Mail interception

I recommend getting a hemp license. It’s not expensive and fairly easy to get in most states. Gives you more options with cannabis related activities. I also got the seed distribution license as well


Getting a hemp license is a great option, depending on the state. Some states make it affordable. Luckily mine is fairly affordable ($100 application fee, plus $500 fee per grow site - after passing background check, etc). I’ve heard of other states that make the licensing prohibitively expensive.

Are these state licenses or USDA licenses?

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I’m talking about state licensing there are some benefits to going federal. Like making different kinds of hemp infused food products would technically require federal approval. Gummies are overlooked though


Yea my state defers to the USDA so I’d have to get a USDA license for hemp seeds.


“Badges! We dont need no stinking badges! “ 🥸


Last week I placed five separate “missing mail” requests with USPS. They’ve already gotten back to me about two of them stating that I’ve provided “insufficient detail” on the description of the items. How the F am I supposed to know what it looks like when I’m the recipient?

I listed most of them as “collectibles” and “trading cards.” For one I said “art/craft supplies” and in the description I put “beads for jewelry making.” Doubtful that these requests will produce any results.

The only item I’ve received in the last 3-4 weeks came in yesterday. It was the only one sent with tracking. All other envelopes are still MIA :confused:


I feel you there, just never got one…yet…just got beans in the mail from brothers Grimm…not sure where to post a pic???


$12.50 a pack

I put this in the wrong place… Sorry


every state is different with regard to the regulations also. i have a hemp license in wv and am not required to keep records of testing at all, past the year i distribute the hemp. i’ll let ya know at the end of the year the rest of the testing requirements in wv. i know what it says on paper, but it leaves a lot out that i plan on testing.

so far, in all case law that i have been able to find, hemp seeds are legal, no matter the source of the seeds, as long as they comply with usda standards. in the us, no phylo certificate is normally required, at least federally, but states are their own entity. i did ask larry and he said pretty much what i thought and then said there was so much diversity in the hemp regulation that it was best to consult an attorney specializing in hemp. i am not a lawyer, so i probably missed something, but i used to be decent at paralegal crap and still have a few tricks when it comes to searching this stuff. wish i had access to that one database but it was expensive and exclusive.

if you have links, i would love to add them to my research if you can share them. more information is usually a good thing. especially since i just started a seed company and plan on shipping, at least in the us. i’ll probably hire a lawyer before doing that with any quantity. trades and freebies are different, i’ll risk that.

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I have it on good authority from 4 different sources (3Friends one family member That work for USPS. either in sorting or delivery) It is federally illegal for usps to open your mail. Besides custom agents. Only the Postmaster general and FBI can go through your mail and requires a search warrant. One of my good friends Started working for USPS three years ago. while turning the sorting Room. with His manager. He asked his manager. “How many packages do you think have drugs in them”. manager’s reply, " probably alot, but That’s the fbi problem " All USPS facilities have narcan incase Of accidental exposure Caused by packages ripping open. Only the packages that rip open are inspected by USPS without a Warrent. since joining OG I have won a few give aways. I have only received two thirds of the packages. And half of those were tracked . somebody along the line knows what to look for and they steal it. Or the letters have ripped open. (Standard envelope sorting machines Are designed to handle only flat mail. Not lumpy coin flips unfortunately.) Or the third option. Best way to almost guarantee delivery is tracking in those small boxes You can get for free at the post office.


i was pondering this and i think, based on my limited experience and knowledge that is old, that a good lawyer could get you off if this was the tip that started an investigation without significant corroborating evidence from an independent source. they could always use the ci excuse, but a good lawyer can overcome that in most cases. of course that greatly depends on the state you live in, and even the locality inside that state. and none of that pays the mortgage while you’re sitting in a cell…

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You are possibly correct. However, my first instinct is to avoid all and any contact with the law, courts, ect… Another point I think is important is to never show your plants to anyone. Even if you are legal to grow. Two men can keep a secret. If one of them is dead. :rofl:


that’s why i put that last line in there. not much good to win your freedom back if you’ve got no house to go back to. also why everything i’m doing on the farm is documented here. that way nothing is hidden, all in the open, and when anyone says i’m doing anything wrong, they can go look and match the farm to the grow log.

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I’ve never lost a pkg to my knowledge. I’m not sure how to count the ones I don’t believe were sent. “I just sent them yesterday, but I also forgot to get tracking.”
Hard to know what to believe, but I do believe in tracking anything of importance.

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TRUST the Science!!



@Pawsfodocaws Someone in Spain sent you 10 grams? That’s a little ballsy lol. Or was it seeds and they labeled as? That’s strange our overseas mail stops in the USA


Ya I don’t think so. It was a bean trade. So that’s a wrong number. Must’ve been mislabeled

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Yes I was supposed to get some seeds from Thailand but what I got instead was a sealed padded envelope with this inside