Mail interception

just curious, has anyone tried just sending a box with a customs declaration and phylo certificate? the seeds are legal to ship with those things from what i understand theoretically, just wondering how well it works in practice. i sent some inside a hollowed out deck of cards in a trade to canada once with paperwork and they made it, but it didn’t get opened. it seems like you’d have to declare there were seeds inside before shipping though since my method would probably not work had it been inspected.


Yes works great but 16€ shipping.

Theoreretical yes, practical you need an health certificate

Send gifts like old video games, i sended a few weeks ago an old pc games as gift, behind the map in the dvd box was some karma :wink: hidden.


i sent them in a hollowed out deck of cards. it still had the ones on top and bottom of the deck usable for a game of euchre. i just asked larry and found there are a couple more things needed also depending on where it’s going. looks like a foolproof method of making sure the irreplaceable seeds make it to the destination. seems like the seed companies should all ship like this. way better to follow the rules and ensure arrival than offer stealth shipping.

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Old computer hardware works too. I’ve sent seeds inside of mice, parallel adapters, all kinds of stuff. Anything that lets you remove a couple of screws to insert the seeds works for me.


Sending with a phylo certificate costs about $225+ per package. That doesn’t seem like a cost anyone is going to want to incur, stealth options and reships are far cheaper.

Looks like it can be as low as $106 potentially.


No worries.
Ever since the early 90’s, the one country that ALWAYS had issues sending to me in the US (siezed nearly every single time) was from Spain.

IME, the USPS has never really trusted incoming mail from Spain.


I live in California, so seeds sent to me from abroad need to go through two (2) checkpoints:

1 - Mail from outside the country needs to get through the international postal checkers.
2 - Mail coming into California can also be checked by the California Agricultural board.

In the past, I have received letters of seizure from both agencies


I have sent tons of seeds to U.S.A., Canada, EU, UK and even Thailand and they all arrived. In Spain they don’t scan envelopes with less than 100 grams, mailman told me … beer3|nullxnull


Yes, I have heard that about Spain, but in the USA they are a bit more discerning about what comes in from other countries. And to clarify, when I mentioned the international postal checkers I was referring to the Chicago USPS international postal hub where all foreign mail enters the USA


Yeah, Spain is all sex and drugs and rock n’ roll … troncho6dh|nullxnull


In the 90’s you could order bath salts and cocaine from Spain :joy: I agree that Spain is all about sex drugs and Rock and roll :joy::v:



The big kids used to order their bath salts from Katy, Texas. They nailed that supplier after the Analogue Act.


Is there a spike of interceptions during summer or something because i’ve been getting mine fine yet all of the sudden I haven’t received three.

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Do they are a bit over motivated in the moment? 3 years ago here the same for a few months… If i remember right 5000 packages with more than 75000 seeds


Nice job breaking forum rules… and yes, I was a bit angry that you told me to just shut the fuck up. I returned your politeness with interest. @moderators, please delete this quoted PM.

Sorry @moderators in case its not allowed to make things like this public.
I still think threats like this don’t belong to OG.


Learn English, dude. I didn’t threaten your life. :roll_eyes: You’re the only one breaking the rules here. I was a bit impolite, in return for your starting the profanity. I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty… although the Euro comment was a bit uncalled for. As I said, I was angry. I don’t feel that all Europeans are like this, FWIW. My apologies if others are offended by it.


I agree on this. Pass me your addy and we try it again.


Yeah, very fair point. I do feel guilty about that part, though the rest was just tempers flaring and profanity for profanity - we were both kinda assholes. There’s nothing particularly wrong with Europeans that isn’t wrong with the rest of humanity, and I may have just proven a dozen anti-American stereotypes right in the process. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just charming @Cormoran