Med-man brand feedback / data mine

Why would you?

I don’t believe I did. Can you show me where I did say that?

Dude if time is your main point of relevance/ validity.
Then be prepared to be held to it

Otherwise it’s inadmissible in athe hypocritical sense per say

I have spent most my whole life in and out of court for cannabis activism and won all my cases.

So if setting a 8 or 10 year precedent I can’t go past be prepared to hold yourself to the same standard

without trying to encite drama I will ask a Very legitimate question.
How do you know @medmanbrand or better… how can you prove that the seeds sold at that auction were your seeds? Were you at the event with those seeds in hand and watched them physically being sold by Alien?
I think after all this time, and since Fruity Pebbles OG existed long before your claims, it should be on you to provide irrefutable proof that this alledged theft took place and irrefutable proof that the seeds Alien sold were actually your seeds. I find these tall tales to be unbelieveable and the onus is not on me or any other grower to prove your story.
Like Helmutt’s thread from 2011 , predates all your claims. Another thing about your story that keeps changing is the amount of money they were sold for… was it 28 grand? 30 grand? 150, grand… I’m confused. Those are details are truth teller does not get wrong, over and over again throughout the history of this FPOG story.

Look, I breed cannabis and take great pride in my work. I show parents, siblings, males, females, the work I do can all be backed up on the forums and in photos. You once challenged me to post an old pic of a hashplant we were sparring about, more big claims I quickly ignored but I did manage to find one old pic and get it onto my laptop. I’ve never seen you produce that hashplant even though you kept making big claims. After those challenges you moved on, switching gears to the next big story… "Pure Columbian Gold… from “Peru” LOL Icmag shredded you over that but you pressed on, buying a sponsor account and having the admin over there delete all that incredible information and discussion. Now you have switched gears again and it’s tinctures and wait for it everyone… RKS. So far I have seen two reviews from growers you sent seeds to from icmag… Pine and lemon … no RKS.

Prove your work, don’t make the potential customer do it… when they do it always seems to end up with threads like this.
Are any of those growers you are posting conversations from on Overgrow? and why not? We would sure like to see them join the community and show us your work.
I’m not trying to attack you man, everything I have posted is legitimate and accurate here.
As a fellow Canadian I have followed your story since before most internet folks knew a thing about you, and there is lots I will not post online… the hearsay, the snide comments, the laughing out loud… let’s just say your reputation is well known.
A buddy commented on a pic you posted in your “mankini” LOL brave to be out there in that I’ll give you credit there LOL but He noticed that all the other booths had lots of people around them but you were all by your lonesome. I bet those tincture sales are rockin buddy
best of luck to you.


Ah, I see, a false equivalency. Asking for more recent, pertinent reviews has nothing to do with the history of a strain. Easy mistake to make.


Selling weed under the table at a cannabis public event is not activism. It’s a blatant detrimental money grab.


Why did you stop showing pictures of your supposed Pacific NW Hash plant?


You silly goose. This isn’t a court.


Now my friend Trent Hancock is the guy that spear headed the lab test frauds investigations in California he literally changed the laws and disrupted the whole industry. That’s thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of tests.

Where were you? Crickets. Now any professional person that’s done any real activism that’s changed the cannabis landscape like him or me don’t take what law enforcement would consider cyberstalking seriously.

You want to protect people or patients? Use all this time and energy forming a cannabis ethics commity

Isolating 1 guy you just don’t like? Well. The irony is you won’t stop your own bleeding stabbing others. Its done healing our own wounds metaphorically and figuratively speaking

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Well when did this happen and I can tell you.

He changed the landscape and that’s awesome, he is not you though.


You are a very down to earth guy always have been

That hashplant grow to fruition is on here. Or on ic?

I sent flower to the guy that helped nevil make it. It checked out. Nl1xpnwhp roberts creek I think it was

These cuttings have been around this region a long time. As you well know. Most of nevils 88-90 catalog are scattered across bc.

Would have it been hard for you to ask for a little gift in the mail for you to verify? Not to me. I would trust you to be forthcoming

And that is where you have created a little problem for yourself

Use your perceived enemy to destroy the real one.

10 characters.


So you consider someone who questions your products and motives as a good candidate for forming an ethical committee, do ya? Are you unethical?


sigh… another thread going the way of RIU.

i gotta say it’s difficult to see a bunch of people you like/respect going at it for days on end.
i understand both sides of this continuing argument, and know why people are doing what they are doing… but would really like to see it done… or at least a cease fire for a few f^cking days… damn.


I ask you sincerely to suspend you bias for a minute and just indulge me for a second

You seem quite genuine to me so I’m indulging you (mutual respect okay)

Since you have to my knowledge never tried my products or grown my seeds, let’s also ignore my online persona and think critically

Where did all your ideas and perceptions about me actually come from? What impetus sparked this fire to “protect patients” where did the mantra originate becuase there is no other written record that professionally or hobby of you isolating someone to my knowledge.

No tricks.

I’ve seen your lab results.
I’ve seen your “persona”.
I’ve seen my friends grow of your “reg seeds”.

That’s where it comes from. If it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck, and shits everywhere like a duck… It’s a duck.

This is a goose

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I honestly expected a more mature response

1 more chance

Did you ever think to question the source of this information with the religious ferver that you pay to me?

Or what?
10 characters

The point was if there was no bias and an open mind to fact finding sure

Treat everyone with skepticism. Paranoia is unhealthy. I wouldn’t be a good medicine man would I if I didn’t try to help others open their eye

Always look for intent, motive, impetus

From what I have read and heard about swami it’s all hocus pocus. I know him and support the guy. As a long time breeder it’s loud and generics that matter.

Most you guys don’t personally know all the people I do. I’ve never felt it my obligation to create a witch hunt for all the b.s I’ve seen and heard in person that others are doing

Its no measure of health or virtue to be well adjusted to a smear campaign

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