Malana seed run sign up (closed)

An outdoor person grows his full medical count of 12 — 12 TREES. :heart_eyes:


The large ones are @StevieG P4 IX using full-siblings. All of the seeds he produced were damn near golf balls.

The small ones are the P4 Bx’d to the P3 mom, that I harvested on Xmas. That’s what most people here are running.
I think part of their small size is temperatures make phosphorus less available, along with the 125w of 5000k leds being a little less than optimal for the size of the plant.


Etymology of government

Govern = to control

Ment = mind



:loudspeaker: The Spring Box is being assembled now and should be mailed out around the end of the month. :loudspeaker:
The Malana seeds are packed in seed cases, and ready for boxing.

:heavy_dollar_sign: :mailbox: Shipping payments can be made at Seed Run Shipping (MEMBERS ONLY) – DIY Green Life :heavy_dollar_sign: :mailbox:
:bangbang: Recipient names are being cross referenced to shipping payments received so make sure you include your Overgrow Username in the payment form during checkout. :bangbang:
If you didn’t include your Overgrow Username then you’ll need to email with the name you used on the order form, or the order number (check your spam folder), along with your OG username.


Fantastic brother, many thanks.


I just want to say how invaluable the help of @Sebring is. Without him, this would not be possible. He is counting out the seeds, putting them in 82 individual containers, and then mailing out 82 packages. That’s just this run. Combine it with all the other runs and it’s an awful lot of work, getting these and other seeds into Overgrowers hands. Thanks Sebring! You are OG to the core!


hahaha whoever signed up to #35 as “strong text” has a little problem on their hands.

would a qualified member mind checking the edit history to figure out who made the edit and signed up as “35.strong text”?

we can help them out and make sure they get their seeds. Should be easy to do by flipping back edit by edit until you find the edit made by the user who signed up at #35.

It’ll just take a while.


I remember someone talking about strong text too. Can’t remember who it was.


@upstate after doing a little more research on the Malana, and how they can grow to 6 meter I would like to give up my spot to someone more likely to be able to run them. They would probably do better for someone that can run them outside.

Thank you for making these available! I bet some nice things will be found in them for sure.


The ‘strong text’ appeared during an edit by repins12.

It didn’t actually overwrite anyone else and repins12 is still on the list.


That’s the name I couldn’t think of. Thanks. Glad no one got bumped off the list accidentally.
Ok, @Comacus, no doubt these can get big/tall. Someone will appreciate you giving these up.
Any takers for that last pack?


My spot is up for grabs too. I already had a pack of these I forgot about, my mistake. Would much rather give someone else a chance with them.


Do they grow pretty fast in veg? I sort of want to crack some but I would have to plant it and outside and let it roll. I think I’ll wait to start of summer and do the others. I found last year that the plants still get large enough before flowering start.

The first part of summer is harsh. The sun is so intense that the plants don’t like it much. Shade helps. But, we have some rough hail and wind storms early summer… I found that is was hard just geting some plants to make it to mid summer.

I think I’ll get a few going and take one up to my friends greenhouse in the mountains.


these would probably do best when grown at high altitude. that’s what bodhi and pakasymbiot always said about the high altitude landraces they collected in india and nepal.


That’s what I figure besides not having the humidity they do in summer. We could though if it starts raining again.

I’m at 6,400’ and my friends are probably at 7,400’ and maybe more.


I received my Spring Box. I want to Thank @Upstate again for doing this run for us :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Now to work on a fenced area to grow out side.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Happy to Do it. I’m looking forward to seeing some of these grown out in the states. If anyone grows them, post some pics here or send me a photo.


Got a batch soaking tonight. :v:


Nice! Can’t wait to see what you get! Keep me posted. They are going to love your climate! Its perfect for them.

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We’re starting out wet this year, so I hope that continues. Last year was too dry. I’ll pop more once I get all of these seeds situated. Trying to get a batch of sprouts ready to send to the mountains. They had to leave town before I could get the seeds to them so I’m saving them a week by planting them now. I’ll be able to monitor what they grow and keep standout clones. I’m gonna give them tags to keep on each plant so I can keep track of the clones I take. Thanks bro! peace