Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

I read something about Oregon legalizing the magic shrooms too! Not sure if it has happened yet, but where there are hippies there’s a way! lol


Nope. But I don’t think it will be long.


Can’t believe I’m current in your thread! Wahoo!


Welcome! Better late than never! :wink: The grow show is the most fun to watch once they bud anyway!


Yeah! I read your greenhouse/tent section with some focus. And I hope the occasional white moth isn’t leaving babies.
Right now all I can think about is this horrendous itching. Pretty much spoiled my week in the desert. I may take a break after trim and let my body recover.


I’m pretty certain the Kushage is still in shock. She must have had 100 leaves die overnight when she almost fell over. Her leaves are also very light as if she wants nitrogen. I wonder if they temporarily stop uptaking nutes until they recover?
Everything got a cal-mag drench today per the soil test. One more in 2 weeks and that will be the last until next growing season and a I do a new soil test. I’m pretty sure a couple of the girls especially Good Shit will harvest beginning of October then pretty much a succession through November (if the effing strawberry diesels ever bud) may even be December. Fade has started quite a bit on Good Shit, Cherry Berry White, Jungle Spice and Kushage (she has more than the rest since incident). The rest are as green as can be. Crazy how fast buds start developing once they take hold. DBHP is going quite steady now. This damn plant better taste like nectar of the gods and spin me into outer space since she was such a pain in the ass! lol

Only found one caterpillar today and it looked pretty shabby like it was dying. No new brown spots today from them either. Please dog, let that be the end of them! I don’t think bugs lay eggs all year long. Hopefully they finished laying eggs and that was the shit storm of the hatch.

The autos and the CBD plant look better since I stopped the Megacrop and used the cheap Alaska brand fish fert bloom formula.


I don’t think I’m gonna set the greenhouse up again this winter. Last year I was itching to get my veggie patch going after digging out and amending all the soil in my backyard. After this harvest, I’m looking forward to focusing on all of my flower beds again. My garden is still new and I have a lot of work to do on it still. Next year will be filling in all the holes that I could see once my plants started growing in. Plant some new flowers to replace things that didn’t make it. Tons of weeding and mulching to boot. lol


I think I may have a link about the micr dosing thing, or I could get it again. I suppose the cannabis dispensaries are the ones who would retail the shrooms. They’re already totally dialed into the state regulatory and inventory system for controlled substances. I know a couple of places to look online. I honestly don’t have any details since I heard that maybe 3-6 months ago.


Here’s that article. I haven’t read it fully, only scanned it. But, I want to go back and study it better. Very good summary it appears. New York Mag article peace


@ReikoX testing out a semi dry piece of one of the last batch of autos and it has seeds. Huh?? It was from one of the white haired plants. One of FM 4-6


Thanks @GMan! Excellent article! Precisely what I was talking about. Where do I sign up? When will they be available in Vegas? :partying_face:


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I forgot to ask if my friend who supplied the article, if she ever tried it. She was a little nervous and wanted to wait for the right timing. She’s our age. I think the point of micro dosing is that you never encounter the uncomfortable side of tripping, by taking micro doses.

I’m very interested in it myself. Keep reminding me if you haven’t heard much soon. peace


Our age??? @oleskool830 is ancient :rofl:


@toastyjakes and @Mr.Sparkle have both found pollen packs on the lowest nodes of their Ghost Toof x Sugar Black Rose plants. Neither were viable though. It’s possible that pollinated one of your younger plants?


It completely slipped by me then. Never noticed anything unusual on any of them, but quite honestly I have a lot of plants in the backyard I wasn’t eagle eyeing any that close. I’m tripping cuz not a single seed fell out while I was trimming. So far it was one small piece. We’ll see how much more is seeded when it’s completely dry. Unfortunately all 3 of those plants are mixed together to dry so no idea which one it is


@ReikoX the seeds look pretty healthy. What would they grow out? A photo plant?


If pollen came from one of my auto plants, it would be a fem auto with hermaphrodite tendencies…


I’m thinking it had to have. Just hoping it happened before my blue dreams (next succession) budded. If it pollinated all 4 of my blue dreams I’m gonna find an app for ass kick and send it to you :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Exactly. It provides me an overwhelming sense of “well being”. But of course on occasion I might feel inclined to “megadose!” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


When you add the two of our ages together, well, that’s why they had to invent calculators.

@meesh. if others have seeds it could be from anywhere in the neighborhood. If it’s a lot of seeds it’s from somewhere else. A male somewhere close by. But other plants will have seeds, too.

Living in a high populated neighborhood, it could be anything unless you can actually find the source from your garden. Maybe check whatever was immediately next to it, or another plant very close… Growing pot sharpens your skills for detective work, too.