Don't know how I did it

I smoked my whole harvest, a bit over half a pound in a month :expressionless:


Yourself or did you share?


Mostly myself but I did share with a few friends.



At that rate you would need 6 pounds to make it threw the year, sounds about right :woozy_face::grin::crazy_face:


Wowā€¦ make concentrates? big joints? Canagars? I know itā€™s easier to smoke more when you donā€™t have to worry about buying it, but that is a lot of smoking.


Try some strong edibles. Thoseā€™ll slow you down.


Iā€™m on disability so Iā€™m always home with nothing to do but get high af and play video games.


Canā€™t imagine your tolerance if your not using it for medicinally.


Had this issue when I did co-op grows, the other guy kept rolling fat joints while I save and budget with vape and one hitter, didnā€™t work out so well.
This is the moment you start looking at the frozen leftover trim and shake :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s why i upgraded from a 400w light in a 3x3 tent to 3000w in my spare bedroom.


Thatā€™s 2x my normal rate. :thinking:

Switch to tincture or start using edibles anyway, save the concentrates for bedtime, give more herb away :grin:, and go find some shit to do besides smoke weed. :joy_cat: :hugs:

'Takes one to know oneā€¦ :wink:

Yep. I bet @Heritagefarms & @EugeneDebs420, myself & others could make Willie Nelson & Snoop Dogg look amateurishā€¦ :sunglasses:

Great for bragging rights & comparing scars but in reality it sucks. Canā€™t remember my last good buzz.



When it comes to concentrates the killer is pressing a bunch at once. It does not seem to matter if i press 1 gram or press 4 grams. It seems to always go in one day. :slight_smile: If I see big puddles in the container I cant help but dig deepā€¦ mmmmmmmm
So I have learnt that although it takes more time out of your day it is worth having a form of concentrate that you can create in small batches. Like cured flower rosin. I press 2 grams at once and try to make it last the day. I use it medicinally and find that 2 grams is the max i need to achieve the required effect. More than that is me being greedy because I also like it recreationally.


@EugeneDebs420 those computer games are killer for the consumption for sure. I used to hit it really hard on the games and hit the gear too. I would be fine as long as I kept going but as soon as I stopped and stepped back from the screen reality would kick in and I realise I am wayyyyy to stoned and actually feeling a bit queezy. So I stop consuming and hit the couch and TV am still high as fuck 2 hours later. Youā€™re so in the zone you just dont realise how high you are getting.


Lol, yeah itā€™s not uncommon for me to go out and not realize how high I am till Iā€™m standing in line at the grocery store.


Hey Iā€™m right there with ya, I harvest and cure, and by next harvest Iā€™m down a half p and harvesting more lol,ā€¦ I game hard on rpgs and smoke so much. Usually constant e nail hitsā€¦ but joints and blunts work to. I find it insane that myself alone smokes a half p in a month and a half or so. I feel your pain guys. The only thing that helps me keep up with this much consumption is back to back grows.



Hahahahha i love that show!!!

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Donā€™t feel bad, I just put the last of mine on the tray this morning (rip space monkey). Now Iā€™m in the flower tent going hurrrrrry up, hurry upā€¦:grimacing::rofl::joy::crazy_face:


Yep spot on Everytime I hear those guys talking about nobody smokes like them makes me want to show them whatā€™s up , but at the same every time I see somebody get giggly high off part of a joint Iā€™m incredibly jealous. I didnā€™t get high that easy even when I first started smoking. It effects people differently , I rarely get high and I smoke all day itā€™s more of a get your head straight effect, my mind goes a million miles a hour at times and keeps me from being able to focus, Iā€™ll admit I started smoking recreationally as did most of us old heads but at this point the reason I smoke so much is medicinal. I need my thoughts to slow down and I have alot of nerve damage that it helps with. Iā€™m the guy that stops by smokes with people till there nodding out and then drives home and smokes more just so I can get to sleep. I figured at $20 a eighth I would be smoking over 800 dollers a month , so the electric bill for the indoor seems small in comparison


One gram a day for my medical edibles and I occasionally smoke a bowl or two for fun, or if I want an extra kick. My family and some friends say I have a ā€œpot problem.ā€ I donā€™t need that negativity in my life. They have no clue there are ounce-a-day tokers out there.

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