🌈 Mastering the Original Haze releases

@MadMac . Does Original Haze change the shape and structure of the flowers when crossed with another plant? If so, then how?

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yes the OHz does change the plant…
structure stay’s like the same but the plant becomes 5 to 1o times bigger like you see here in the pictures…
the first is the iranian auto that i’ll used with my OHz girl reversed…
the other pictures show the final cross IA x OHz S1
it’s crazy and works so well …
Iran Auto

here the finishing plants around october 15 … where all startet 1 may from seed

that’s the hybrid vigour … and see those bud’s … no mold no issue … perfect


That is a beautiful plant man! Simply beautiful. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Tannenbaum oh Tannenbaum, wie grün sind deine Blüten. Du blühst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit, nein denn im Winter machst mich breit. Oh Tannenbaum…:star_struck::grin:

Tolle Pflanzen. Sehen riesig aus.

Huge respect for being that patient, growing such a long flowering genotype.



Dam … Those things a Big Trees :smile:


yes big trees :slight_smile: … that was the goal… 4 meter +
our gov. decided to legalise 3 plants for each person…
i’ll thought… hmmm 3 plants… that’s not much from this commercial genetics…
also outdoors they are small compared…
i’ll know what happend… but the problem is to finish them proper in mid october…
and this was the first test that worked out… :slight_smile:
now i’ll asked the grower…:
do you want small auto’s or commercial or do you want trees that fill the bucket’s for a year and can feed a family included grands hehe … 1.2 KG/Plant … than the effort makes sense :wink:
testet the high on my half team @ work and they all liked it very much… it’s the uplifting, wanna make things high… i’ll prefer…


@MadMac . What is the best way to determine that a Haze plant is fully ripe ?

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personal preferences… :wink:
i’ll like to pick them when 90% of hairs are brown and when they than start to smell strong…
it keeps smelling strong around 4 day’s long…
than it goes back and you have to wait another 30 day’s for peak of smell…
there are 3-4 harvest windows… early @ 70% brown, 90% and 100% brown …
some wait even longer … that’s the last and you easy miss that one… after that the thc and terpene degrade very quick… in a few day’s … last harvest i’ll took the last harvest window… but the plant was not equal ripe and also reflowered… best is to do the last 4 weeks 10 hours of light … like you do with thai…
if you want to do it perfect… start with 11.5 h light and than reduce to 10 over 4 month period …
best is harvesting the day before they start to smell stronger… but that is very tricky and you have to watch and smell… if you know the genetics it’s easier… i’ve needed 3 grows to master the haze…
different in high:
70% speedy but not long duration and euphoric is not so strong… good day smoke
90% euphoric, want to do something… can easy focus on things … long duration and some kind electric… no come down… just goes slowly away… duration up to 4 hours
100% euphoric but too strong for enjoy things … really electric like Speed + MDMA can become too strong and you notice the come down… not much but you’re exhausted… very trippy… long duration 4h+
golden brown: euphoric devasting… very strong but loose the early bud’s … long duration as well but it’s not so pleasant anymore … like Destroyer from Cannabiogen…


pictures tell more than words… those are around 1 week away from harvest… last swell of the calyxes



I would love to try those different stages :100: :rainbow:


Is the drop the mic haze thread!
I’d put the skids on a bunch of stuff to run your haze(s) this fall. Just saying… :grinning:


Nice to see you here amigo!
In my opinion this is the best forum of all The people are not more knowledgeable on the subject. but it has the best vibe!


here some old and new…
4 are from seed… all bx to haze and one is my fav ohz selfed…
first run of those… [image]
others are the best golli ohz cut’s and the last remaining thh cut…
need some dope for end of year and want to know again how they do…
i’ll still have 20 cut’s from the two run’s of golli ohz…
but the best is still the male…

OHz #15 selfed from seed… keep N very low and temp’s not over 26°C and they will not stetch like crazy

