. so next time 1 plant in the small tent again. i think this will give me more space to handle the plant properly, atm everything looks like this


Temps = 22-26°C
RH = 58 - 65 %
par = 800 -1000
ec = 1.00
ph = 5.8
