MB15 Crosses

@TopShelfTrees1 Michigan here.


Oh man, you are close to @shag for sure. Let’s see what he says…. But I’ll gladly send some if he doesn’t have them or can’t. Got you my friend :facepunch:t2:


Thanks man. I think I will be meeting @shag this August at an event here in Michigan. As well as others from OG


As long as the stars collide I’ll see you there as well my friend. Been invited for 3-4 years now but this is my first real chance…. :crossed_fingers:t2: all works out :crossed_fingers:t2: and you’ll see @SHSC-1 and i there as well all the way from the great white North and we intend to teach you Yankee boys how to fish as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


She was a nice specimen but I am pretty sure there are some frostier phenos in these.
If I am able to, I hope to hunt 50 of these to find a cut I like.


That would be most excellent. I used to love to fish. River fishing was my thing. But now just too many people for me to be enjoyable. Still love eating em’.


Looks like the fishing contest will have a few ringers this year…LOL
I hope to see all of you fine folks out at this event. :heart_eyes:


This is where I have a hard time as well, I live extremely close to a world class fishery (people fly here from all over the world for a chance at a Niagara GIANT ) where my father/grandfather taught me to fish you would rarely see a soul and I’ve spent thousands of days down there no joke. Now it’s like “get in line and watch these poor migrating beauties run the gauntlet of hooks, beads, lures and snagging pricks trying to get to the falls for safety and release of their precious offspring. For years (10+ now) I’ve slowly crept away and found new untouched spots, but I’ve ventured as far as I can here, it’s overrun by people with no care for the ecosystem or our watersheds. Breaks my heart watching what I love diminishing to chaos, trash, snagging and ignorance but it’s pushed me away enough I’m on the water 1/10th of what I once was. Honestly I’ve been feeling a move is in order for years now, it’s almost inevitable now


Couldn’t have said it better. Agree 200%

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@shag if she was run properly and not neglected and such imagine what she could be though. This was less than ideal conditions trust me, even switched nutes 1/2 way through COMPLETELY


I’m a huge river fisherman as well in fact I’m 10-15 min walk from the mighty Niagara

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Motorbreath is no joke. Everyone loves it in my circle. I been thinking of hitting one with some temple Flo pollen. And maybe some shishkaberry pollen courtesy of @SHSC-1


Might be time for a trip to Harlow Lake.

Harlow Lake

Harlow Lake is located in Marquette County, Michigan. This lake is 75 acres in size. When fishing, anglers can expect to catch a variety of fish including Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Rock Bass, Yellow Perch.


@shag the UP is a favorite destination of mine.


I saw a show called Aerial America. Had Michigan on recently. Show’s decently done. I’ve wata bunch episodes.


Mine too, I was fortunate to spend 5 weeks up there 2 years ago.
Waterfalls everywhere.
I love it and I will be doing it again.
I want to take a 100% off road trip from copper harbor to the mackinaw bridge.
Drop me off at copper harbor and I will meet ya at the mighty mac in several days.


That would be epic @shag


That extended absence was noted buddy.


I’m in ! Same for the UP ! Always wanted to fight some of those wild steelies out there, browns too! Count me in when this happens 100%


I recently harvested some Florida OG pollen . (Beans were from the early 90’s and out of 12 only two popped, and the female was a mutant weirdo so I harvested a bunch of pollen. I was contemplating dusting a Motorbreath with some of that, I’d really love a cut of Josh D OG or HAOG to hit with her. HAOG , pink Kush and GMO are the three cuts I’m balls out looking for atm to complete my most sought cultivars over the years which is incredible in its own right. Then it’s full on breeding extravaganza for a few years combining old school skunks, HP’s , Chems, Kushes and Sours in search of ultimate old school medicinal genetics. Can’t wait to get it started after my repros!