Med-man brand feedback / data mine

Here this is recent

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My Loud Skunk is dried and has been sampled. I had only one female and it was easy to grow. The buds have a gentle floral scent until they are broken up. It has a very pungent aroma of red table wine with a bit of camping fuel in the background. It smells good and it’s a really overwhelming smell. The taste is similar, earthy, red wine, plums, blackberry, charcoal and fuel. Very good smoke, instant heavy body feeling that turns to a calming, relaxing stone.

Here’s some Road Kill Skunk in Autopots.


Nice work my guy. You did a wicked job. :flushed:

Especially with the terp profile. I would need that type of description in order to dissect them the way you did!

As promised you ever need some more freebies holler at your boy

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Chopped this a.m.

Huge yellow gold calyxes, bi and tri serrated leafs

Going to hunt for a bean and see how big they are

The perfect balanced blend of burnt rubber, ammonia chem, sulpher / propane, cat piss and sour pine Citrus.

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Jumbo lime green and golden calyxes on this 70s loud skunk

Seed is unripe but you can make out the tiger stripes

Maybe the ripe beans will be ovoid to with the watermelon look like the old rks?

Hot off the press.

One of my students at the cannabis champions college

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Just came in this a.m. from fb msgr

This is med-man hashplant made with Roberts creek 1988 nl1xpnwhp x pre-soviet afghani hindu kush I made in the loud skunk 2023


blue-berry cheese-cake by the van man


From a valued oger last year

Original fruity pebbles og


Today at 4:45 pacific standard time we will be discussing psychadelics on the op3n your eye podcast

Black kush

Loud skunk project 2023 giveaways (non og member)

Started late but they look great

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Purple rock-band grown in the uk

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My genetics have won at least 4 cups that i know of in chile…the andes cup

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More ig reviews

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