Making fertilizer yourself. Any recommendations?

I did read that some people buy fertilizer from JRPeters and save a lot of money.
Can you recommend me some fertilizer for hydroponics (rockwool) so I can save money?
I am based in europe.

At the moment I use General Hydroponics Flora series.
I already plan to make CalMag myself as I am using Reverse Osmosis water.


if you are looking to save money on hydroponic fertilizers stay with powders, they are usually cheaper. Maxi bloom from General Hydroponics for example. Jrpeters has some good formulations but for different times during the bloom period. I haven’t found one that I can substitute for the entire period. ( I have limited access to products here) They have a ripening formula that is good.

dry ferts
Maxi grow/bloom
NPK raw
Greenhouse seeds brand powder (I havent tried this yet)

you can order a free sample of mega crop from @GreenleafNutrients. not sure if they ship to Europe.


I believe what you’re talking about is the Jack’s pro hydroponic +calcium nitrate +Epsom salts. Its 3 grams Jack’s, 2 grams calnit, 1 gram Epsom salts.


:wink: You’re a saint for not dropping the LITFA & Unicorn Poo bombs… lol



Check these guys out.

So the calmag stuff is just calcium nitrate 2 pieces and 1 piece epsom salts?

Yes for sure I remember the name Jack!!!

I can’t check out all the brand recommendations.

Is there one which contains all and is cheap in bulk? I mean what the guys on another forum said sounded like the prizes for cannabis fertilizer by the normal brands are sky high compared to their source…


Plant food works great.

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