Making a short grow season even shorter

Hello i thought id stop invading threads and post plants. havent grown myself in maybe 5 years and another few before that. Lots of false starting and just trying to forget for a while. anyways usual stuff this year but attempting to give it a go still. im aware the photos may not finish in time but its ok.

Saw the success with the octopots and octopups and thought i had to try it outside. We usually get not a drop of rain from now til september, maybe one light rain shower the whole summer, so lets hope this year isnt the aberration.

I didnt really see anyone plant straight into the octos so gave it a go with two OGKZ fem autos from HSO into the pups with Tupur as the medium because more moisture transfer sounds good to my simple brain.


They were up in 24 hrs with the medium bone dry on the one that popped first, seemingly already drawing from the res which is half full with a light dose of Texas Tomato Food. you will notice a theme in who/what im copying throughout.

at first light today:

they seem alive and drinking from below i guess. pretty excited about the applications for autos with the pots if this experiment works on the pups.

I will hopefully be planting these clones from @sun-clone that i got what must be weeks ago some day before its too late but its been a real struggle to get this one guy to show up to finish a fairly simple job in that area of the yard. hopefully tomorrow i guess. every single day he says hes coming every day no response except for one or two next day some excuse repeat cycle. out of my hands but its a real shame because all these genetics fit my medical profile so im excited about growing them especially in the full size octopots.

The clone subjects are:

Purple Queen - back row (1 for a pup, 1 for a pot)
Oregon Diesel - front left (pot)
Black Dog - front right (pup) * this theoretically could be the earliest finisher

City life is not condusive to growing bud outside, you either have to shove it in everyones face and tell them to fuck off or hide it from the kids and then people just come through and treat it like a petting zoo. oh well lol.
More shorter plants, timed+staggered harvests i think would keep the deep stench down come sep/oct in the neighborhood and keep them out sight, there are tons of young families in this area.

very high thc intake is a good way to not lose it on people with no ettiquite.

some randoms from the garden:

pinot noir

young lime

never grown peppers before, never seen the upside down leaf thing

cucumbers and a watermelon - the melon needs more sun that it wont get

other melons

just starting to bulk up, of course im trying the texas tomato food on them

and my favorite, golden pineapple sage

Thank you to the sr members here, the admins and mods who run this site, and everyone who i learned from and/or (attempted to) emulate in any way. these methods and products are nearly completely influenced by this forum - a lot appropriated from @Jetdro, @Papalag and @ifish but also the octopup folks @GrouchyOldMan, @firehead and @SaintAliasKnife and many others.

Feel free to criticize in whatever format neccessary and discuss anything. you can come by and rant at me if need be, i can take it.

All the best and
Grow Big Buds.


I would delically place new seedling in a small pot or Solo cup
: )

Nice garden : )


I like your garden. Lit says not to plant directly. I’m very curious to see yours grow. I’m following one other plant same as yours. Best of luck with your grow. THC is definitely helpful when dealing with ignorant people.




It’s more about how you want the roots to behave

I’m not a octo guy , I’m just fillin in till they get here : )

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I’m just a flood and drain guy : )

Where is the octo possey ?

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@shade Your garden looks great!
If it were me I’d top water the seedlings in the octopots until the can reach down with their roots a little.
But as it’s an experiment It will be interesting to see how it goes. :+1:


Welcome to Club Octo @shade!

I predict a good outcome and a new octo fan, but there is a learning curve and you may be on the steep end.

Best practice is to guide your seedling to the rez with a good watering on transplant. Better yet is @Jetdro’s quick start “Turbo” method. I bet he’ll be glad to explain.

But in your case I’d suggest that you water strategically in a circle where you think your roots are. Every other day, or so. Keep those roots healthy but thirsty.

Your goal now is to get roots in the rez. JOB ONE!


That’s one thick strong looking seedling for sure :grin: looking forward to seeing how your experiment goes!!


Lovely garden, @shade.


Very nice @shade looking forward to the show!


Lookin great : )
You mean flat like spirit level flat ?

Haha all the octo astronauts will be scrambling for there tool boxes to see lol

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Bro cover the Octopot base i with a windshield shade buy a cheep one and cut it up and wrap it around @ShiskaberrySavior dose this for his out side grow

Sorry I missed this thread just getting caught up

I never worry about ph swing in the reservoir as long as I put if in at the right ph it’s never a problem
I keep my ph between 6 and 6.3

Love your garden

Great job


When you spin the spirit level horizontal 180 degrees is the bubble stay in same place on octo

If you see a guy in the shop with all the levels spinning them to pick a good one , that’s me haha


Bro get some capt jacks dead bug
It works

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Never occurred to me one would need to rainproof an octo. Is it to keep from diluting the feed? I want to get a bunch for outside next year and run tomatoes and peppers and a bunch of pretty ladies :grin:

When i heard they work outdoors as well as in i assumed that just meant if it rains it would fill the res and keep you from needing to. Looking to go bonkers crazy outside (maybe half as crazy as all the stuff you got going on lol) next year so im definitely taking notes :nerd_face:

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Ah yeah that makes sense. Roots gotta root.
Ive had enterprise management constraints before myself, just at a nanoscale compared to most of you OGres :joy:

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Your plants look like they love whatever you are doing :man_farmer:
And nice haul on those vegetables :green_salad:

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