Medicine Hunt (Congo,Rom,MMH,Skunk)

Almost done with Liber 420 and my Alchemy books have arrived finally, exciting times for me, I am learning Cannabis Alchemy


7 out of 7 Maui Mango Haze are up
5 out of 7 Ancestral Skunk
4 out of 6 Romulan
2 out of 2 Kumaoni
4 out of 4 Congolese
My two Freakshow seeds died under the soil :skull_and_crossbones: unfortunately so I will save my last 3 seeds of that for later times.

When the seedlings are ready I will begin to transplant them into 1 and 2 gallon fabric pots and bonsai them a bit and start shuffling them through the flower tent starting with the Congolese and Kumaoni. The Kumaoni will likely herm but I am just interested in it producing a small amount of usable flower for me to experience it as a plant. So in the likely event they show intersex traits I will pull them out, same as I did with my Afghan Mix bonsai previously and just give the tent a wipe down. The Maui Mango Haze and Ancestral Skunk will be introduced a few weeks after that and the Romulan should be finishing up. The Romulan was the first on my list to try for my pain relief and mental relief without paranoia(raciness) So I got the Romulan Genetics seeds and here we are. All my Romulan bonsai had been male so far and I wish I had gathered pollen but that’s the way it goes. So I have planted the rest of my Romulan in the event that the flower suits my needs I can do a small seed run in my little tent. Should be a lot of fun I truly love to watch these plants grow, to train and smell them, and to experience them as the medicine that they are.


Does female pollen mean you “selfed” your female Romulan?


Behold! The Freakshow that refused to die :partying_face:

It’s tap root was pretty shriveled up a few days ago when I investigated why it hadn’t come up after all the other seeds. I covered it up and left it alone and it has emerged. What a boon. I really enjoy the Freak and was hoping to make a cross with something else with them, so this plant will be used for that whether it’s male or female. :ringer_planet:

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Today the Congo and the Kumaoni were put into 1 gallon fabric pots and placed in the flower tent. When they show sex I will keep the females going and put them into 2 or 3 gallon pots. For the males I have another little Sansi light to collect pollen from in a separate space. Unfortunately 2 of the Congo were overwatered I believe. The other two and the rest of the seedlings look great, although the Kumaoni shot up so fast the T5s burned them a little.


The Maui Mango Haze, Ancestral Skunk, and the Romulan doing their thing :sun_with_face: and one little Freakshow too :seedling:


The Romulan in the 4 gallon’s main cola, the pine scent is coming through really clean. Really nice to smell.

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That first photo legit looks like natural camouflage colors on that leave lol

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@CADMAN Definitely! I love natural camouflage :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: big cats especially, the way the stripes seem to dance in and out of shadows. I watched a female elk last year move out of dappled shade and as soon as she got into a little more shadow she just vanished. Nature is wild to watch in action

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@RuamadraTheBard I tried haha


That’s great! That’s so neat :fire:

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@RuamadraTheBard little better

@CADMAN I’m just getting into digital art funny enough! You’ve seriously given me some awesome inspiration

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I just like your camouflage leaf :leaves:

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@CADMAN I like the cards you’ve put together, I’ve always loved cards since I was a kid, Pokémon, digimon, yugioh, magic the gathering, and tarot, I even draw tarot cards now. I tell myself it’s because I’m 40%Italian, so cards are in my blood


Transplanted the Maui Mango Haze and Ancestral Skunk into the flower tent. I early harvested the smaller Romulan for meds and wow it’s just the bees knees. Really takes my edge off and helps my body pain. I lost 1/2 inch in height in the Marines carrying a machine gun everywhere, compressed my lower spine. Most days it’s not bad but when it acts up it’s nice to have the pain killing.


Transplanted the Romulan seedlings, I’ll let them veg for some time and then I’ll switch the little tent to 12/12 and make some seeds hopefully! If there isn’t a male and female, I will be moving the males in the flower tent into a separate space for pollen collection, so at the least I will get my moneys worth from the Romulan :sunflower:


Things are good in life right now, I hope you are all doing good as well.


Update on what’s going on, got 4 purple headband seedlings going from seeds I received thanks to the generosity here on overgrow, thanks again @corey


The romulan has the most flower of any plant I’ve grown so far and it’s pretty exciting. This one smells a lot like Durban Poison from what I remember, just with a little funk at the end of the smell.