Mel franks GDP run

No idea if this is what happened to you but I have had my hairs brown like when I was touching my plants too much, I was looking for bugs so I would brush past them each day and the plant in the front of my tent that I did this the most to. Did exactly that.


Got an answer from Mel today. Ken have him 10 GDP seeds in 2013 which he made regular seeds with and the. In 2014 made feminized. Thatā€™s all he could say. So there we have it folks. Some Ken Estes reproduction from Mel Frank.


Dungeon vault has told me a tale of how the gdp clone produced some seeds in a pound and ken found a male and thatā€™s what started the gdp line. Those seeds made with the male some were given for safe keeping and it looks like Mel made more. I know Mel posted a gdp picture the other day of a male. I may have started a bit of a stir with this one but glad I have because Iā€™ve learned a bunch about the line. Have a blessed day my friends


Itā€™s incredible the rich history this and so many strains have. Need to write a book.


Me and the wife started arguing. Shit went coco because I wasnā€™t backing down. So I chopped everything. Broke the tent down. And packed it all up. Iā€™ll let you guys know what happens from here. Hopefully some good seeds. But for now I didnā€™t want that hanging over my head with the bullshit going on. I need a financial backer so I can go legal like NOW!!! I have waived license fee. State tracking fees are waived. All types of shit. Literally just need someone to help lease the farm and fill out paper work and I wouldnā€™t have to do this shit in sticky time like this. Fucking hard work for nothing. Straight dodo


Gotta do what you have to stay safe!


Stay safe man. I wouldnā€™t fuck with the cops either, Iā€™d be rippin it down and running into the woods with my plants lol


@Enjoi802 I always hate to hear stories like this but as the other guys have said safety needs to be the #1 priority.


@Comacus thank you brother. Still got some more of these for another time. And things went to 6 weeks so I should be good on the seed stock. They are hangin now and if I gotta boogie than itā€™s easier that way. I should have some to spread around soon. Things change and move on. Hope itā€™s the only time this happens. More motivation to go a different route. And summer is coming up. Got some decent sized buds on it to. But the 5x5 was taking up half the bedroom. And made the apartment that much smaller. So Iā€™m not that sad about things. Must be the lunar new year making things change. More motivation to move to a bigger place also. Thank yā€™all. Just figured Iā€™d let yā€™all know I got spooked.


I understand that all too well. Just had a similar thing happen to myself recently. Good luck with your situation and stay safe.


Be safe, my friend. I hope that it all works out. Was looking forward to giving some a try but, your safety and freedom, is more important than anything :pray:t4: :v:t4:


Cracked some out of the greenies and we have some fully developed seeds in there to spread around. Iā€™ll make sure anyone who wanted some gets some of whatā€™s grade A Seeds. There will be plenty of other grade seeds to go around to. I pollinated it early and the point was seeds. So Iā€™ve accomplished that just didnā€™t get to see her to the full potential. Could be worse, live to fight another day is always better than wishing you had another day to fight. I panicked. Even though itā€™s legal to grow where I am up to 6 plants that perhaps I didnā€™t have to but forced habits die hard. Not a loss in my books would of been if this was week one of flower. But like I said I made it to the end of week six and was getting antsie to chop them anyways. I did save the sprouts I have going so I still got 1 g13 and 11 sparkle berry that are about two weeks old now. Taxes coming up. And if this stimulus thing goes through and Iā€™m leasing some farm land and gonna do this big one way or another. Kids wonā€™t be kids forever and Iā€™m only 33 , if I hadnā€™t been doing this from birth it might have hit me harder but things happen in mysterious ways. Never thought Iā€™d have this many people follow along over a plant. But they did. Iā€™m a little guy from MA whoā€™s just trying to change the community on seed at a time. Truthfully I want to make it so people donā€™t profit off the plant and it just grows freely for all to use if they so choose. I got out of my hole in the wall and into the public for that purpose. Last year at one dispensary I spent 7k and that barely made me feel like I felt good. A little but not fully. My insomnia is crazy. I sleep like 2 hrs a night and have since I can remember and then I have a crash day where I sleep like 8 and back to the no sleep for months. Itā€™s the only thing I can say that has made me feel somewhat better. Even sobriety since Iā€™m 6 years in. I didnā€™t smoke for the first two. Always thinking about it. Always wanting it. Didnā€™t feel much differently than I do now except the pain required me to eat Tylenol like candy. I have scholiosis and a leg thats shorter than the other. Hasnā€™t stopped me but it does bring some wild pain at night when I have to slow down. Man Iā€™m just happy that Iā€™ll have some seeds to spread around of this and that I didnā€™t pop all my stock for this run. I have 3 seeds left of the gdp. So I will buckle down and start to find a place to grow like the big boys. And focus on the summer run maybe this year not be a pussy about it and do it trailer park boys style. Fields on fields. I got enough seeds to do it. Lol. But again thank you everyone this is just the way things roll. Even in a legal state. So I pay homage to all of you who have had a similar fate and hope to give you hope that not all is lost. I never thought we would be at this point where I can go to a store and get my meds. And am excited to see where the future goes with it. Iā€™m serious though if your good with paper work. Anyone. And wants in on a legal grow thatā€™s all that is stoping me. My motivation to do the paperwork. I did half the battle I just donā€™t want to end up like the dispensaryā€™s Iā€™ve worked at. No respect for the plant and people who need it and all the respect to make millions. My goal. 200k a year for all 10 employees I can have and give the meds away pretty much. Iā€™ll stop rambling now as these are dreams. Have a blessed day my friends


Thatā€™s awesome your seeds are viable I wish you luck on your journey and goals, they are admirable. Iā€™ve always wanted to grow fields my self but never knew what I would do with it all after sadly. Iā€™ll be following along your journey into your endeavor


Todd wouldnā€™t ā€œdare questionā€ Mel Frank about the origin of his genetics? Well, fuck Mel Frank then. I appreciate his contributions to the growing scene over the last 40 years, but if youā€™re not even ā€œallowedā€ to ask him questions about his genetics, well, thenā€¦ He can blow me!


If youā€™re passing around seeds I will gratefully take some ty!


Once they are ready. I know I told folks that if they followed along they would come first. And then whatā€™s left will be passed freely. So keep your eyes looking.


Iā€™m just glad to hear that you will be are able to fight another day. Much more fun being on the outside lookin in rather, than on the inside lookin out, for sure. I had been following along since the beginning but, donā€™t normally say much. Iā€™m usually always hiding in plain sight. Be safe, my friend :v:t4:


I donā€™t think he meant ā€œnot allowedā€, I think he meant that he was just so grateful to get them that he wasnā€™t about to question him on where/when/what he did while he had them. IDK. Just repeating what he told me. He just knows that what Mel Frank says he has, is legitimately what he has. And I havenā€™t seen otherwise. I just donā€™t know the exact lineage or history.

If someone knows how to contact Mel Frank directly and ask him that would help greatly.



Prob be ousted for posting the convo but there yā€™all go @HolyAngel