Med-man brand feedback / data mine

The same f1 alien bought off me for 200.00 and resold for 30,000.00 at the farm

dude, i have no idea who you are and i dont give a fuck cus i dont plan to buy anything from you after the shitshow. but your responses on that thread made me laugh in a “this guy looks like brawndo in the flesh” kind of way.

you bitch about what happened and have lemonadejoe close it for you… and here you are not just not letting it go, youre asking for more. literally. youre saying its good for you. so if the hate comes back you cant fucking bitch about shit, because youre literally asking for more.

just fucking move on and present your shit… but if youre inviting a show, appreciate it as you say - dont fucking bitchy bitch about it later.


What year was that?

Circa 2013sh was the auction if I’m not mistaken. I’m not sure why you ask these questions when you know the answers

Fpog auction Beans went to Ted in California. I won’t share the last name

Instead of reaching for confirmation bias as per usual… Just look at Ted’s/ aliens pics of fp 2006 and his re release of fp x tahoe. Then all the plants after the auction. 0 similarity

I’m not sure what you’re talking about? Is there some controversy around your FP OG coming out after the Alien one?

Well. For a guy obsessed with truth you tell me. If a guy made 28k usd on seeds he never made you should be trolling him not me lol

Wow, that’s a really bold claim. Can you back that up, is very interesting.

It can be confusing for guys that haven’t been around that long

  • alien had fruity pebbles circa 2006
  • alien then crossed fp x tahoe at some point
  • I made original fpog in 2012 skxtd testers icmag
  • alien found me via icmag
  • alien private labelled those seeds for the farm auction soon after he got them

So we have

  • fruity pebbles
  • fruity pebbles x tahoe
  • original fruity pebbles og f1 hybrid sold at auction for 1500 usd

Anything that came after or out of that auction is my work. And anything I sold or gave away are the f1 from the same seeds tedder private labelled

You want a character reference about Ted dm capitulator.

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Go do a dna sequencing. Just make sure to have chain of custody, proof of purchase and tracking

It will help support your bold claims where you failed in the past with “tests”

Forensic verifiable evidence is all that is needed. With all the time and gumption you have on your hands you would be up to task to prove me right or wrong. Albeit at this point your bias may come into question

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I will send seeds to your lab of choice. I’m sure you are buddies with other people that alien sold seeds to for 150.00 a seed

Thousands lol

You’re time line seems to be mistaken. Fruity Pebbles OG was circa 2006…

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It’s possible but there was no fpog back then to my knowledge just fp

Search the forums not leafly

There was a Fruity Pebbles og back then.
I don’t use leafly.
You’re time line doesn’t add up.

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If it’s 8 plus years ago you have deemed it invalid correct?

Took me 2 seconds. Heres a report on it in 2011.


That’s correct. Fp x tahoe is that lineage.

Fruity pebbles og sold at auction is my skxtd icmag testers


These threads are a joke, I have no horse in either race but the way you hold yourself as a business person is laughable. Posting almost exclusively decade old reviews, and continuing to change topics and move goal posts when challenged. You act like @JustANobody is some company plant when he is just an active member of this community and looking to protect it. You should be attempting the same, but the way you speak about tincture sales being boosted, it’s like a 13 year old talking about haters.
I’m new to the grow game, but not cannabis in general, I’ll never purchase from you just based on how you’ve reacted in threads these past few days.


Whats his cannabis ethics organization called?

Would love a website or socials link please


No, why would you say that?