Covid and a failed first grow that won’t get me down!

So I launched into an ambition first grow of 50 plants in March, the packs are attached. The first two weeks went really good and then I got hit pretty hard with Covid and over the last week of March and the first week of April, I lost 43 of my young plants to a pest infection! I was planning to start a journal about it until I got Covid so this first post is pictures from week 1 and 2. Next post will be what’s left and the odd circumstances that surround them.


Damn leaf miners…

Not the worst pest to have but better than the borg…

May I ask why 50 plants for a starting grow? That’s just a whole lot lol unless you’re gonna SoG them.

Either way, glad you’re feeling better, now get on those plants


Anyways I bought majority of them inside the week I had Covid because I often just didn’t have the energy to go outside and care for them, and then care for myself. When I brought them inside, they had a horrible leaf miner infestation and since we all had Covid, I had to resort to trying to use only what I had on hand to fix the problem, and failed. On the bright side, we had a big storm in late March and a few cups had gotten so saturated that I just dumped them into my soil storage pot. From those few cups I had 9 plants sprout up and now 3 of those plants were female and are thriving to this day.


I was planning to distribute them to 3 other friends, so I was gonna maintain the 20 I’m allowed through my license at my house, and three of the other strains were going to be taken by friends to reproduce but because I had Covid they couldn’t come to get them from me when things went South.


I see, good plan otherwise.

Plants are looking pretty good now they’re outside


Thank you Toasty, my ambitions were larger than my skill set for this grow and my luck just didn’t roll but I’m feeling like I have a better setup now that I’ve popped two greenhouses up and have started addressing the pest problem. It’s crazy because there’s no pest problem outside, bringing them inside was my biggest mistake.


Well that’s horrible @Sodapop but good you are feeling better. 50 plants is one hell of an undertaking but I see where you were going. Defiantly more work than I would have time for. Good luck with your next go at it, I am sure it will all work out in the end. It’s good you are not letting the set backs get you down. Fact is that it will happen again in one form or another. Plants and nature love to throw curve balls at growers, best to just keep your chin up and soldier on. :v:


I’ve been saving up so I could take the few weeks off to get them into late Veg and then hand them off, instead I was taught a lesson 🥲 I wish I didn’t lose the Kona Maui, Kona Duckfoot, and Dilly Dreams because those were the main targets for the 3 seed runs but seeds come and seeds go. All I can do is keep growing! The 3 girls in the pot will be my focus for now and when I finish up with them I’ll launch into whatever I decide is next.


Are you in the Hawaiian Islands?

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Yeah I’m on O’ahu

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You might talk with @Ronsonmatsuo4, he should be able to hook you up with those missing strains.


Mahalo Tejas, I appreciate the suggestion


@Tejas hey brother have to come back to visit.
@Sodapop aloha brother yea man I got some for you. give me a dm. I’m in Oahu at the moment and won’t be back till Saturday. Where in Oahu are you from?
Also do you have anymore of the duckfoot? I have some ducks you can have. I’m looking for the pink haired rounder leafed one.


Started these pots on Saturday and they’re starting to show some life! The front two are clones from a friend’s Grape Gas and Power plant, then the pots are Crème De La Chem, Double Grape, Sour Stomper (all Mephisto), and Jolly Dodger x Strawberry Nuggets courtesy of Mt. Zion Seed Cooperative.


The 3 girls, 1 pot is going strong as well as the Dilly Dreams straggler

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Covid was a killer for me. I was down for ever. Unfortunatly i lost the only cut ive ever had. Loompas Headband and i some how killed my worms. Also killed my seedlings in a tester run! I wont let it get me down either. Enjoying your thread.


Thanks Tug, I’m happy you were able to relate, man Covid had me at a 100 degree threshold everyday, my GI system was all messed up and I lost about 40 lbs going from 291-241 in 3 weeks. Sadly, I’m sure it was all muscle too but whenever I try and get a little activity going I get winded as heck. Been able to do some heavy 1 reps and walking but that’s about it. Setting up my rebound run has consumed most of my time lately anyways so exercise is just an afterthought!


I literally went from 236 to 194! I was doing 2 a days 5x a week. I just started 5x5 3 days a week to get back in the flow. F*cking covid

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I’m happy to hear you’re getting back at it!!

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