Mel franks GDP run

So he’s on IG? I wonder on my NL5HSS from him. Todd list’s it as:
Northern Lights #5 x Haze x Sensi Star
and I’ve followed suit…
but the jar Mel Frank had it in originally was labeled as:
Haze x NL5 x Sensi Star


Hey your also in New England! Southern Maine here lol.


And for you brother I’ll send you whatever you want from my vault. The legacy your leaving is something I dream of. And if send you something you grow out that be a step in the direction. Many blessings my friend. It’s folks like you I look up to!


Like I said he prob not gonna like me for posting that. He really doesn’t like answering things, and I don’t blame him, been in the game so long and prob heard it all. I am amazed he answered me. He is good people and I’m grateful to even have the chance to hold something he has held. Our aura is a powerful thing and he has showed devotion to the plant since inception, so my hats off to him even if it was left a mystery


I loved the work hole of the truth about this through out this log.
Shit I wish I could have a dream like that and you have it within reach. Safety first espically that close to your goal! Few seeds coming out of it will help you not regret it to. Definattly looking forward to your future… Also where do I apply 200,000 a year you say lol


There are many things I try not to question as a good mystery isn’t the worst thing life has in store for us. And yes at points these folks who have devoted there lives to the plant start to wonder who is for the plant and who is for themselves. I believe anyone will be open to the right person. Intentions I believe have a lot to do with it.


Sure. It just strikes me as odd that someone would be so reluctant to discuss their genetics, especially if you BOUGHT some of their genetics. I dunno. I love growing weed. I love talking about weed. I love talking about growing weed. I feel like if answering a couple questions about the genetics you’re selling is too much “work,” maybe it’s time to hang up your watering pot…

Having said that, we are definitely spoiled with both the internet and the fact that the federal government doesn’t really give a shit about growing anymore, as long as you’re growing within reason. Maybe Mel Frank just has that old-school mindset. Of course, he IS selling seeds online, so I dunno.


Lots of us old schoolers still have that mindset.
Much like shiners not relinquishing their secrets.
We were brought up at a much different time.
Might have been free sex and free drugs in general but when it comes to it genetics with weed lots of it still hands off.
Cause of the way things are nowadays.
Whether it’s liked or not, it’s the way it is.

You dont let people use your guns, your hunting dogs or your wife they all rank right up there with your held genetics.


Yeah, I get that. It just seems to me that after decades of oppression, when the day came that I could be free and open about a thing that could’ve land me in prison for twenty years (or longer), I’d be like,”FUUUUCCK YESSSSSSS!” I mean, shit, I actually went to jail a couple times for weed (jail, not prison) in the mid-90s, so I am loving this freedom we get to enjoy now. And I’m not even an “old-timer.”

But to each his own. Anyway, sorry to jack your thread, @Enjoi802


It may be legal now but many of these old timers feel like this is a ploy for the government to learn who the growers are and then make it illegal again and bust them. Many older folks where I live have expressed this concern to me and won’t get liscensed as they feel that is way to risky when their already so safe.


Again, I get that. Shit, man, sometimes when I get super-baked and I’m lying in bed, I’ll be like,”I can’t fucking believe I post all of my grows online. Should I delete everything?” But when somebody who bought your seeds (that you’re selling online) wants to ask a simple question, it seems like the right thing to do would be to answer your customer’s query.

Anyway, this has turned into something way bigger than it should have, so I’m out.


It’s cold up here


Hopefully we can return to what the thread is.


All a part of the process I like to create. Making people question the norm, no hijacking but these are the discussions that help move tides. When multiple people from multiple generations, over large area agree that what they see and live isn’t correct it’s the begging to what changes things. I appreciate all opinions as I only have one way to view things. And can see both sides of the coin through others input. We are agreeing that we all see each other’s sides of it and can understand the oppression involved and the vails they can create for the individual. Collectively I see us not wanting to be oppressed by unreasonable rule, and many place have taken stride to do so, but again it’s to soon to see the endgame. But we have seen progression. And progressive action is each one of you engaging each other with differences between in opinion and remaking civil and understanding yet firm. And I see the connections with in them also which is years of our government lying to us. If anything this post or thread has become a sense of freedom from fears. And the learning that these fears still move us. But again collectively we can change the tide. A day at a time and one step in front of the other. So no worries the plants have been chopped and just like the sun. It rose and fell. But not to be forgotten, and the legacy is able to be passed to others now, for them to forge their own path towards their own destiny. Imagine a system where we are not all the same but encourage each other to accel at what we chose to do. One where we aren’t left confused by all learning the same thing and left wondering what to do for the future. Idk I could ramble forever and I appreciate y’all. We are all here to change what has been brought upon us. And we must do so with civility and compassion. And we have done that. Don’t confuse enthusiasm for misdeeds. I am happy we are all different and able to coexist. It seems that the society the man built makes us think we are the same and should be ousted for being different. Have a blessed day my friends



Not as much as I could of letting it go another two or three weeks but in a week it will be in jars and tucked away. Then I’d say in a month I can start spreading them around. Who knows how to make a post anyone can edit?


You can make your post into a wiki, hit the wrench in the same area that the edit is under your post


Time to make that list. And I’ll be checking it twice, already had enough naughty shit happen, so y’all better be nice :+1:
If you followed along through the wading sea, then please put your name below, that way I have an idea When the time is ready how to split the seeds I get. As stated there is two phenos. One thick stem (we shall call this pheno A, so if interested in this one put an A after your username), one a bit more lanky (we shall call this pheno B, so if you would like this one put a B after your username)

Please add your Username here if you have followed along.

  1. @Seamonkey84 - A
  2. @HolyAngel - A or B
  3. @Chronickyle - A or mix if possible :pray:
  4. @allotment - A
  5. @Goldleaf808 - A
  6. @repins12 -A
  7. @monkeyman - either A or B (prefer A)
  8. @MotaMan -A
  9. @Shadey A or B or mix thanks.
  10. @Indoornesian mix ?
  11. @Swe-can A if not enough B
  12. @Rhino_buddy A preferred
  13. @gonepostal - mixed pack(A&B)
  14. @Greasy - A or B prefer A
  15. @joecool - dealers choice
  16. @Sasquatch -Dealers choice
  17. @Moka - B if possible to tag on
  18. @Eagles009 - A
  19. @zephyr - B / dealers choice. I missed the last 2 weeks, no worries if I’m too late.
  20. @DanzaKuduro B or dealer’s choice
  21. @BIGJ A or B
  22. @darkillusion B
  23. @Oldguy. Sorry so late. A or B if enough.
  24. @MBVapester dealer choice or mixed. It’s ok if you don’t have enough.
  25. @rootfarmer - A preferred - but a mix is still great.
  26. @dequilo a mix please
  27. @ShiskaberrySavior a mix please
  28. @G-paS dealers choice.
  29. @Motaman
  30. @WVMountainGhost - A
  31. @George :sunglasses: - A
  32. @curiouscat - what is available
  33. @TheShowMeHomie either
  34. @Kcity87 dealers choice (PM me for trade)

I’d love to get on the list for either one, I’ll wait til you find out if you have enough to pass along.
I have been following along, but only added likes to the convo.


^^ what he said ^^