M0sirys small tent experiences

Looking great in there bro! :v:t3::herb:
Action packed back to back grows…:sunglasses::fire:
Outta likes for 10hrs :joy:


thank you !

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Beautiful plants!

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thank you @Tejas !

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Hello Overgrowers,

here are just a few pic of the FLC and wC ! We`re on flowering day 40

not much is happening! only my old friend the ca defencie is back on track :rofl: :rofl:
but yeah next time iĺl go over 200 ppm calium maybe it will spot these ugly pots.

Temps = 26- 28,8°C
RH = 55- 68 %
par = - 900-1100

stay safe and enjoy


Damn man :eyes: they are really fatning up in there :raised_hands:

Can definitely see a big difference since the last update :green_heart:

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thank you! i`m going to post an update tomorrow -) check out sour diesel thread itś finaly making a lillte progress. 15 days left till i can take new flcs und put them in dvd box :wink:


Updatetime :slight_smile:

Flowering day 49 for the 2 girls.

Temps = 23- 27,5°C
RH = 60- 68 %
par = - 900-1100


WoW !
It’s hard to believe there are only 2 girls in there
You really filled that tent in nicely man !
Awesome job :raised_hands:

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thank you bro!

one plant would have been enough to fill the tent. i`m not going to put 2 plants in there again.
it somehow works but the flc would had love the space the wc is taking.

so next round in going to be some kind of seed run. maybe “sour lemon chesse” :thinking: :thinking:
it`s not decided yet! maybe i should collect more pollen first,


hello my friends ! hope you`re all doing good!?

we reached flowering day 59!!!

the flc is doing her thing! and i`m keen about the results there seems to be a little bit of bud on the branches. the wc ist not going to give me alot of bud as you can see. but i think that was to be expected from the start! so im going to take down the wc tommorow.

enjoy and stay safe!


They look great.


thank you my friend!

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flowering day 68 :slight_smile: not much to say wqas a week away :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

hope you like it :slight_smile:


Wow it’s been a minute since I was in here, those branches are stacked :sunglasses:
Great job!

How’s the smell emitting from those lovely ladies?


Thank you Bro!

The smell is cheese Sweet with a hint of lemon in. After a couple of weeks of curing. The lemon smell comes out more. And the Bud Looks like this


Awesome report, Sounds like a great smoke! :yum:

It sure is a good smoke for daytime. And sure is a keeper! But i Need to find something for the night. :joy_cat::joy_cat:


Damn dude !
I unfortunately wasnt getting any notifications for some reason.

But man your girls just keep on bulking up :raised_hands:

The flc sounds amazing. Even more so from your description of how she cures. She sounds delicious :drooling_face:

yeah that happens sometimes! :frowning: i bet i have also misseed out a few threads that picked my intresst.

yeah this round is running nicely! and i`m keen about the results! it looks like quite a bit of bud for 100 watt. the wc was around 10 grams dried and evaporated so fast. the problems with the micronutrients
mixed up my whole timetable. and my motherplants are still growing slow. but showing a little bit of new grwoth so my hope is still up. one of the reveg Sour Dees shows the first root tip out of the cube and i m updating the sour d, thread later today or tommorow even if there is not much to show.:slight_smile:

most of the flc is still standing in the tent because. i hit a bud with a few pollen grains in week 5. so mayby i`ll get a couple of seeds out of it. but im uncertain about that.
the next run in the small tent is going to be a seed run.

enjoy and stay safe