Mac1 breeding questions

Lol, just because MAC doesn’t accept pollen well, the genetics are mids?

There are some interesting advantages to triploid genetics, besides only the mac1 cut is triploidy, not Mac in general.

I’ve enjoyed the capulator genetics I’ve grown out. And I’ve enjoyed the jaws genetics that makes up half of mac. Starfighter is pretty highly regarded also (Mac grandparent). Would love to hear who’s putting out good genetics in your opinion.


Several people have had success breeding with Mac 1.
But that don’t mean it is easy… :wink:

I think you used STS didn’t you?
I think you said you used the @Sebring formula right?
If you did use CS then maybe give the STS a try and if that don’t work give this a shot.
If that does not work we can try some Gibberellic acid as a last resort.
For the record I have never had much luck with Colloidal silver but I only tried a few times.

Hey girl here is an idea for ya…
If it is not too much trouble since you are going through the motions already.
Try to reverse the Rom I gave ya at the same time while you do the Mac1.
If not, no big deal, I tried to reverse her myself but it did not work and I was planning on giving it a try in the near future.

Like I said if it is too much for ya, don’t do it.
I know you have a lot going on in life and I do not wish to overburden you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Another issue is not every cut of Mac1 is the real deal


no, because its some of the worst cannabis I’ve smoked in the last 30 years and capulator handed me mac1 grown by himself. In fact I see mac1 as watering down the gene pool. If you like it… enjoy but we culled her years ago.


i 200% do not agree with your assessment
No one on Earth would call my Caps Cut mids


I’ve had luck with CS but it seems I get better results from STS. I haven’t tried it with Mac though.

Some of the worst smoke in 30 years? Ok buddy

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Don’t. I’ve used this and it’s terrible.


@shag I have STS . But this Mac1 was hit with CS.
I’ve got another project before I can attempt the Romulan. But just might be able to do it at the same time.

I’ve used the Elite… it’s shit…IMO
BTW … @Pleiochasium it is a Caps Cut.
It IS one of the best I’ve had in 30 years!
Maybe yours just wasn’t grown properly…:woman_shrugging:


we culled it for that reason… its mids.
that shit barely moves in the commercial market.
most people have figured it out already.
I literally smoked flower grown by capulator.
he handed it to me himself.
not impressed.
I gave away hundreds of mac1 cuts over the years.
I dont consider it worth spending any money on preserving or sharing.

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TRU DAT!! Capitalizing on the “Hot Thing” at the moment. Cap said it was a difficult Breeder, not impossible. Some may question the true origin of “MAC”, but I don’t. Continued luck in everyone’s efforts to bring Offspring to fruition. Have a pleasant weekend, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Kept it for years and gave away hundreds of cuts. Not worth preserving or sharing.

My siberian ruderalis is showing 0 sign of pollination too, well shit, she doesnt even look like a normal plant :stuck_out_tongue:

So I know the feels


I just hit some Mac1 I pulled at day 68 on Tuesday. It may be the kushiest smelling bud I have rn, and I am a kush FIEND! :yum: She was slow to veg, didn’t kick down much, and could have possibly flowered longer as I saw no ambering… although she didn’t seem to putting on any weight at this time. I can see how it might not be a commercial producer like GMO, and understand how the “modern smoker” doesn’t like to be stoned… they instead like to be “productively high”, but it hit smooth and woke me up a bit after smoking Loompa’s all morning – as well as added some numbness to my lips and cheek area – so, at this stage in its drying cycle, I personally like it.


This is what a very informative breeder, whom I respect greatly, has told me…


I would have to agree 100% with what he said.
Fart smeller…I mean smart feller…LOL
Has anyone suggested spraying only the buds and stems not the leaves if possible?
Also, try not to get any on the soil if you can help it.
This is not as hard on the plant.

Good luck girl!

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I don’t agree that cannabis is monoecious.

It is naturally delicious. That is fact. That is why the male exists at all. Period.

Our drug cultivars tho, some of them have been interbred, on purpose, with man-made monoecious hemp cultivars and/or seed-making cultivars. That’s why a good portion of the old lines herm. Then you got these “breeders” saying bUtItSfIrE and proliferating bagseed herms for the last 40 some-odd years. It’s a shit show. I cull any and everything that herms at all.

Ah, man after my own heart right here :joy: :+1:

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I can see how the CS may have stressed the plant and triggered hermaphroditism within female flowers instead of causing the standard sought-after reversal with strict and discrete male flower cluster formations. I would try again with STS… it seems to more readily achieve successful results. Sadly CS can be considered “bro science” (there are no scientific studies proving its efficacy), even though scientific journals are more willing to acknowledge the method that it understands is well-known bro-ness, as seen in this pubmed journal comment :sweat_smile::raised_hands:

I follow a bunch of Afghan-region growers and they show pics of their landrace (non-hemp) plants that appear monoecious, I don’t know if stressing a plant and causing it to have hermaphroditic flowers might somehow enable the hermaphoroditic gene in subsequent generations and I would personally re-run with STS just to have the piece of mind of knowing I used reversed pollen versus hermaphroditic pollen just in case it actually matters


I’m out of likes :confused:

Weak hormone responses. Landrace seed-food plants kept that way on purpose… also hash making not flower smoking, but Irazzinig on IG seems to show some pretty stable afghan landraces from what I’ve seen :thinking: