Any rks fans out and about

I have 2 both from different growers, one of them is mine and it’s locked up.
We are currently working on this one still cracking beans that I originally got and it’s produced the royal stink so bad I got someone else doing a project with these.

However the other batch I have and I have seen the grows with these could be just as good, maybe better.
These aren’t a sham like the rest of the fakes out there.
I’m looking for someone with a good green thumb and upstanding citizen to maybe take over this other project.
Upstanding as in loyal, trustworthy a real boyscout.
Contact me in pm and you could possibly go on a list of hopefuls.
I’d like to see what these are gonna do to possibly mix with my other stench wench.


I know its only been a few months, but any word on how this is going?


Ya how the RKS hunt going?

If you can make seeds which consistently or even Rarely produce RKS phenos you will be rich beyond your dreams!!!


I’m well enough off without needing this bullshit.
I’m not like people who don’t work and depending on sales to get me by.
I’ve made mine

Money isnt/wasn’t ever my intentions, just like the cherry Ak47 that you question.
Just a mark that I’ve been around.
I sure in hell don’t have to prove a thing, it’s already been proven.
That was proven right here in this site by Jetdro.

I suggest you go do some hunting like I did.
Pound the ground, beat the bush.
You ain’t getting shit from me.


Excuse me for questioning you when you are the 100000th person to claim RKS.

One guy saying he agrees w you doesnt make it proven btw.

If you were so sure then you would have no problem when people question it. And if it were true then you woukdnt have people questioning it because you would be more than happy to spread the beans and let others prove that you found something that has been searched for many yrs.

Hate me or whatever, but just be careful what you claim.



What are you a kid trying to lure me out with bullshit.
Seriously, I’m a bit too old for you and everyone else on your band wagon for this kinda shit.


I’d say one guy finding 2 cherries out of the 5 beans that I made was proof in the pudding.
Just on this site alone.
Instigating punks

Go away kid, you’re bugging me.

@Craigson15, stirring up things or are we done with this BS?

@OleReynard, “you’re working the line, I’ll get back to ya” would be a fine response.


Im not aloud to question very bold claims with no proof??

A better question would be why are you protecting someone who makes such bold claims both for himself and against other well-known breeders?

Doesnt make much sense.


What is the purpose of this thread? To brag about your ‘road kill skunk’ and the level of financial independence you’ve reached??

Great job, we’re all proud of ya sport!! :+1:


No it was not, it was meant to show that I was not in it for the money.
Or to brag about a stinky skunk plant I have.

That’s it put your own spin on it, trash

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We aren’t protecting anyone and if we are it’s from unwarranted attacks, I’m so done with this damn RKS discussion…

Guess what yall?

Still just weed… “Mine smells like skunk, mine smells like flowers, mine smells like garlic”

Smells like weed to me.

Move on from it! Get along! Keep shit in order


This is you following on the shark’s tank BS which, coincidentally, was immediately followed-up by an attempted post from a first post sock puppet account.

We’ll just dump this into the tank if this continues. That is all.

It was clear that we will not permit continued attacks.


And taking something out of the tank and bringing arguments into the unlocked threads is a good way to take a couple days off for not listening


Just let it go.

I’m pulling the nets and moving on.
I’ve dropped enough cherry beans on this site and they’re good ones ask Jet.

It takes a few to fuck over the rest.
You should Thank them Whole Heartedly, they act like privelaged ass punks

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I have some of @OleReynard AKs in flower, and they do have a cherry essence on stem rub. Still early in flower to give a final verdict.

Gotta grow em to find out.

Until someone proves this otherwise, no reason not to be open to the possibility. Seeds come from many sources, and @OleReynard probably gets his from someone he trusts. It’s not like he is selling these, and profiting off of lies.

@beacher I think this thread was originally started to try and find someone to help with a project. Not another shit slinging fest. Some people just can’t help themselves.

Everyone please chill the fuck out. I do not want to see this place turn into RIU.



Honestly, I’m so sick of seeing this bull shit.
Ya’ll fighting over some fucking WEED SEEDS.
Does it grow gold nuggets or some shit? No? Then stop bickering like little fucking school girls and get the fuck over it. The poor dead horse has been beaten enough.


Please keep this conversation civil and on-topic. Thanks.

So back on topic. What ever happened with your search, you find someone for ya project?