Mangobiche Colombian landrace

None for me please

I like a speedy high but jeez no need to get that high anymore


“It says that the best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, the effect of which is like having your brains smashed out with a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick”

Your review reminded me of this! Sorry if off topic!


That is awesome I’m heavily considering buying one of these


Perhaps it works too good. Funny story,

There I am setting up camp for the night. Wife at home is watching my track and sees what appears to be movement in an random/uncoordinated fashion.

She freaks out, starts calling everyone, and somehow manages (I have no idea how) to get a hold of the nearest ranger station. She tells them that she thinks that I’m being mauled by a bear. Rangers tell her, not likely. He’s ok.

Later that night as I’m dug in trying to get some sleep, I hear some unusual noises nearby and someone/something opening a bear box … I later find-out it was a ranger at around 2-3AM checking-in on me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Then there’s the bluff charge by a bull bison … I’m thinking someone is telling me that I’m getting too old for this.


:scream: :grimacing:
I had a brief encounter with a bear while camping out on Mt. Marcy. At least I think it was a bear. Ill never know.
Was about to pass out and something kept brushing up against my tent. I had an airhorn and a rambo sized knife on my, so I made some noise and it ran off. I couldnt sleep for the next 2 hours thou :laughing: had all my food stored in a bearbox across a stream, but still, it scared the piss out of me.
Also we dont have any Grizzly bears in NY that I know of, so it was most likely a curious Black bear. They scare easy enough.


Sasquatch land of the big foot .


Probubly haha
Also not to get weird, but also UFOs and ive seen orange lights at 3am dance around in figure 8s. Not in the sky, but like a foot off the ground in the brush. My woods, and many around this area are very strange.


I have both of Bodhi’s Mangobiche crosses, I wonder if open-pollinated them to each other could possibly get me back to Bodhi’s cut of it…


Cant hurt to try. It may bring out more of the original cut with a few runs.
Im contacting Doc right now asking if he has any original Bodhi cut beans for sale. He has lots of Bodhi cut crosses that seem delicious, but im trying to replace the original Bodhi cuts I lost. Ill let you know what he says :v: :smiley:


soaknbeans is releasing Exotic Alchemy’s preservation seeds of multiple landraces here at 420pm. The freebie is Mango Biche. Just a heads up!


Hahaha douglas adams was a genius

I’ve been saving the “pan galactic gargle blaster” as the ultimate strain name, but still haven’t found anything insane enough to deserve such a lofty title.


Totally fair on that account. If I were to do something like that it would have to be a haze cross for sure. Something along the lines of a “no ceiling” head high


I would love to run mango biche.