Overgrow Muscle

I’ve been working out for the past 10 years or so and I love smoking a fat doobie before a heavy workout. I’m just wondering who else here trains and likes to smoke before training. A lot of my weed friends don’t go to the gym and a lot of my gym friends don’t smoke so I’m wondering who else here enjoys both.
I figured this would be a good place for us to talk about training, cannabis pre and post workout, strains you like to train with etc.
I’m currently running a push pull legs split with an optional arm day thrown in on Saturdays.
I find Sour diesel is a great strain for training because of the energetic/stimulating effects and I like Glue or a good OG post workout.


Arm day is mandatory.


I’m currently out of the fitness circuit because of some post-Covid complications but before I got it in March my favorite post workout was to smack a bowl!! I’ve only ever burned before BJJ never before workouts but that’s because my powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting coach didn’t allow us to come in stoned. I hope to be back lifting soon man because not working out has been destroying my mental.


After a workout, for sure. I wouldn’t be able to sleep through the night otherwise. Primarily cardio/soccer.


:rofl: :rofl: I knew someone was going to repost this thread. :sunglasses: :muscle:


I don’t really smoke. I smoke a little after harvest and cure. Just enough to know. I use edibles and vape everyday. I don’t use cannabis until my day is over including training 3 days a week. Myself I wouldn’t give it my all intoxicated.


Man…I’m trying to find a rowing machine but am having a tough time.
Anyone have an alternative to a rowing machine that gives a ‘full body’ workout?
I can’t get one of those monstrosity of a weight machine things…not practical for me.

Any thoughts?


I started paleo and calisthenics 2 years ago. found Athlean-x on YouTube. changed my diet.


I’m a cyclist. I love a good bowl before a twenty mile trail ride.


pre work out has always been coffee and a dube.


Damn dude. Looking ripped as hell


You are right the intersection of stoners and fitness is a scarce one.
when I realized how easy it was to fry or over feed my plants I clued into the idea I better pay attention to what I eat. I mean if one takes the time to train and feed their plants and see the difference proper care and knowledge can make why not turn that attitude on to them self’s?
Seemed logical so I took a plunge.


I know what you mean, I’ve been working out for years and following a diet so when I started learning to grow with salts I saw a similarity between balancing fats/protein/carbs ratio and NPK ratio for plants and running optimal numbers based on research seemed like the way to go. I found a nutrient calculator and use that to help figure dosages and play with different formulas just like I would use a Macro calculator to help figure different ratio of macros for dieting and playing with those to bulk up or cut down.


I am less of a chemist like Mr.White, I laze out to more of a cook-like person, like the guy Gus used a box cutter on. I have been repeating the same day of healthy eating, same ingredients, same amounts, same “dishes” ( not fancy enough to dub dishes. ) with cheat days frozen pizza or ordered and a pop. (That pop is the only sugar I have outside of the sugar in fruit, attached to its fiber, the okay kind.) I used to have sugar in my coffee, switched to yellow or brown but something about buying it by the bag in pounds all year freaked me out, seemed like a lot so even though I drink much coffee or because I drink so much coffee I ditched the sugar 3 years ago.

3 eggs on a bed of plain kale sprinkled with vinegar ( eggs cooked with zero oils or fat.)

1 apple, 1 banana. Oats as needed, Natural Peanut Butter.

4-7 cups of washed and mixed veg:
Brussels Sprout, Green Beans, Carrots (grated), Radish (grated), Broccoli, zucchini, 9-10 Garlic Cloves (grated)
2 Pieces of Haddock or cod.
Veggies and fish in a toaster over on Cookie Setting. ( I don’t own an oven. lol)
I put kale on a plate, (I plate both my breakfast and dinner with plain chopped uncooked kale sprinkled with vinegar. ( no salt) Then I place whole wheat bow-tie pasta on the kale and pour on some Whole canned tomatoes on the bow ties. (Whole canned tomatoes have salt, so salt) Dump my fish and veggies on top and ta-DA. I buy the same set of vegetables but have to pick the ones I use per supper cause I can only fit so many different ones per go.)
my daily eating routine. weather eating the same thing day to day is healthy is debatable.
( sorry for the repeat edits , want to add at some point I started adding Whey Protein Powder not for a while at first, went with Canadian Protein. Farm making it them selfs, bulk, good price, could be best!)


