Mangobiche Colombian landrace

I can’t tell you how game I am. As soon as the vehicle is ready, I’m out the door. I’ll be starting a preparation thread soon, as things start really speeding up.

I’ll be staying in Central America for most of my journey, using it as a sort of forward home base from which I can launch searches. I’ll go anywhere y’all want!


Maybe it would be worth just touching base with the guy, letting him know you will be in the area. He seems like a really solid guy. A straight shooter for sure.


#yobigdaddy is in touch with him,and they seem to have a connection going…maybe ,you don’t want to many people hitting on him.

As I said once Covid is died down and travel is open…I can easily take a trip down there…and it is in my plans. Colombia is a great country to travel in…They do have some great long distance buses…and interior flights can be real cheap.


I hope to give you enough extra Panama seeds that you’ll have something to trade with, and some to pass out to the locals. Condor cannabis is pretty slippery. Old School paranoid. Even worse than me lol.


That’s a great idea…as I’ve a friend in a other area of Panama…wanting to join the project.

#Eudaemon probably be around sometime in the future…we might do a trip or two together…be nice though for #Yobigdaddy as well to get together.

Plenty time…


I’d love to go myself. I hope you all get to travel together.


You have to use the @ symbol for them to get the message… @Eudaemon, @YoBigdaddy. … if that’s what you were trying to do. I’m so out of touch with technology I don’t even know what #means LOL


I know how busy you have been, but it sure is nice to have you here posting on Overgrow. Sounds like you are going to have one badass vehicle when you’re done. You’ll be able to go get the good stuff in the middle of nowhere. I’m getting pretty excited. Will you have a good way of keeping in touch with everybody, giving us updates on your journey? I would imagine cell service will be an issue. Have you thought about a satellite phone? That’s a really dumb question isn’t it LOL. I would imagine you have thought of everything


The expo in November looks interesting…there are a few seedbanks there…be interested to see what’s about.

There is a other one…But not to my amazement ( Not really) was full of USA hybrids.(shocking) so I won’t paste it…


Thanks so much for that! It means a lot to me coming from you. The vehicle is going to be an absolute blast. It’ll be able to go to the most remote areas of the Americas. There literally isn’t a better vehicle for the job.

The comms are going to be a big part of this trip. I’m going to be posting regular updates here, hopefully close to daily, even when I’m on the road and in pretty remote areas. I’m planning on treating it like a grow diary. It’ll be more relaxed and easier to provide updates, treating Central America like a home base, and making more manageable excursions. I’m also going to be live streaming the entire journey where bandwidth allows. Whenever possible, you’ll be able to be in the car with me, Top Gear style. Most likely, that won’t be as often as I’d like, but it’s going to be fun. It’ll be interesting to make my first foray into social media and putting myself out there on the web (the scariest part of all this).

I’m going to get a sat phone. I’ll only be able to afford 60 minutes or so a month, but it’ll be enough to update some one here so they can post on my behalf! It was always a dream of mine to own a satellite phone as a civilian, but most of my travels have been in Asia, where satellite phones are illegal in many (most?) countries. It’s also the kind of thing where if it were legal, I wouldn’t want to be caught with one anywhere near ‘certain borders’ in Asia, anyway. There are no such restrictions for Latin America—that I’m aware of—thankfully. I’ll be looking into sat modems/sat phone data plans, too, but the data rates were astronomical when I last checked a few years ago. Whenever some one asks what I’d buy if I were rich, I always say satellite time and imagery. I don’t think people realize how special and expensive satellite time is.

I’m going to start that journey preparation thread today!


Lol that’s good to know…so hash tag don’t work.


There was another guy who moved down there to run a huge grow farm. I listened to him on The PotCast. Seems like it was Breeder Steve from Spice of Life Seeds(?), Canada. ??

That was an interesting interview. You should look him up. Tell him about us here on OG. Maybe we could get a connection to him. I always wanted to go there. Seems like I hear mostly all good stuff.


Breeder Steve is still based in British Colombia but he works on some huge projects down there. He is a legend who has been breeding since the 80’s, his Sweet Skunk is pretty infamous :v:t4:

I just remembered he’s working on timing a field of I think 60,000 all different cultivars to finish at the exact same time, so like 16 week landraces in the same field ready to harvest same time as the 8 week wide leaf varieties and everything in between… that’ll be a sight to see.


If you don’t mind being limited to text messaging via satellite, the Garmin InReach Explorer stuff is comparatively inexpensive.

I bought one a several years ago for an excursion and was able to keep in touch with the family a couple thousands of miles away while in areas with no cell phone service. The monthly plans aren’t too expensive and you can turn the plan on/off as needed with a modest yearly service fee.

Not nearly as fancy as a sat phone with data but gets the job done.

And, you can set-up beacon transmission if you’d like to track/share your where-abouts. Obviously with caveats. For instance, live tracking shared via the internet:


Unfortunately, I was running the numbers last night and I’m… very overextended, financially… if I want to make a later summer/Sept departure. Costs just won’t stop swelling on the vehicle and I’m only able save so much each month. I did some reflection, and I’m not going to delay my departure under any circumstances, so I’ll be going without a sat phone and some other individual kit. On the individual side of things, GoPros are my biggest and one of my only remaining purchases.

I think this will be good. That sat phone money is going to waterproofing and snorkeling the car in prep for wet season/flood travel.


If you’d like I can borrow you the Inreach device and fund the service fees for a period of time. Depending on the need. No strings attached.

PM if interested…


PM sent! That’s such an amazing, and potentially life-saving offer.


There is also a gps based rescue beacon you can buy rather inexpensively that has save alot of people , they are worth having on any Backcountry exploration - you norm pull a cord or push a button and sounds a digital alarm with your location


The Garmin above has that capability.

There is a button hidden under a rubber cover called SOS. Remove the protective cover, press the button, and ‘search and rescue’ is notified. God forbid. Worldwide, at that.


Too true. Gotta stay safe out there