Making Cartridges from Resin

Ok. So I’ve been messing with DIY carts. I thought it was a simple science- decarb the resin and fill your carts… well no, I’m having some issues.

Attempt 1
~1g decarbed at 250F until it stopped bubbling (about 15 min in of the 30 recommended)
This resulted in something ok. But it did crash, and doesn’t flow in the cart right. Tastes good when working though.

Attempt 2
~7g decarbed at 250F for 30 minutes in full.
I let the jar cool to the point I could open it, and the consistency was right. Nice and clear. Problem is it also crashed, and is like rock hard taffy.

So something is off with my decarb. I know @ReikoX uses a much longer method; but I’d rather not leave the oven running that long. Especially not for small amounts. I think I maybe need to add 5-10% terpenes to get what I’m actually looking for as well, but I’ve seen others do it without.

Well if anyone has advice; please share. Otherwise I’ll share my progress (if there is any.)


I think the commercial carts use a touch of glycerine to flow maybe? Also if you have any particulate matter in there it can plug your holes real good.

Even commercial carts don’t work too well if they are too cold to flow quickly… I have to hit mine multiple times to heat up or heat them in my hands a bit if I’m out for a walk in the winter…. Even in my pants can be too cold.


Some reading for you.


You are likely not getting the full decarb. If I don’t go the full 24-48 hours, the rosin will crash out. Not fully decarbing can also cause the rosin to bubble and create pressure, thus creating leaks in the tank.

Live hash rosin is preferred, flower rosin and solvent extractions often carry extra lipids and waxes. These can be removed with winterization at the cost of a few terpenes.


Thanks for the advice; I’ve read over many of those threads in the past but it’s good to get a refresher.

So I will try a few things: winterizing the resin (I’m unsure of extraction type, but it’s very clean so I thought I could get away without), add some VG, and if that fails I might see about using a pressure cooker (InstaPot) for my short decarb. If that fails… I guess it’s time to try the 24-48hr method?


My last tries making my refill was with MCT OIL i got my best results with it… cleanest smoke and its less harmfull to our health as far as i know.

for the decarb, i always do it on my oven, buts with no much monitoring… i already fucked up an entire batch this way, so i dont recommend :confused:

Following here to be aware on the next advices from our friends :slight_smile: