MB15 Crosses

Sounds like a good plan to me.


There’s a guy on Instagram named Dookiefarms that used to have a nice GMO cut for sale. He’s who I got my Motorbreath 15 and pre 98 Bubba Kush cuts from several years ago. I haven’t checked his page out in awhile as I just don’t do Instagram very often but he did have a cut of GMO as well as some other nice strains last time I checked.


I actually know Kaka (the dookie guy) from other forums a few years ago. His genetics erre always legit fire! If that’s the MB15 you got no question it’s legit ! He’s a great guy but unfortunately won’t go cross border


She is in my greenhouse in a 15gallon
getting a bit hot to be sending clones in the mail but we can arrange something in the fall.
I’ll be pairing her with Biker Kush , Long Valley Royal Kush and feminized OGKB 2.0 in the greenhouse this summer. Over winter I’ll introduce her to Schwaggy’s HAOG BX4.
Might have to pop some of @shag’s MB15 seeds and look for a good male from those to hit her with too.
Not to let the cat out of the bag but I have big plans for the BC Pink over the next few years.
I’m going to breed her just like @tonygreen has done with the GG4 and Sour Bubble except I am going to use Biker V1F3 as the male in line one. The other line I will run at the same time will be Pink x DMT(from jaws).
Run them both to Bx6 and then combine for a Pink Kush IBL line in seed form. I could short cut doing S1 but I want to take on the journey.


Yup, that’s him. I got it right before he moved out to Oklahoma. He was selling a bunch of snips for great prices to fund the move and thin down how many mother plants he’d have to move. I met him the same forum you did. If you can give me a safe way to send some snips to Canada I’d be happy to send you some. I have a plant vegging for flower in a few weeks and I can grab a few before flip. I’ve sent them to Colorado a couple times using US mail Express mail but don’t know about getting them across the border.

I was just about to message you… :rofl:
Seems I keep a who’s got what in my head … :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:WTF?

Also our “kind” friend at the lab may be able to help ya with the GMO.
I was trying to get a cut, then he said something about possible broadmites and I did not get back with him.
Maybe he does not have that issue any longer.
I don’t think he will send to Canada either.

But you have a bunch of friends in the states, most would love a cut of GMO so you may be able to work something out, dunno!
Just figured I would show you the deer trail, how you want to hunt it is up to you.
If I do land up with it, I will surely find a way to get you a copy. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@FirstCavApache64 @shag i appreciate you guys a ton. Gracias :pray:t2:


You may have missed the pink kush offer in all the commotion. :upside_down_face:


That has got to be one of the worst ratios I have ever heard of.
What are the odds?
I wonder if we will see more of this.
I would have to check my notes but I think those seeds I use 2 of the best males at the same time in the tent.
I made sure both had a fair chance and both males were oposite spectrum.
I was trying to preserve diversity without a total open pollination.
Several males of the same type showed up and I chose the best specimen in his class.
I kept a total of 3 males and used that last one in another room to make some of the crosses.
So 3 totally different males were selected for this MB-15 project.

So you never know, this could turn into a total sausage fest but I hope not… :wink:


I’ll DEFINITELY take you up on that when you are ready @SHSC-1 my stable is getting back up there also. Lots to offer :wink: i actually just shipped some snips off today and have others on the way tomorrow and next week too .

I highly doubt it, probably something I did as this was during my germination mishap too…. Never switching it up again

Here’s motorbreath 15 in week 4 of flower. Let it go too long in veg and it’s crowding the lights which stinks.


These pics were from @CanuckistanPete
Thanks buddy! :star_struck:
Not a cross just Motorbreath.




Me too, will be see what it can do in the desert! I think it will take some additional lighting for us in the low thirties but I bet the extra month on each end will produce some good size plants :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

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I am not sure if it will need to be propped up for I have grown topped crosses down here with 4 colas and they still managed to grow 9-11’ easily and I imagine these will be trees with 7 months plus two months inside to get the root mass able to handle 100 degree days and teens for humidity. Yes they will get watered everyday but I think they will love it in the Az.


In flower by @CanuckistanPete


Thanks for the update.
If you need more of these just hit me up. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Some shots of my Motorbreath 15 clone from @FirstCavApache64 .


A up close and personal look at MotorBreath grown by @CanuckistanPete
He makes the MotorBreath shine.
Thanks again for the pic! :star_struck:


All I did was add water to some great genetics! :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe the captain added his special ingredients…LOL