Ma's Closet 2x2

I would check the trichomes to see if they are about ready for harvest.


This may sound odd, but if you dim your lights (or lift) you can slow down the process (assuming it’s not pH lockout).

It is analogous to the accelerator on a car, the more light the faster the plant processes. But dimming the light 10~20% plant processes slow down, nutriment demands lessen as well.

I grow in organic soil and this trick has worked out well a couple times.
Such as, if I should have used a larger pot for the last up-pot in flower… :blush:



How long have they been in flower? It looks to me like they’re just getting to the end of their life-cycle, consuming themselves from the bottom up.


How many days from seed is the Tricross?
Looks like you caught her just waking up, or is she a bit underwatered?


Appreciate the help everyone!! you all are awesome :v:

43 days in flower give or take… I considered it was nearing end of life, It just didnt look like the normal yellowing im used to so I got worried.

Tricross is at 44 days since germination and correct I caught her just waking up. I usually check them right when light comes on and take my pictures then… I’ll have more pics and updates on the Tricross, been slacking on the updates!!


Seeing that it is an auto flower, the veggie and seedling stage counts towards its flowering time?

I’m not entirely familiar with them.

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I haven’t even read up on auto flowers. I am following on this thread tho @GanjaMa

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To me, it almost looks like the PH is off and it locked up or the FFOF was too much with that strain, if you were feeding it too. JMO