Malana seed run sign up (closed)

Excellent! Good luck!


Hey, got home this afternoon to put the seeds in soil after a 26ā€™ish hour soak.

All 6 were still floating but all of them had a small tail.

I also have Orange Goji, Herijuana, and Paonia Purple Paralyzer, but no tails. I may pop the rest of them to take up to the hills. Itā€™s a good start. Might as well get them all above ground to find the right ones to keep or use for some seed making. Looking forward to them. Iā€™m going to plant more Kashmir seeds, too. :money_mouth_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Thatā€™s strange they didnā€™t sink. But tails are tailsšŸ˜. I guess that kind of shoots that theory that all the good seeds sink in water in the ass doesnā€™t it? Strange.
The only Malana phenotype that I came across that didnā€™t seem desirable for breeding was the mothball phenotype. It really was nastyā€¦ but if you were looking for new, novel phenotypes for breeding, thatā€™s the one I would look for. Who knows what terpene profile It could make crossed with something else like Kashmir?


When does the moth ball aroma first become noticeable, and does it hang around after cure?

I had an old mystery bag seed I grew out that absolutely wreaked of mothballs in early to mid flower, but then it was all gone by harvest.

Also, was it just the aroma that was off putting, or other traits that would make you not want to breed it?


@MantisTobogganMD. .I never did smoke anyā€¦and didnā€™t really visit the patches. It was guerrilla style. Set emā€™ and forget emā€™. I went in mid September to check them just before a bunch of frosts hit our area, and there were a few dozen seeds done. I have the habit of putting seeds in my mouth if Iā€™m unexpectedly harvesting seeds, and the mothball taste was unmistakeable. Like mothballs wrapped in a banana peelā€¦ with that same stick to your teeth type of feeling. It was really really nasty. I know plants from Wailing Valley, which is a sub valley of Malana, are known to have naphthalene ( mothball)terpenes. Itā€™s a bit more unusual to find them near Malana Village, but it is one of the phenotypes.
There was nothing left after collecting seed so there was no curing. When those Frosts ( 4 in a row, 28 degrees) hit in mid September, it stopped the flowering cycle for about 3 weeks. There wasnā€™t even any frost burn on the leaves but the temperature change was so sudden the plants were shocked. Went from 80 to 28 in a day or two. The flowering cycle fired back up in early October and I was able to get seeds, but no bud.
The rest of the plants had incredible smells. Very different, heavenly smells.


Thatā€™s the sort of weather I deal with any time of the year. A big swing is not odd at all. Iā€™ll be topping these for any fast action for cover if needed. I may get some in the dirt to see or get some to the greenhouse at friends in the hills. It can grow to the top which is 20ā€™ I think or 24ā€™/


I do think these would have handled the weather better had they been further into Bud mode. With your more southerly latitude they will be well on their way when the nasty weather hits.
Another thing I never mentioned was that the plants were growing in a frost pocket. I think if it was one Frost, or maybe two it still wouldnā€™t have bothered them, but four nights in a row with a deep freeze was too much. Normally plants will see a light frost first and they can begin preparing for whatā€™s coming. One of the two locations lost sunlight by 1 or 2 o clock. Not the type of spot I would have picked for a bud run. Neither spot saw any sun before 9 in the morning. So that Frost just sat on them from Midnight until probably 10 in the morning.
20 feetā€¦love to see that.:grin: Given room they will certainly top the 15 footer i had.


Theyā€™re already starting to pop out. Two days in a mix of coco and Promix under the dome on a heat mat. Awesome. The others I have for them at first is Orange Goji -1 popping, Paonia Purple Paralyzer - 1 popping, and Herijuana - 0 up yet. Only been 1 1/2 days actually, after a 24-26ā€™ish hour soak.

So, in the next few days I should have some nice seedlings. I have to up pot my Azad Kashmir and my Purple Poison Cookies to larger pots today. After that they stay outside to veg., maybe for the summer, not sure.

Supposed to get a little rain again today, i hope. About 60-70% chance. Iā€™m just afraid with all of this cool weather this late, that itā€™s gonna flip to 90Āŗ weather all at once. Sort of normal lately. Thatā€™s when the plants outside freak out. They love this cool humid weather and are in for a shock soon, lol.

It sure is starting out better than last year, for a lot of reasons. Iā€™m loving having yard work to do again. I actuaully have grass growing again this yearā€¦ yay!

Iā€™m gonna get my rose bed cleaned out good today maybe and get it ready to try some ABC seeds. The roses are spaced out enough that I could put one between each one, lol. Not sure I want all of that trimming, though. heh. peace


Oooops! I forgot to mention my Malana. I meant to say the the Malana had 2 pushing dirt but itā€™s 4 now. I took the seed tray to be in natural sun as about to bring them in and back for the dome. Itā€™s trying to storm and temps dropped to the 60ā€™s. Strong seedlings. peace


Have you thought of a good name for a Malana, Kashmir hybrid? Still thinking about mixing those two?
Glad to hear they are pushing through the soil already. Raring to go! Donā€™t be afraid to give them full sun starting now. I think the trick is to have them exposed to it as soon as they break through the soil.


Yeah, thatā€™s my thinking, too. This time of year, I need to get them outside as soon as they peek out. Raining cats and dogs here tonight. Itā€™s been a while since we had so many rain days in a month.

I had to rush them all in earlier due to hail storms off and on all afternoon. Size of 50 cent piece northeast of here. Big thunderstorms atm. We even have a tornado watch till 8pm. I donā€™t think thats normalā€¦ heh.

Iā€™ll think about the cross after I read more. Iā€™d like to make it happen. I think I have a plan.

Wow, flash flooding now, lolā€¦ all or nothing. peace


Malakash? :roll_eyes:


Or, Malazadā€¦ or, orā€¦ heh. Or maybe Kashmalan, or Azadma, or Azadmala, or Iā€™ll try smoking more. lol


Lol. Lots of good name choices. Azad region is also known as POKā€¦ just to give you some more choicesā€¦ Malapok, pokmal, pokmalan, pokman, lol
Himalayan headstashā€¦thatā€™s a good oneā€¦

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5 out 6 Malana are up and out of the dirt this am. Iā€™m getting good germ rates on my whole batch I planted. 6-6 Orange Goji, 6-8 PPP, and 3-6 Herijuana. Three days from the soak. :blush:

Glad I havenā€™t planted outside yet. We must have gotten 3-4 inches of rain since about 5pm yesterday and a good bit of small hail. The volunteers in the ground look like theyā€™ve even shot with a shotgun. Lol. They donā€™t look pretty but still standing. It hasnā€™t even reached June yet. I have one spot Iā€™m gonna try and grow in next to the old barn and use a shade cloth. Not gonna fight these storms like previous years.

Denver is having itā€™s wettest start of the year in 70 years to give perspective. I canā€™t find our totals but maybe 7-8 inches of rain so far. That might include snow too not sure. Iā€™ll be weed eating and mowing every day for a while. Lol. Better than drought though!!


Iā€™ve havenā€™t had to deal with hail much, thank goodness. That stuff can flatten a crop pretty quick from what I hear. Can a greenhouse hold up to hail?

The plastic ones will only go so far and thatā€™s if itā€™s two layers. If itā€™s a bad one itā€™ll fuck one up good. Iā€™ve seen people remove the plastic in summer and use only shade cloth on them. They will protect from the hail, but I donā€™t know what their life would be if it happens a lot.

Luckily, weā€™ve only been getting pea size to double pea size but north of here had hail the size of 50 cent pieces, according to the radio. The first year I moved here everyone in town got a new roof from hail storms, if they had insurance. I was just leaving town to go get more stuff out of Texas to bring back. I literally drove out of here with that storm right on my ass. I had no way of knowing that it would be that bad and Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t stay.

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