Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

This says so much about your relationship with your dad - you’re lucky!

On the other hand, several times during this thread (including now) I have had to bite my tongue. Instead, I will just say once again, you are lucky to have such a great dad.


And he still needs you to need him! That was a beautiful post. I needed that. Thanx!




I’m gonna have to say those aren’t what the label said they were. :thinking: You’ve got some equatorial :palm_tree: sativa there for sure.



I was thinking the same thing.


I’m curious to know what you’ve had to bite your tongue about. A bit of background, Dad and I made an agreement when he wanted me to do a grow of this scale. First, he wanted to dig out and redo the 2 cannabis planters and was handling the digging. Second was he was gonna be the main source of money towards anything cannabis related and labor for anything construction related. My part is the risk, the day to day and all of the growing and learning. In the large scheme of things, my labor has exceeded his by 80% at least in man hours. We both consider this fair.

Agreed, Dad is the absolute bomb and we have a really great relationship. If I’ve said any nonsense about Dad in any post, it was just that and more than likely I was just being saucy in my post. Dad knows that I have the utmost respect and love for him and we totally “get” each other. He probably get’s me on a level no one else even could. He also knows that I would walk through fire for him without a second thought.


My tongue biting has nothing to do with you or your dad. It isn’t my place to say anything more specific and I should have kept this to myself (bit my tongue harder).

All good thoughts and best wishes for you and your dad!


Checked on all the girls this evening after a really long day at my client’s office. It pretty much looks like every bud on Cherry Berry White, Good Shit and OG Skunk have been damaged by caterpillars. My once healthy gorgeous buds don’t look so pretty anymore. At this point, I’m gonna knock down the salvageable yield on these 3 by half. Bums me out. Still have over a month left so this number could easily drop despite my consistent BT drenches. I feel like the bugs if they were already inside the buds when sprayed were mostly unaffected and my guess is possibly 1000’s of tiny eggs hatched at once. I pulled a few off of the Kushage today, right off the leaves. All I can hope is that they were in the process of dying as BT doesn’t kill on contact, but I really have no way of knowing. All I can do is keep spraying weekly and hope for the best.


Anyone know if the flower time listed by the Breeder means anything on outdoor plants or is it more for indoor grows?

It is! You know buddy, I really wish I had known she was a photo. I would have tried to do her more justice. Besides her super late start, I had no room for her and she is stuck in a 10 gallon pot. Which is fine, except I have yet to figure out how to give my buds the most flavor in a container yet. I also screwed up and topped her a 2nd time right at the last minute, so she has 2 buds growing really close together on the top and they will be small instead of one more fat cola on the very top. I was trying to make her bushier, but was too late. I’m still really happy about her structure in general and will be excited to finally test her out.


Alright ya pervs, here goes! I still want to know if @MomOnTheRun Good Shit is pink! :laughing:
Seriously! Hope she gets her internet back soon!


It really depends on the type of plant. Early finishers will finish late September, early Oct, and longer flowering hybrids go to end of October. If no frost, longer flowering plants will go till end of Nov to early to mid Dec.

Once you see things starting to flower, add your breeder’s prediction to that date, minus a week or two to account for the start of flower.

This is based on average conditions. Weather can make it all different.


Thanks! @GMan so basically the answer is yes, give or take a week or two). So average about 2 months in bud right?
Crap! That means the DBHP is at least beginning of November and even longer for the diesels. I think @oleskool830 was on to something about the sativas outliving him. Getting worried they are gonna out live me. lol After all the stress lately, I kind of just want this grow to be over, so I can go back to just digging in the dirt and messing with my flowers for awhile. Phew! Having to take an unscheduled day off from work due to plant issues was rough. The plants are definitely running the show over here right now.



:hugging: 2017 was Year of the Caterpillar for me, I know how bad it feels. Your next bug-free crop will make it all better.



I feel like that most days. I need a more streamlined system.


Are there any young children in the family you can pay pennies for each ten caterpillars they find?


The pm has probably left the plant weak, and easy pickings for the catapillers


Was wondering where @MomOnTheRun has been of late … glad it’s just internet probs !!


Some plants are just more appealing too… I find the more fuelly plants get left alone… maybe it’s just me but every year it’s the sweeter / fruit skunk plants that get the brunt … maybe the moths are just more attracted to those smells. Not saying the other plants don’t get a few crappers as they do… just been my observation. Like last season my Hashplant D was relatively untouched and right opposite my Shiva Cookies x Blues was literally dismantled overnight


Bodhi’s names for his plants can do my head in. People ask me what weed I got when I say bingo pajama for example.
I get funny looks, keep saying he’s got fire, I might do more cowbell next there like what the fuck.
But his genetics speak for themselves


Neville shoemakers used to say skunk is like the canary in the mine when it comes to spider mites.
I would say terpenes play a big part in what gets munched first