THH lime green pheno … the metallic turpentine smelling

Golli OHz … kept in small shoes… until now… because than they will not stretch like hell… today is the day for transplanting from 4 liter to 30 liter living soil…

small shoes until they start to flower… than transplant

HPS is back … for later flowering… Osram Plantstar 600w very good for long flowering… connected direct with exhaust… keeps the lamp cool and room too… LED are the new Sanlight Evo 1.5 with dimmer… they are now on 60% … Sanlight rocks… have they gear a few years now in my breeding tent …

and now after all the years …
colombian strains are the best.
gives me the best high… better as Thai, African, Mexican and all the others…
because of that… and i’m very happy that i’ll got my hands on those rar genetics from BSC…
have now BSC Santa Marta, Punto Rojo, USC Colombian Gold and this Mexican Oaxacan and Acapulco Gold from bodhi coming for repro and of course hazing with my male… also bx than back to origin gave every strain a huge push and maybe the old vigor back… there is still sooo much to discover and i’ll still have so many haze seeds from Sam himself to check out… but all in all it’s the best to me i’ll came across… without the haze i’m sure i’ll would not breed anymore… only grow for smoke…

haze :heart:


It’s the Legend himself!!! Good to see you here as well brother Mac. I was late to your OHaze party a few years ago was able to get some once removed from your work on her . You and some of the other guys in the Haze community I really look up to, and enjoy y’all’s great generosity. As well as dedication to preserving the Original stock 76’ OHaze.
Blessings to you brother and really excited your here.
Aka AmericanFarmer


many thx @HillbillyHaze and @Elchischas
and all the others for da welcome and likes… :slight_smile:
yes was looking for a better place to show and discuss …
and as it looks many familiar grower are here to :slight_smile:
should not be like promotion…
more show other a way to grow da haze…

here is the first from all my outdoor haze crosses who start to flower… others show just sex…
i’ll used the best (smoke wise) Iraq Babylon and pollinated her with my haze boy…
cut’s can be kept under 18h light … so will do and after smoke test plan the next steps… if good will bx to the haze again to make it more hazy and select the first flowering … than self for growin’ pleasure…

Iraq Babylon x OHz

problem is we have a lot of mice and rat’s etc outdoors… they always damage the root system… you see that on the yellow leaf’s … but i’ll want to know how they do without help outdoors… if they finish well … pest … mold etc… only under real hard conditions the best crosses show there strength like last year… who likes to wait 6 month and get’s mold or other issues @ the end when it becomes wet, cold and stormy …
all the best


High Five right across the Airwaves here @MadMac
That’s an incredible plant(s) your growing. Theres a lot of chairs, but I’m pulling Up

Best Wishes on all this


Amazing pictures Mad :love_you_gesture:t5:

I am waiting to return home soon
So i can continue cultivating your work my friend
For now here I leave a photo of a Golli Haze crossing with a good strain called Alpine Haze
It seems that start to pre flowering
Outdoor grow and four meters high and still growing!


here some special OHz cut’s i’ll found…
all share the same grow style & leafs signature…
when i’ll asked Sam about … he is also not absolute sure because he did not bred the haze…
he know’s that they used Santa Marta Colombian and Punto Rojo Colombian. …
my guess is they used an Colombian Gold which is a mix of great Col. strains…
anyhow i’ll growed some Punto Rojo from Cannabiogen &The Landrace Team…and from a private source (Satva) … Cannabiogen & Satva’s PR looked like this OHz cut’s you see next…

Original Haze (Golli) → 4 Punto Rojo pheno’s

@Elchischas looking great… yep the haze gives vigour :slight_smile: … i’ll love that


little update from the flower room…
some already have resin on leaf’s :slight_smile:

outdoors biggest enemy … this year it’s crazy… but all my plants made it :slight_smile:

Outdoor Haze crosses doing fine

Original Haze (Golli cut’s)

all the best


Hey Mad,

Are the OD‘s in the same ground as last year? Seems like this cross is a bit hungrier and later or am I wrong ?

Snails are all over this year.

Looking really good! :rainbow: