Mars Hydro Online Chat

No I’m saying you use the ballast to power the grow op. Run the lights, fans, etc off the ballast… :wink:

I’d say you would need at least two different breakers…one for the lights and one for everything else. :wink:

:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

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No need to worry about over-current or short-circuit problems. :wink:

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Definitely no over current !!!

:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

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I’ll design one, if you, Mars Hydro @MarsHydro, will make it!!! I’m sure Doug Dawson would appreciate that!!! :wink: :grin:

Led + ZERO wattage draw = WIN !!! :grin: :grin: :grin:

:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

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Thank you @MarsHydro for the support,You Ve been very helpful and responsive.


Pay more to gain more. Will the high quality LED grow light bring you more harvest?


Sorry to bother again @MarsHydro .I Just send a private message,Will wait for your help.Thank you in advance

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Would you like the FC/FC-E ALL-IN-ONE GROW TENT KITS as your setup?
Yes, I am happy and looking forward to buying the FC/FC-E Big Tent Kits
no, I just need the lights


Technically I need both right now, so yes and yes lol


My old tent is full of holes and a new set up would be just what’s needed.

Yes, I am happy and looking forward to buying the FC/FC-E Big Tent Kits


That would be cool. I love the FC series lights. I have a Mars grow kit with a TS series that came with it but would love a bigger one with an FC series light in it.


Don’t stop now provide more info lol

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I have already been graced with your 2 X4 tent and a SP3000 light kit.
I need a 4X4 tent setup to replace this old Vivosun unit. I’m happy to see one of my friends here win it though. Good luck everyone!


I’ll need to deal with my old 4x4 eventually :rofl:

It looks like the FC/E big tent kits are very attractive. :thinking:


The only thing more attractive then FC/E big tent kits are …:sweat_smile:

Light is better. :thinking:

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Tbh depends on people’s situations …
In my eyes both are a win but to me the light trumps all .
I can make a tent as big as needed just cannot supply the lumens necessary :rofl:

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Many guys know that TS1000 used to be called “game changer”. As the most popular light in the TS series, do you know why TS1000 is the first light for beginners?You are welcome to comment on your thoughts.
A. Low-budget & high-efficiency
B. Full-spectrum & dimmable
C. Suitable for all kinds of plants
D. Other


They’re still great fixtures which is why I’m still running my “old” aka: non dimmer box style pair of TS1000’s in one of my 2x4 tents :hugs: