Maxibloom with 70/30 Coco/perlite in autopots

I’ve used urban farms Texas tomato @ 2/3rds strength (600 ppms) to get them this far:

L–>R Cindy 99 sunshine 4 bad dog freebie born from seed July 24th
Tombstone f2 born from seed July 16th.
Gonuts clone cutting taken late June.

I used g.o.e. in a 1 gal soil plant a few months ago got decent results.

I tried masterblend tomato basic last grow. I made it to the end with usable product and learned a lot about salt buildups.

I’m just trying to find a simple, reliable, cost effective nutrient solution with my autopots so I thought I’d try this next. Plan to start around 700ppms and adjust up or down as the plants get through the cycle.

Edit to add my medium is coco, hydroton and perlite.

Does this seem like a sound plan?
Have you guys flowered with this fertilizer before? If so, what ppms did you use?


I use Urban Farms exclusively, have for quite some time, nothing better for veg in my opinion. I DO NOT use TTF or GOE, but rather their Vegetable Food. TTF and GOE ratio’s not best for our plants, VF is!

There is no better “complete” feed than Urban /farms in my opinion.

I do not flower with it, have, will grow leaf n stems n ot bud, ratios oiut of whack.

I use Jacks from week 3 of flip on. Urban Farms only for veg and first 3 weeks after the flip.


Boy needs your help @ifish , know you love getting folk going, here is your nect pupil, :sunglasses:

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He’s coco loco : )
@Oheeeoh check out jetsdros topics old and new it’s all there for the taking : )
If you change to promix plenty here to help : )


Jacks would be best in flower

What to use
Jacks 10/30/20
Jacks 5/12/26
Epson salts

I know nothing about coco

I use promix

I would keep
Ppms between 700 to 900 in early flower
Always check ph I keep mine between 6 to 6.2
Coco may be higher

I used tvf for a few years it is a great all in one

Now I us for veg
Jacks 20/20/20 and jacks 15.5/0/0 combo much cheaper and for me easier to get



Thanks for the help everyone. Looks like I’ve got more reading/learning to do.

Here’s the stuff I’ve got to work with:.

When you guys use the 10-30-20 bloom booster the calnit is omitted, correct?

I just flipped the light cycle so luckily I’ve got a couple weeks to figure it out.


Forgot to add I also have a bag of gh powdered maxibloom.

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You can make those work

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They are deffo great ratios but he will have to take into account he’s coco and higher ca needed will up his n : ) I know nothing of coco tho

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Neither do I but those ratios are a great starting point


They need the ca to be higher for coco

You can get the right ratios with those! great job ! :+1::+1::+1::sunglasses:

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OK so the res needed filling today, so I went with:

5 gals R.O. water
3 tsp GH Maxibloom
Enough sodium bicarbonate to take the pH from 4.8 to 6.0. (that maxibloom sure is acidic yowza)
Few drops of the Fish Sh!t microbial inoculant.

See how they do with that. PPM’s came to 540 and the pH came out to 6.0. .


Sounds good to me :+1::+1::+1:


So far it seems everyone has done well with the change in the nutrient line up. They’ve gone through at least 2 gals of the maxibloom and everyone seems happy…

I just gave everyone a decent trim. Couple handfuls of fan leaves and a few “destined to be larf” lower branches were removed.


Great job my friend


Friday afternoon update: We’re on day 9 since flip.

Tombstone in the middle is confirmed female. :smiley: I’m pretty sure I’m seeing pistils on Cindy (left plant). Got pretty lucky if both of my seeded regs are female. After going 1/5 with Gonuts regs I guess I was due for some luck.

I refilled the res a couple days. Upped the PPM’s from 520 to 630. The first batch of maxibloom I used 3tsp in 5 gals of R.O. Last batch I went with 4tsp. I’ll probably stick around this nutrient strength level until the plants start to complain.

Everyone have a great weekend if you can!


Not quite a week, but they did finish their second week of flower today. Tombstone is a heck of a stretcher!

Lots of budsites!

I refilled 5 more gallons of the Maxibloom at 720ppm’s yesterday. They are drinking over a gallon a day between them right now.


Here’s the gang at 3weeks + 2 days flower: They were on their own all week and didn’t seem to mind at all.

For the close up flower shots, Cindy:

Tombstone F2:

Gonuts clone:

I didn’t realize these were out of focus when I took the pictures. I just got home from a 5 hour drive and i’m a little woozy. :smiley:


Just dropping some pics in here for future reference. We finished week 4 of flower today:

Things seem to be chugging along fine. I had originally planned to have flushed them by now, but I’m not flushing plants that aren’t asking for anything.

One of Cindy’s nicer buds:

Here’s a nice one from Tombstone:

Finally the Gonuts clone: This plant’s pistils started changing colors already some have been orange for a day or two.

Thanks for stopping by everyone. We’re about halfway done already time sure flies!


We made it through another week!

Everyone got a flush yesterday. The PPM levels in the runoff confirmed they were ready for the flush. I filled the nutrient tank with a slightly different formula. Was using 4tsp of maxibloom and 1/2 tsp of epsom salt in 5 gals of R.O. Switched it up to 3 1/2 tsp of Maxibloom and 1 tsp of Ftertilome Blooming and rooting (NPK 9/58/8) as a bloom/PK booster with 1 tsp of epsom salt. PPMs were still around 650.

Here’s Cindy the current bud boss:

Tombstone looking healthy:

Finally Gonuts doing her gonuts thing:

We’re past halfway done with flower. Time flies when you’re having fun!