Med-man brand feedback / data mine

That made me think of this photo kawet7ckxjpa1


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Mate he says he goes to Peru to source different strains :rofl::rofl:. The only reason you would be going to Peru is to buy coke :rofl::rofl::rofl: The bloke is a coke head . A theif in other words :+1: .


They have potatoes in the mountains of peru too!


Nothing wrong with a little marching powder to keep you going on a sluggish day


Yeah mate no worries :relaxed:. Did you travel to Peru to get it :joy::joy::joy:


Back in my younger days I would’ve traveled to the ends of the earth for some nice blow haha but clean these days. I hear Peru is the spot…of course have to find a way to bring it back past airport security.


When i was young i def did some crazy shit lol

Dang medman,

It looks like that one picture has evidence of you saying you didn’t find any skunk in 2012, then in the other message to mack10 you sold him a pack of skunk tellin him it’s in there, then the picture with you and the dildo next to your PC. What gives man? That’s dishonest… some might say morally unscrupulous and debaucherous. I thought you said you had a wife taking up your time. I don’t know if I trust any of this skunnky business man. This is starting to look a little bit shady like the Blue Skies Vienna guy and the compost he sold me.


I’m gonna see myself out. This is getting too zany for me. The whole idea of a lobbyist buying editing rights, and everything is corruption and bribery, and I agree, it doesn’t allow people to say what they really want here, forcing me to try to read between the lines.
The Lord of Lies picture was the funniest post, though.


Ok. You’re wrong.

We want you to post something that’s relevant.
Not from twelve years ago. Pretty simple.

Unless of course, you can’t dig up any decent comments from the last decade…


Fair, thx for clarifying, but It’s more then relevant today then ever actually

If people want to make false claims I never bred a skunk, they get debunked. (Not you this is an open thread)

Lots of up to date feedback here, in fact, this thread just got started :grinning:

Material means nothing without character and virtue.

Wouldn’t you say?

I just want to add please send me some of these skunk genetics and will happily document for everyone. Been growing for a while now with a master gardener certification so can give you all an honest opinion. As long as it’s free haha def not interested in paying


I do a giveaway every spring here on og

Would love to have you involved in 2025

Anything else you need pls holler

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Skunk #1 I don’t think was ever skunky.

There’s is a reason why these were freebies/testers

Beautiful specimens none the less

Extremely pungent…lord of loud

I’m pretty sure you were commenting on the giveaway thread (as usual I also could be wrong)

Please feel free to take a gander starting between post 1 and 65

Never once in the thread did I say that I was giving away my rks, in fact the title and many descriptions it says “testers” right?

If you did, or if you will take the time to read it from the top then you will know I always have ringers in my loud skunk projects of tried and true specimens to giveaway