Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Aside from the wrinkles, gray hair and aches and pains, I actually enjoy getting older. I love the way I feel on the inside more with each passing year.


Absolutely! I concur Doctor. Livinā€™ the dream. It wonā€™t be long before I can strap on some Depends and just pee whenever I want to!



Me too! :punch::punch::anger_right:

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One of the last 3 of Reikos autos has seeds. I mixed all 3 of the plants together to dry, but when I pulled 2 nugs out to test last night only 1 of the buds had seeds. Pretty sure one of those 3 autos had a pollen sack. The only other person who grows on my street is maybe 10 houses away. It could be him, but it probably would have pollinated more than one of my plants.

Out of sheer curiosity I will keep all of the seeds I find and germ one in the winter and see if itā€™s an auto. lol


Just walked by my kitchen window and caught a glimpse of a wonderful ocean breeze rustling through all of the girls. This is exactly what I want to see at this time of year when the humidity is pretty high. Keep that air moving Mother Nature!


Found more pillars, some alive some dead. Impatiently waiting on Monday so I can drench again. I found a couple on the previously unaffected Botafumeiros now. Fuck.


Gypsy Moths.

Girls are looking amazing though look at them fat colas.

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Duuuuude! 2 of my blue dream autos buds are looking awfully funky. Think Reikos auto pollinated them too. Fuck.
I hope to christ that it didnā€™t pollinate any of my big girls, specifically DBHP since she budded last. Wondering if I should pull the last 3 of the FMā€™s that I have since they are unknown. What would you guys do? Iā€™m bummed.


Have you found any male flowers yet?


on 7-9 not yet, what week do they usually start?

Right around that timeā€¦

Just checked they are at day 33ā€¦ no color change on the pistils either. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m nervous, the one that had seeds was a white one too. All 3 in that batch actually were white

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At what point can females no longer be pollinated? Anyone know?

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I think they need viable pistils to be able to pollinate. Not 100 on that. I dont think fully shriveled pistils can accept pollenā€¦


So pretty much the whole time they are flowering?


I think I will just pull them in case they herm. Better safe than sorry


If they get pollinated late they wonā€™t have enough time to mature, so you might find some of those tiny white immature seeds in your batch. It canā€™t do super damage at this pointā€¦ I forget what week theyā€™re in but by the looks of them they are past prime.


I used to grow gorilla in England. And when I started there was nothing I could get for botryotis. You gotta think on your toes here. Very hard finding a spot that is ever ten feet away from human presence. And the more sheltered a spot the more chance of mould late season. Closest thing I can compare it to is playing golf on the x box. There is almost always a compromise. One year I found a spot it was more swampy than my regular spots but had full sun and was the largest open space Iā€™ve found with enough reasons for humans not to enter. Always knew Iā€™d battle mould but I won the battle. It was a hard run it killed me cutting out 50% of my bud. I still outdone my shady spots.
Itā€™s hard gorilla here I used to envy my friends growing in back garden with there little eco systems. But I had a rule see you need plants that are ready by at least 1st or second week of October, although some sativa dominant plants with there height and open structure can break this theory. But six to seven foot dense plants provide a problem. Thinking back that year I only had four must have been. Long time ago though. Maybe I had some other strains? Chucked son autos in same spot that year. Found bud rot stop rather late in season it works wonders but no longer available. Iā€™m used to cutting an inch off my steak! For a finished product this created a visible kill zone Iā€™ve never seen it before, i grew outside in England for years and this product made a visible barrier instead of mush it turned that last bit black all mould spores stopped with a blackness. Then didnā€™t spread Iā€™m used to cutting at least an inche deep to stop mould. Half inch with this then no colonisation.
I also grow every now and then cubensis mushrooms so i understand the nature of spore creativity in nature. And the nature of this primative force.
It stopped mould in tracks created a dead zone that had a half inch scorched earth effect. Every thing past the barrier grew mold free. Moral story is in England you need to let em go full cycle. Then your crop is worth less than indoor. You can crop early but good luck you end up inferior shit that your gonna try to give away with mixed results


:fist: 'rrrespectā€¦ :muscle:

:evergreen_tree: guerilla from :es: ā€œguerraā€ (war) :nerd: :monkey_face:


This is what I know today after waking up. I had a really rough week all around. In the garden and at work. My anxiety works in very weird ways, mind you, I worried excessively about the hurricane harming @TrevorLahey and a few others near him. First thing I checked when I woke up was to see if he posted on his thread and was relieved to see he was unharmed. This is very typical of my anxiety disorder, worrying about things that I canā€™t control. I can remember very specific things from the last 20 years like this that center around world events. In my 30ā€™s, I can remember being up nights worrying about genocide in Africa (this one went on for at least 6 months) then a particular incident where a submarine lost power in the middle of the ocean and we werenā€™t sure anyone was gonna make it on time to save the people inside. So, when I start doing stuff like worrying about hurricanes all night, it means my anxiety disorder has hit all time high levels and it needs to be managed. My neck and shoulders are so tight and tense that my whole body aches and Iā€™m clenching my teeth. If it were up to me, I would get back in bed and not come out for the rest of the day, but I have some commitments already planned so somehow I have to pull it together and force and fake my way through this day. I may need pharmaceutical help to get me through and itā€™s only 10:30 am.

As far as any of the plants in my garden today, I feel numb and as if I donā€™t give a fuck if they all died today, but I know thatā€™s just my depression/anxiety talking and in a few days that will change. Most I will do, is force myself to make sure they all have water today and try to stay out of the backyard because if I find another caterpillar or problem today, I just may go ballistic and get out a chainsaw. LITFA today is my friend.