Meows Litter Box

These two chugging along. Not sure but the third will make the cut it’s a little behind these two but it’s always survival of the fittest 'round these parts. :smiley_cat:


Soon to be chopped for clones then flipped for flower.
Every week looking better and will be huge for sure.
A few praying mantis still running around but I’ll throw another cocoon in for good measure when flipped. Top feed some blood meal for that extra N boost this week.


The two Italian Beef from Tony look promising and have survived. Spidey sense leans male towards taller but never know until I drop that light schedule. Shorter one has similar leaves but fatter.


Bodhi’s Unicorn Milk from seed. My momma.
About two weeks out from taking cuts and flipping to flower. I can’t wait to smoke this as smells throughout the grow so far have been satisfying. Radiant glow off the tips of the plants under the led at least to my blind ass show to be purple. Let’s see how it clones. I have faith in Bodhi’s gear why I’ve been fortunate to grow a few to fruition with extreme satisfaction. :smiley_cat:


Bodhi’s Unicorn Milk
Top feed a little DTE dry nutes before I flip and clip.


Italian Beef s from Tony Greens Tortured Beans


Capitol Hill in Denver today. Fucking windy and cold for an old guy, so I dipped out around 445. Free fun in Colorado.


2:15 ish



Watch out. Be careful what you see here immmma bad cat. :laughing:

Unicorn Milk being beat but feed today ( DTE Bio Live ) so will perk up even more. Not a fashion show yet on the upswing being in flower now. I’m sure she got root bound as I’m fortunate to have some root skills. Like say 11 of 70 ish but always play by eyes and sniffer.


Unicorn Milk is stacking well … Can’t wait to smoke her. She’s getting better everyday and about a week out from defoliation. Picking up some stakes tomorrow not doing a net as I feel spears in the future weeks.

Confirmed with my homie today his cuts of her rooted, so can’t wait to see what he does with her.


Same plant one LED on other lights off flash.
DarkHorse Genetics Bruce Banner #3 (DHG cut)
More exciting things in the works with this one.
Mine in flower being giving time and about to be trained and defoliated a bit.


Some defoliation today and tomorrow I’ll put up some net trellis for some support in the coming weeks. Technically day 21 but 19 of 12/12 light as I gave these a few days of rest before the flip. Figure 70 but 77 doable. Bodhi’s gear usually finishes quick for me or right on cue. Same for DarkHorse too.

Pictures look worse than plant health as I dig add a nice amount of fans to my bokashi bucket.

Bodhi Seeds - Unicorn Milk

DarkHorse Genetics Bruce Banner # 3 (DHG Cut) clone

Sitting in 5 gal fabric pots with ( quasi living soil … Work with me :laughing: ) Sensi Sci soil with barley mix, bokashi home kit slurry, DTE dry inputs. Foliar sprayed with Jay the Plantspeaker’s Q stuff & Mammoth P Cannacontrol ( no spray in flower ) using praying mantis for Ipm as well.

Probably pick up some lady bugs for shits n giggles tomorrow always fun having them.

Next run come early fall I’m buying a square bed and rocking it with some fire cuts in store. Should be a fruitful winter.


Bodhi’s Unicorn milk day 18 of flower yesterday
All is going good and shes outperforming the clone only i have. Read someone saying PU had intersex issue but not in my garden. :no_entry_sign: No synthetics No problems.


Day 21 for rhe Unicorn Milk and her next meal in a few days. Smells like a fish tank from the Bio live already, so adding the fish bone meal equals funky. Harder to smell the plants with using these great nutrients.


Day 23 of flower.
Shit light from LeDs and a smidge out of focus.
Bruce Banner # 3 clone now smells like strawberry.


I got bugs on my Unicorn milk !!! :smiley_cat:

I was sweating it for a bit but these took about the same amount if time to hatch as ive been in flower so fucking right on schedule.



More of the Unicorn Milk this time lights on. Look close to see the four mantis squaring off.
Italian beef is photo bombing the one photo but pretty evident with the different leaves.


Got these from my buddy Shaggy yesterday.
The banana kush used is pictured in this thread.
Post 5 specifically.

I wish i had a farm where i could pop a few thousand seeds. Maybe one day. :smiley_cat:


Unicorn milk day 26


Hey so do those praying mantis just starve to death if there’s no bad bugs?


@Gonzo From what I’ve experienced and read … Nymphs are the babies and they’ll eat each other. So yeah feast or famine type stuff. The thought has crossed my mind to introduce a meal bug of sorts into the mix for them to feed but… I don’t wanna introduce any foreign substance(s) into my environment if i dont need to.

I’d love to see somewhere people have documentation on these better as the Arbico site didn’t shed any light on what they eat really other than each other.