Medicine Hunt (Congo,Rom,MMH,Skunk)

Hello to all :sunflower: I am just getting this set up for now and will start keeping track of what I’m up to on here. I am seeking medicine for my own ills and perhaps for others in the future. I am working with a 30x18x36 veg tent and a 3x3x6 flowering tent. I mostly bonsai and flower small plants in the hopes of finding the medicine that also allows me to be a productive artist. Thanks for stopping by and all advice is welcome here, I am a new grower with just over a year in my perpetual indoor.

Here’s a pic of some variegation on my smaller Romulan to get started, this stem rub smells like sweet breakfast sausage, fennel perhaps?


This is a good one to follow if you don’t mind.


@G-paS Of course! I will put more info on here today with what I’m up to currently


The Veg tent with some seedlings :seedling:

The seeds not up yet are the Maui Mango Haze and Ancestral Skunk, and the rest of my Romulan seeds.


Congolese heirloom


Romulan on the left and 2 Kumaoni on the right.


Flower tent with 2 Romulan, this has been the roughest so far, I’ve put these plants through a lot. Planted together originally the larger plant showed sex first and the smaller plant I pulled out and replanted in case it was a male, but when it showed pistils it went back into the flower tent. I over fertilized them with Neptune fish and seaweed, looks like nitrogen toxicity with the curled leaves so I’m going easy on them, I’ll stick to the half dose like I was doing before. These are the first plants to react to the fish juice this way.

Also all flower is dried here due to the need to contain the smell. The hanging flower was an early harvest bonsai bagseed.


The larger plants stem rub smells like mothballs, and the smaller plant is fennel or breakfast sausage smell minus meat


Your plants clawed leaves are definitely saying the dose was too high - but they also look like they will recover without leaching the medium.

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@JoeCrowe I have used 1/2 tablespoon per gallon of the
2-3-1 Neptune fish and seaweed once a week for all my grows so far, I decided to up it to the Full tablespoon for the Romulan and it was not a fan, glad to hear you think they will recover without a flush, and will be going back to the 1/2 tablespoon. I am very excited for these plants because of the described effects for PTSD.

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Info off dark heart nursery

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Right now my goals are to flower the Romulan in the 3x3, while sliding in the Congolese, Kumaoni, Maui, and Skunk over time to flower as small plants so that I can maximize the amount of strains that I can test for my own medicine. I’ve done this for a year now and it seems to work for me in terms of getting to experience different strains and having enough finished product for myself

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The Romulan that come up will be kept in veg until I can test the finished product. I have many friends with PTSD from our time in the Marines and if it is good medicine I will do a small seed making run in my little tent. Being that the breeder is a Marine as well I really have my hopes up, he should know what others need.

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Congolese description from RSC website


I have Romulan female pollen I made


3 out of 7 Skunk have popped the surface and 5 out of 7 Maui as well, definitely seeing an improvement in speed and percentage of germination for myself when I soak the seeds for 24 hours and place them in soil. I’ve tried a few different methods but this one seems to produce better results for myself