Mail interception

Not sure why you feel the need to get involved here… but don’t you always? :roll_eyes: Go away and find somewhere to talk about pooping, it’s extremely hilarious.


I only see one person pooping around here.


I can’t argue on that point :wink:

I just can’t stand if people call me a thief or scammer, the rest was fine :rofl:
As i said pass me your addy and i’ll get them out next week.
Just in case they get intercepted again - tranquilo :stuck_out_tongue:


FWIW I just had a pack land for someone that took 3 months… Canada to USA


I won a 10 pack of Jealousy fem seeds from The Original Sensible Seeds from Spain and they arrived today about 5 weeks after they were mailed. Glad they weren’t intercepted.


Bro, you already sent my siezed seeds once at your expense, I dont hold you responsible for the actions of government officials performing their lawful duties… please dont waste a stamp re-sending mine, I am super good on seed stock.


thought i would throw this out there: if you are sending to the US, i think you can just claim it as partially eaten food. some years back i went to the 'dam and bought way too much bud and hash. well, i looked up the customs procedures in the US. apparently if you send partially consumed food it skips through customs. i sent a bottle of opened peanut butter and claimed it as partially eaten peanut butter. i got a lot of hash back that way. so, maybe send seeds as partially eaten protein husks, or trail mix or something like that.


How’s everyone’s international seeds rates going? I’m at about 20-30% success rate for receiving but going out is 100%.

I got one once from Canada. There was no seed certificate.

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All my trades came in to Australia. But others have not made it to me i presume taken by postal workers or customs

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So far 100% but only have twice, even us shipping been really hit/miss lately with stuff being late or lost in my experience.

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I shipped a test envelope yesterday. The clerk mentioned he hadn’t seem me in awhile…

Told him that when it takes two months to travel a 13 hour drive it tends to create irate paying customers. (He thinks I ship 3D printed obsolete Jeep HVAC plastic clips) Told him I lost much business when I had to refund after 30 days.

He pointed to the hubs being backed up and understaffed.


But someone told us that De Joy was the answer.


Only when the question is “What fucked up our postal system?” Used to be 3 days for a first class letter to go from coast to coast. Now it takes a week to get to the other side of town.


Yup been experiencing the same I think one incoming US pack has been MIA for over four months. I’m not going to bother asking for a reship on that one.

Another took two months to come in but i’m happy as those were strains I actually wanted.

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I’m from the States and I’m 3/4 this year:

  • RSC 1 from UK didn’t make it
  • RSC 2 from UK made it
  • OSBA from CA made it
  • TLT from GR made it

Seems like ever since covid it’s been an issue due to short staff.There has been cases of employee’s stealing mail too. I have had package be lost never receiving them, getting them weeks later and usually been getting them a few a few days late or around a week.

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Got a DM yesterday saying my letter I sent on the 27th April arrived from Aus to USA. 90 days to arrive. Fuck the postal service in America is slow


Keepnit on topic and keep politics out of it.

This is a weed forum… no one should be giving a shit about anything else when they are onsite


so I have a new/weird problem.

got a brown slip for a package labelled as a letter…saying postage is owed. several dollars. :grimacing:

doesn’t make sense to me. any thoughts?

anybody? :thinking:

mainly I just don’t want to freak out about it. anxiety sucks.