🌈 Mastering the Original Haze releases

Made my overtime break :exploding_head:

I am on my path from out to indoor at the moment because of all the hazes and rare stuff I am seeking.

Did you throw some Iranian Hazes this year ?

Happy Weekend


Super lovely! Big respect!
Gonna follow the thread


well a good method … my fav @ moment… to germinate old seeds and to make cut’s
is to use Mycorrhiza … i’m always surprised how many seeds still germinate … did here one pot with and the other without … all with mycorrhiza have some seedlings coming …
i’ll let them soak in 10/1 Water / 3.5% H2O2 for 24h @26°C
than direct in soil… make a hole … put some mycorrhiza in it…
put the seed into… cover… keep warm and never change the temp … 24 - 27° max

cut’s let soak in water … best 24h … dip the stem in Mycorrhiza
make a hole in the soil… optional put also some Mycorrhiza in…
put the cut in… and keep warm & wet … cover them and not too strong light…



Are you planning to invest (and to show) on a regular basis the Sam’s genetics ? It was my click bait to be honest.


Good to see you here my friend.
Madmac the real haze man.

Can you share with us more information about your Thai stick X OHz?


yes :slight_smile:
need to pop those soon…
but will do a new thread und grow diary…
thx for interest


long time no see :wink:
thai stick (gypsy) repro… the best girl got hazed…
teetree aroma and very electric … still have her as cut


Just my two cents, the platform used here is more promoting long lasting growlogs. They are capped automatically by a bot that split the threads in multiples parts for you. A dedicated log can catch the “click bait” better ofc, but it will quickly drawn over a more active/diversified logs. Just an opinion.


nette ladies…hübsch & hazey
willkommen an bord


Hey @MadMac . Have you ever reversed a male haze to produce female flowers?


yes :slight_smile:
made also seeds … but did not find the time to test…
it’s all coming next years…
the plan is/was and nearly finished…
haze all good landrace I’ll find… and work with those…
because i’ll do it all because of the high… and everything the haze touches becomes better…
it’s all about resin and terpene, thc & thcv that you find more in landrace…
and the right thc + thcv gives to me the best high… long duration… euphoric with no come down…
old Thai Stick is a very good example or the colombian, mexican from back in the day’s …
i’ll wanted it back & i’ll found it in the haze but also in the Thai Stick i’ll repro’ed…
took long time to understand what is responsible for that… it’s not only thc & terpene :wink:

here now the reversed OHz male … resin monster…

the great thing with cannabis is, the possibilities are endless but that’s also the problem…
haze love


@MadMac . That reversed male is fucking AMAZING ! Would you please tell me exactly how you did that?


Effect of Timing of Ethephon Treatment on the Formation of Female Flowers and Seeds from Male …pdf (788.2 KB)

basically you spray the male plant with a mix of ethephon & water mix… they use it for tomatoes etc … called Bayer Ethrel or Florel…
the attached PDF explains all steps :wink:

info SamS:
XX is a female, YY is produced by selfing a XY male temporarily transformed to express female then used times another XY male.
25% of the seeds of an XY x Xy will be YY or should be.
The only way I know to test is to take the material to a cytology lab they charge a small price to test and confirm what the plant is XX, XY, or YY. Maybe others can do it now, I used a cytology plant lab in the Netherlands.
If it is YY and you cross it with a normal XX female every seed made will be XY male so that is another way to confirm that you have a YY male. Is every seed made a male only?



Thank you for the growing tips!! I very much appreciate those tips and your photos!!
I’m going after the haze plants to make some cannabis capsules from the plants matter.
We have been using cannabis caps, for a sleep aid for my wife.
Haze caps, should offer, some wonderful day time brain and body nourishment.
All the best to you!!


hey Calle,
no not outdoors… made S1 with the two best from high…
but have some new hazed premium auto’s coming…
they where all smoke testet before and i’m trilled to see them finishing :slight_smile:
pictures and so coming soon in a dedicated thread…


Yummy Yummy, :drooling_face:


@MadMac . What qualities do you think an original Haze contributes to a cross with another plant?


good question :wink:
hybrid vigour is amazing
much more resin covering
inbreed line become new life
the high get’s stronger and more clear… longer duration too

to keep the original flavour i’ll cross it back to the origin after hazing it…
that made old strains new …

most breeders used haze girls for crossing…
but to me a male is soo much better… was also a very long ride to find the proper… lot’s of testing too
and because long flowering… nobody took the time to check that out… also Sam never did… but he helped me a lot to find the king or better two kings… but also reversing the best female and pollinate the best cut … works great too
it’s all a question of time …
but looking back… worth every month


Yeah nice to hear :slight_smile: I saw them on your site! Looks really promising overall :boom:


Coolio, I will watch your thread with pleasure :sunglasses: