Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

I turn 51 today, and I know I wouldn’t have made it this far had I not had the unconditional support of both my parents, through good and bad, so enjoy the memories while you can…



So here’s what we did… 2 anchors in the wall

Here she is the Kushage back upright, she was all the way forward all across the pavers hanging almost to the ground. Wonder how much root damage as a lot of leaves died in a 12 hour period

Here is just one piece of of skunk bud with caterpillar damage, basically 2 long branches of bud on it all look like this or worse. Gonna cut it off and trim it bit by bit as I have time


Looks to me like you saved your Kush!! That thing is beastly…losing some roots or branch’s is NOT gonna hurt her. Some of those top Cola’s are getting impressive.
What ya gonna due when those colas 10 feet up start bending over??? Some yoyyo’s off the gutter down???


Good job on mending that tree lol… quite a looker she is… buds definitely packing on the weight!! Glad you have some loving hands to help


@TrevorLahey. I think since Dad watched me dig up and transform the entire backyard he has been much more forgiving of the few times I barked at him. Cuz, boy have I. All that work and every plant I have out there cannabis or not has been a serious labor of love and I take it all very personally. If he hadn’t witnessed this he would have been out too. I sure hope you can figure a way to win him back too!

@SamwellBB there are no expiration dates on my BT bottles. I even bought a new one in case the other one had lost it’s magic. Hoping to get a handle on these soon.


I’m relieved you guys. Really relieved. That Kushage is my pet, my favorite plant out there. I nearly cried last night thinking I’d have to pull her early.


Clearly… the plant is in control! :joy: …of you, your dad & BF, the house, the neighbors. :thumbsup:

:ballot_box_with_check: Overgrow @meesh’s house :herb: :house: :herb: :herb:

Time for planning a greenhouse… with light deprivation curtains. :wink: :pencil: :purse:




Spent all day out in the garden… The 3 FM autos #4-6 are trimmed and in the drying rack. Next to harvest will be the 4 Blue Dreams, but they are a few weeks out still. At least 2 until the caterpillars will want them.

Picked caterpillars off bud for a long time. I think the brown ones I find are dying, but I have also found some green ones. Let’s hope they will start dying too as I can’t spray anymore BT for at least a week. I ran out of gas and didn’t have a chance to hack at the OG skunk today. I’m gonna work on it bit by bit as my schedule allows.

DBHP is actually budding now, roughly at about 12:48 minutes of daylight. Strawberry Diesels still stubborn, but almost past the roof now.

Thanks to everyone for the support during my breakdown! Sure appreciate all the kind words. The heat today has sucked the life out of me. It’s only 6:30 and I could easily just go to bed. Too tired to smoke anything. Can’t seem to move from the couch. Just enough energy to sit here drinking bottled water one after another. Phew! This is our hottest month of the year.

@Calyxander I do think something is going on because I have had 10 times the amount of bugs in general this year. I’m pretty sure I know why in my state. We had 5 years of drought followed by a Winter of normal rain fall. Probably hatched a million bug eggs that had been dormant for 5 years. Not sure what’s up with the rest of the country, maybe El Nino, global warming or something. Nevada just had that crazy grasshopper invasion last month too. Anyway, thanks for the kind words.

Umm… ya think?! :joy:

@anon95954822 Happy Birthday, Buddy! The big Five One! Hope you are enjoying the hell out of your day!! :birthday: :gift::champagne:


Note to self: Autos

Ground autos Day 65 Pulled both the Fuzz, went in trash, both mutants. Need to pull the tiny CO cookies tmw.
FM 4-6 Day 53 Harvested
Blue Dreams Day 44ish
FM 7-9 Day 30


How many days do you burp your jars for during your cure until LITFA? People… Anyone?


Thanks @Meesh, appreciate it… Just another day like any other, with one exception…:peace:



I love birthdays and tend to make a fuss over them. Hopefully you had a favorite meal and did something ridiculously selfish and decadent that makes you happy at least. Even if it was a small something :smile:

oh and do you just group ages of people into a decade now like I do? haha! I always think now, 40 or 49 what’s the difference? So it’s simply 40’s etc…


Over 3-4 weeks…starting daily … then not-so-daily as they approach doneness or I finish smoking it all! :blush:



So, “doneness” as a relative term then? :herb::smoking::laughing:


Yeah, 3 up to 4 weeks depending on how dense they are. Dense kushes and indicas will stay gummy forever. Hazy sativa dom will dry out way fast and require additional humidity to bring it back to ideal if not careful. But, for me those are just guidelines in general and I play loosely close to that. I’m smoking all of mine myself, so I’m not going too crazy.


Cbd buds are fat

DBHP finally this is what I wanted to see

Strawberry Diesels still waiting


I havent seen a strong sativa like that in a while wow you could shave with those leaves lol


The thing is like a stick though. So spindly. We’ll see if they can handle the weight when they finally bud


This grow has been super interesting for me. My jungle spice is the most indica plant I’ve ever grown and the diesels the most sativa. Usually my hybrids are very similar. These plants just look so strange to me.


Is that our Charlotte??? If it is trust me when I say they get a lot fatter than that :rofl:

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