Marijuana and working out

Who loves working out while high? I love to get blasted and go running like a dog inside the movie Tron myself! My current routine is 5 miles every 3 days and on days I don’t run I usually walk a couple miles and/or do some basic body weight strength training and I have a single 10 lb dumbbell to lift.

I’m more of a cardio kinda guy. How about you all!?


When I played football in college our mandatory 6am morning workouts were a lot easier to bare while being high as a kite… so was practices and games, basically stayed high through college… classes, study hall, practice, strength and conditioning all of it… it actually helped me out a lot, especially when working out I could focus specifically on whatever muscle I was working out at the moment. I’m pretty sure it helped my muscles heal faster when sore since it relaxed them.


Cool topic. :+1: I know of a few people who said it was almost mandatory. One for indoor rock climbing(reduced shoulder pain -itis, & improved relaxation), another would hit the bong before weights. The “right” Sativa can really invigorate aerobic work or just about any activity like yardwork. Durban Poison leads to vaccuming, great gate-way drug! :joy: :broom:

As Cannabis use becomes more prevalent perhaps more people will try the combination, especially with CBD.



Yep exactly before i was disabled running and lifting hig was soooo awsome come to think of it time to start lifting again


That’s awesome man, what school did you play for?

Cannabinoids definitely reduce inflammation of the brain for me… running got so boring over the years I just can’t take it unless it’s only like a quick mile unless I hit up my vaporizer right before I go. Lol I get so high I can’t really even talk to people and the fear of getting caught gives me an adrenaline/dopamine rush and I just bolt. It seems childish but almost nobody in my town is into running, let alone with a partner, so if that’s the way to stay in shape then that’s the way it’s gotta be with me. I don’t wanna die from something stupid like covid if all it takes to live is go running.


Been into weed and exercise for quite a few years. Trail runs and hikes are my favorite, but do ride the spin bike and kettlebells on weed. Just gets me in the right state of mind both before and after.


Sometimes smoking and doing cardio feels awesome and sometimes it makes me feel super heavy and slow. Getting blitzed and doing slow yoga is always fun though haha. I’ll spend like 3 minutes in a posture just vibing.


Back in my “lifting” days I remember we used to keep a pic of Arnold smoking a joint in the gym, back when he was mr universe.


Love smoking a bunch of sativa right now my choice had been pineapple skunk I roll up 2 fat joints. Smoke 1 and go for a hard mountain bike ride through any trail I can find then after I’m exhausted I smoke the other and then ride my stoned ass back home from where ever I ended up.


:sweat_smile: all it took for me was seeing a yuppie :nerd_face: doctor on TV lifting dumbells while ‘Zooming’, & I thought, hmmm… :thinking: And Kevin Jodrey is into it, his son is competitive. :weight_lifting_man:

not like the younger, stupid days but have definitely felt better for it.


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Always smoked before playing hockey… along with a beer and a Vicodin as preventive maintenance for pain after wards…Travel ball in High school half the team was high-one’s . 8 of us used to pile in buddies old Chrysler with two guys in the trunk and pass the joint to them through a hole in the upholstery.



i take a few bong hits and i also take .3-.5 grams of mushrooms before working out. makes a great combo.


I take a few bong hits and when i’m finished coughing my lungs up i’m fit for a snooze :grin:

Gear dependent i either get rubber legs and/or the lead filled boots effect and a walk like a thunder birds puppet. Don’t know how you guys can run lol


Lol I bet that’s fun. I took about 30ug and went running once just to try the dopamine fix and Tron. I would take a lot more if I could find/afford it. I ran my fastest time ever that day and I felt like a superhero when I was done!

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light doses and cardio is a blast. i ran a trail at 10pm back in the beginning of the fall after i ate a few caps and stems. put the halloween music on my phone and just took off. had to keep looking back over my shoulder and watching the ditches for anything trying to get me but i was out there hauling ass. good times


I was like high when I made that catch man! :laughing:

I always smoked before games and before double days in the gym…definitely helps after a hard workout! This was adult league semi pro ball a handful of years ago!



I like trail riding on my mountain bike high. Also lift weights and do own body weight workouts while high. I do sprints as I’ve read it burns fat for longer periods than jogging plus jogging is quite time consuming. Weed and exercise are necessary for me as they alleviate discomfort from broken bones and the repetitive nature of my work as a gardener. Has helped me understand my physique, endurance and limitations better. An exercise in know thyself better shall we say.

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Weight lifting and smoking go hand and hand. I do a 3 day split(push/pull/legs/rest). My heaviest session is always in the mornings, right when I wake up, multiple bong rips, coffee and watching the news. I then start my lift routine for the say, usually taking a rip between sets. Go tend to the garden for a few hours during the day and put in a couple sets here and there. I probably end up smoking an 1/8 by dinner time total lifting 45min throughout the day with zero cardio. Been doing this for years.

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Worked for the terminator