I’ve been taking an IIFYM approach lately so I can have a little more freedom and variety with snacks. But basically I keep my macros around Fat .3g/lb, Protein 1g/lb, and Carbs 2g/lb and with my bodyweight that’s around 3,000 calories per day. Most of my meals are clean but the ones that aren’t still fit into my macro goals.


I was only fat(ish) for 6 months and I had to eat a large meal and stick out my gut to take that pic. and duck down for the mirror lol 6’1 and 140 pounds in grade 9, I pretty much averaged only 10, 15 pounds more than that my entire adult life. 150-pound usually lol but after being fat, I fell skinner than I was ever used to being, scary, had muscle cramps, and felt drowsy after even light meals, eat, pass out, it sucked. One day I forced myself out of bed cause I couldn’t sleep, to lay down on my deck, and forced myself to do the most painful set of stretching I ever have done. that was pretty much when I decided to get at it. researched passed the contradictory food industry propaganda learned what vitamins and minerals I needed, studied my veggies cross-referenced my modest food budget, After a year I was bursting with energy. perfect time to find calisthenics. found Jeff Caviler on YouTube and it felt like Jeff was speaking to me, I never did a single bench press or push-up without my right shoulder feeling wrong so I never bothered exercising or lifting. I like Jeffs’s base advice, mind-muscle connection, quality over quantity, form is key, slow down the exercise, no gym access alternates, injury alternates. I like Jeff because I could tell he was skinny once, his little sidekick Jamie came in skinny and Jeff trained him, Jamie had been training for 5 years by the time I found the channel so I could watch all that progress. plus I am team nat.LOL You must be a tank. 3k calories a day, 10 years of lifting. straight bodybuilding or any gymnast like calisthenics exercising? I am 2 years in and started in the later part of 45 years old. the idea of rolling into 50 years old full of energy and in shape sounds great. oh ya back to diet, I am craving potatoes as this weather is cooling and I am noticing I need more water I am uncontiously drinking less due to weather change.


I’ve been following Jeff for years, my girl is a physical therapist and showed me his videos when we first met. Renaissance Periodization is a channel I like a lot right now. I grew up Fat, family is fat, dad powerlifted competitively though so I learned a lot from him starting out. I didn’t start training seriously till after I left rehab for some pill problem. Then I trained for a good 10 years bodybuilding hardcore doing seriously unhealthy shit. Got up to 240lbs. Had some health issues so had to calm is down, took a year off training and drop to 200lbs. Now I’m just training for fun and trying to stay healthy and keep my bloodwork looking good. I still like to train with a lot of intensity and diet, I’m just not as strict anymore.


yup the second Jeff said he was also a physical therapist and for sports teams I leaned in. two for one really, guy who trains you and the guy you go to after training breaks you. lol 240lbs, i have piggybacked a petite girl so i know what being that weight would kinda feel like lol
Renaissance Periodization I will check it out.


My friend does ultra marathons and free running and I just found out he smokes before every session


Lets gooo!!!

I knew there were some fellow lifters on here! I played hockey and skateboarded for most of my life and had done some casual lifting and trained boxing.

For a period I was quite skinny, but that was due to stimulants and living in a squat with no real kitchen lol. I then got really fat trying to stay drunk all the time and being able to only drink coolers because I was hungover all the time.

Quit drinking when I was 250 pounds, and have lost 75 pounds in the past 6 years lol.

About 3 years ago, I really started to take care of my meat skeleton and started training boxing seriously again and working with an athletic therapist to rebuild my body from the ground up, and have been lifting and training since then.

Currently running a 6 week hypertrophy program by Dr. Mike Israetel, and its kicking my ass lmaoo. So much volume but feels dope.

Lets hear it for the stoners who train!