Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Rippers would suck. If it were to happen, I’d just be glad it happened on the last 3 plants and not the first 8. lol I’ve already got more than enough weed for the year for all of us that I’m growing for. In the big scheme of things, all I care about is that Dad is taken care of Med wise and he is now :smiley: everything else is just a bonus.

We smoked some local weed last vacation in Jamaica, but they practically threw it at us. If we are offered some fine Hawaiian smoke, I’m sure we will happily indulge, but I welcome the tolerance break if not. I can’t wait, the time share is on the ocean. Honestly, I don’t want to do any ziplining or expensive excursions this trip. Mostly, I just want to look at nature and waterfalls and lay on the sand with my sweetie. A whole lot of nothing on a beautiful Island sounds absolutely heavenly,


I’ve got to say how happy I am to have my tv and internet back. Practically 5 days without. Discovered the cutest series on Netflix called Atypical yesterday at my Man’s house. My Netflix account doesn’t show me stuff like this, you’d think I was a serial killer based on my recommendations. It’s all true crime and thrillers. I love it, but it does make it difficult when I feel like a comedy. Anyway, this series is awesome! Hooked immediately. In the first 2 episodes I both laughed like a hyena and shed tears of endearment. Probably a chick show, but my Man was amused too. lol I’m gonna marathon a few episodes now. Hallelujah!


I’m a fan of Kona Gold. Nice present high and good libido boost. I hear it’s even better grown on the islands.


Kona is on the dry side of the big island, so I’m not surprised that it’s so good. Same with the coffee beans. My personal favorite coffee on earth.

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I will get my hands on some fine Kona coffee if it’s the last thing I do. And the really good stuff, the peaberry. Which are the younger beans, the premium in smoothness, flavor and refinement. lol I get really serious about my coffee.


:sweat_smile: (made it through!)

now let’s confuse things and try combining strains! :astonished:

i found that combining 2 i liked produce something meh sometimes & sometimes not… but 2 strains i’m not keen on combined resulted in a new one i liked.

math isn’t my strong point but 8 ^8 or something?



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So far I haven’t mixed any. The strains that don’t work for me are well loved by the men, so it works out, they can smoke it.


This seems to be a THING. :confused:

Gave me a dilemma at the dispensary. :sweat_smile: Do I want advice or boobs?

:evergreen_tree: boobs.


Sounds about right.

Men! Fucken Cavemen, the lot of ya!


So, I have everything layed out on the bed. I think it took me longer to decide which swimsuits to bring than anything. In the end, it’s most of them. :joy: I’m such a chick. Been procrastinating pulling out the suitcase as Jezzy gets upset. She hates when I’m gone. Heading to the airport at like 630 in the morning. Ugh! The nice thing about Kauai is we gain 3 hours of extra time when we get there so plenty of sun time still! Yay!

Very excited to leave, but also incredibly anxious as my mother will more than likely drive me crazy. So thankful, my sweetie is coming with, so I can run off with him if she gets cray cray. Which, she will. It’s inevitable. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother, I just don’t like her very much. She’s extremely impatient and a bully. She also treats me as if I’m still a rebellious 16 year old child and not an almost 50 year old successful woman. She has zero clue who I am. We certainly aren’t tight like my Dad and I. She sold her business and her house and is moving permanently to her Las Vegas house, so this is really the last I will see her for awhile. I’m gonna keep that in mind all week if I feel like I may cry or throat punch her. lol

My man, unsurprisingly rolled a bunch of joints and bought some gummy candy to take with us. Hahaha! I figured he wouldn’t be able to hang if I told him he could get on a flight with it.


Oh god, getting myself even more anxious… last time the man and I visited my mom and step dad in Vegas they bickered the whole time. In this sarcastic, thinking they are cute and funny by calling each other asshole and stuff. My man and I seriously just cringe cuz we don’t even play around like that. Not even sarcastic jokes towards each other. Just not our style, so it’s really uncomfortable at times. Last time my step dad also thought he was funny with his racist jokes. He’s not a racist so I’m not sure why he thinks that shit’s funny. I certainly don’t and good grief my man is mixed race, he certainly doesn’t. Just hoping they don’t embarrass us too badly. Sorry for straying off my weed grow, but you all are my new facebook. lol


Best vibes and wishing you all a fun trip. I was only there once, and it was paradise for sure. I’d love to go back some day. Be safe and eat lots of good local stuff! peace

oh!, and send us a postcard!


I wasn’t gonna do any expensive excursions, but my friends who are there now posted pics of them in some rubber donuts sliding down a river which looks especially enticing… May need that experience. lol


Don’t forget Waimea Canyon on Kauai.
It’s the “grand canyon of the pacific”, and I think it’s free…


If you’re snorkeling you can’t hear any of that shit, but racist jokes are just like smoking: totally acceptable in 1970 but illegal in 2019 California. :laughing: The funniest Jewish jokes I’ve ever heard were from an old co-worker friend (RIP :cloud: Dave Rothstein! You’d love legal weed!) & he couldn’t stop with jokes to the point he got blacklisted as an R&R man for Atlantic or Geffen. Told a gay joke to a gay head of a major radio station & that was it. Ended up making like 10$/hr after being the drugs & p***y man for rockstars in the coked-out 80s. :smoking: :thinking: Where was I again?

Give the momz some edibles… :wink:

:evergreen_tree: “…I’m gonnnnaa diiiieeeee!!!..” :laughing:


I second re Waimea. Also, think three times about any souvenirs. Except Hawaiian shirts, you want a lot of those.


Possibly a Hawaiian dress! No stupid tourist crap though. Don’t need it. Oh and my kona coffee


He thinks he’s Bobby Slayton or something. Oh god he had Jewish jokes too. Good grief. My man’s dad was Jewish :woman_facepalming: a convert, but still


He forgot the first rule of being a funny-man…
timing is everything.


Sometimes the only good timing is never.